Thursday, June 16, 2011

Do me like Putney Swope

Putney Swope is the inspiration for my attempt to win the presidency in 2012.

Putney Swope is a movie that came out in 1969, written and directed by Robert Downey Sr. Of particular interest are the commercials within this movie. These little gems of unorthodoxy are exactly what I’m trying to create for my campaign – more on that in a bit.

Movie Summary:

Title: Putney Swope
Budget:  $120,000 – yeah, that’s right - $120K (can you believe that?)
Running time: 84 minutes
Year of release: 1969
Tag line: Don’t rock the boat…sink it!

Plot summary: QUOTE: [source: ]:

Putney Swope, the only black man on the executive board of an advertising firm, is accidentally put in charge after the unexpected death of the chairman of the board: each board member actually believed that he, himself, should be elected Chairman, but the bylaws of the corporation prohibit voting for oneself, so each individual member voted his secret ballot for the person that no one else would vote for: Putney Swope.

Renaming the business "Truth and Soul, Inc.", Swope replaces all but one of the white employees and insists they no longer accept business from companies that produce alcohol, war toys, or tobacco. The success of the business draws unwanted attention from the United States Government, which considers it "a threat to the national security."


On YouTube:

As I’ve written before, I am hoping to reach Putney Swope creative-types out there who can do a lot with a little. Political advertising is so boring and predictable. So I’m making it a foundation of my campaign to create promos that stand in sharp contrast to my opponents’. As wildly different as my political program is, my commercials should be.

These two links will give you an idea of what I have in mind:

Commercial for Ethereal Cereal:

Commercial for “Face Off” – an anti-acne treatment:

The entire 84-minute movie is a work of genius, the first part of which is at:

YouTube Part I (of 9):

My own attempts at scriptwriting

All I can do is write. I don’t know anything about video production or editing. So I invite anyone who knows about these things to take what I’ve written and run with it. Anyone who’s read my blog can easily see that my politics contain dramatic imagery which can be rendered into commercial visuals.

For instance, who could fail to be impressed (shocked?) by a 30-second spot showing the US president opening the gates of Guantanamo for Castro to walk through? And this would take place after I order all US personnel to abandon Gitmo for the purpose of giving it back to the Cubans.

Other links showing my scripts:

Title: Grow your dick 2” – Vote Independent

Title: Allstate’s Dean Winters in “The Deprogrammer”

Title: Mayhem like me

Title:  Stella Artois ad, and soup ad

Title: Stop the profanity: A commercial idea

We can do this but I can’t do it alone…

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Of course, nobody should vote for me simply on the basis of awesome commercials. All I can do is hope such advertising opens minds to possibilities.”

Contact me at

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