Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I've got cancer

I haven't posted anything for about a month on this site - for good reason. I've been diagnosed with colon and liver cancers. My doctors say, in pretty much these words, I've got about 2 months to live at worst; a year at best if chemo works out.

So this blog, warts and all, becomes my legacy. Unless of course there's a miracle that saves my life and restores my health, which I consider well within the realm of possibility.

I'm not sure if I'll post again, especially here. So if I don't and this turns out to be my last post, I want to thank you for reading my offerings.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of the Independent Contractors' Party

"I'm proud to have done my best to fight the good fight.  Who knows? Maybe the next rounds will be more in our favor."