Monday, April 28, 2014

Under the Skin, starring Scarlett Johannson

Under the Skin, starring Scarlett Johansson, is a horrible, steaming-pile-of-horse-manure of a movie. When I went to see it, I told the ticket taker, “This thing has 'sucks' written all over it.” When she asked “Why,” I said, “I always get suspicious after reading a review and still having no idea what the movie is supposed to be about.” She offered, “Well, I heard it wasn't plot driven.” Fair enough, there's room for that in this universe.

But there isn't any room for bull shit. Or for expecting an audience to follow a serial killer without any clue as to what her motives might be. Not only wasn't this “plot driven,” it wasn't character-study driven either. It's hard to have sympathy for, or try to get into the head of someone who would murder a man who tried to save a drowning couple, and drag his corpse away while leaving the couple's baby alone and crying on the beach. [Note: This hero ended up exhausted on the beach from his rescue attempt, only to have this alien bash his head in with a rock.]

Johansson plays the role of a woman who picks up men, brings them to her place, and sinks them into a pit of black liquid. As soon as the first guy enters her house, we see that her lair is dark with a shimmery black “floor” that only he sinks into as she lures him on by taking off her clothes. If I was some guy entering such a house, I would ask, “Say, don't you have any furniture? Strange crib you've got here.” As for these guys sinking slowly into this “floor,” they show no fear as they submerge. I guess we're supposed to assume they're hypnotized into blah acceptance, but I found even that assumption hard to buy.

Critics have spoken of this movie having a hypnotizing effect, but I found it a crashing bore. Yeah, it had some nice cinematography, but I've seen other films even more visually stunning but...far less hyped. And maybe that's what bothered me most about this – the hype. Hype is one of the worst diseases of our culture – right up there with government spying on citizens and the various wars we get orchestrated into. According to Rotten Tomatoes, out of 148 reviews, 86% of movie critics liked it – of which 71% of the top critics gave it a thumbs up. Of the less than 14,000 audience members who posted reactions, 63% said they liked it.

But perhaps there's hope after all. Since its release on April 4, this slap-in-the-face of a movie earned only $1.4 million at the US box office, as of April 27. Maybe We-the-People aren't so stupid after all.

As for some critics calling it one of the best sci-fi movies they've ever seen, they've obviously never seen Primer, Crono Crimenes, or Solaris (the pre-George Clooney version). I loved SJ in Girl with the Pearl Earring and as the voice in Her. But if she dares commit another cinematic crime of this magnitude, I'm going to write her off and throw my patronage to more serious, talented, unsung actresses with integrity.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
former candidate for US President (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at

Can the Buddha travel back in time?

On page 252 of the Lotus Sutra*, Shakyamuni Buddha introduces to the Great Assembly a group that suddenly appears, having emerged from the earth. About these, the Bodhisattvas of the Earth (BOTE), the Buddha has this to say: “[They are as numerous as] the sands of sixty-thousand Ganges Rivers, and each of these bodhisattvas has a retinue [of bodhisattvas] equal to the sands of sixty-thousand Ganges Rivers.”

Page 260 has this statement by Shakyamuni Buddha about the BOTE, which I personally find to be the most amazing in this entire sutra:


Ajita, you should understand this.
These great bodhisattvas
for countless kalpas
have practiced the buddha wisdom.
All have been converted by me;
I caused them to set their minds on the great way.
When I was in the vicinity of the city of Gaya,
seated beneath the bodhi tree,
I attained the highest, the correct enlightenment,
and turned the wheel of the unsurpassed Law.
Thereafter I taught and converted them,
caused them for the first time to set their minds on
the way.
Now all of them dwell in the stage of non-regression,
and all in time will be able to become buddhas.
What I speak now are true words -
with a single mind you must believe them!
Ever since the long distant past
I have been teaching and converting this multitude.


The three highlights above illustrate my concern:

In the first: The Buddha was “in the vicinity of the city of Gaya” about 40 years prior to him speaking these words.

In the second: Referring to his Gaya enlightenment (again 40 years prior), he says (“Thereafter”) that he “caused them for the first time to set their minds on the way.”

In the third: The Buddha says he's been “teaching and converting” the BOTE “ever since the long distant past” - which is far greater than 40 years ago, according to the sixteenth chapter.

In response to the above quote, on page 261, appear these words:


Thereupon Maitrea said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, when the Thus Come One was crown prince, you left the palace of the Shakyas and sat in the place of enlightenment not far from the city of Gaya, and there attained supreme perfect enlightenment. Barely forty years or more have passed since then. World-Honored One, how in that short time could you have accomplished so much work as a buddha? Was it through the authoritative powers of a buddha, or through the blessings of a buddha, that you were able to teach and convert such an immeasurable number of great bodhisattvas and enable them to achieve supreme perfect enlightenment?


Maitreya misses the point. He doesn't point out the contradiction I detailed in the first, second, and third highlights I described above. As I've progressed in my career of reciting (so far, over 150 times) and pondering the Lotus Sutra, I've had many questions pop into my mind. I'm amazed that Maitreya didn't ask what I am asking. Instead, he shows a willingness to settle for any crumb of an answer from the Buddha. When Maitreya asks “Was it through the authoritative powers...or the blessings of a buddha, that you were able to teach...?”, what would he have said if the Buddha had simply said, “Yes?”

Would he have had any follow up questions? If Maitreya would have remained silent, would any of the other members of the Great Assembly spoken up?

The last words of chapter 15 comprise this question which the Buddha never answers:

     These immeasurable bodhisattvas -
     how in such a short time
     did you teach them, cause them to have aspiring minds,
     and to dwell in the stage of no regression?

My speculation

There are only two ways the Buddha could have converted the BOTE after he attained enlightenment near the city of Gaya as well as since the long-distance past.

The first way

The Gaya enlightenment of 40 years ago was different from the enlightenment in the long-distance past – which also occurred near a city called Gaya. What happened 40 years ago was just a story (an untrue story) the Buddha told his disciples because they weren't ready for the truth. In chapter 16, the Buddha tells us that he did not first attain enlightenment 40 years ago but had done so trillions of years ago in the past. Furthermore, during those trillions of years he never died and is still alive today, even though he gave the appearance of his demise 2,500 years ago in ancient India.

And maybe that's the most important concept – the Buddha's life span, a life span that we too can acquire. At the end of chapter 16, Shakyamuni states:

     This life span of countless kalpas
     I gained as the result of lengthy practice.
     You who are possessed of wisdom,
     entertain no doubts on this point.
     Cast them off, end them forever...

The Second Way: A Tale of Two Gayas (continued)

Maybe something truly profound happened 2,500 years ago in Gaya, India. The sixteenth chapter tells us of the long duration of the Buddha's life. But it doesn't tell us that maybe the enlightenment he gained acquired another feature – one not possessed by Shakyamuni until then. And that is, the ability to travel back in time. How many times do we wish we could turn back the hands of time and do things differently? Maybe Shakyamuni was able to go back in time in order to convert and teach the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, something he had not yet even started to do when he was born on earth 2,500 years ago.

Only then would the part I highlighted in yellow (above, from the Lotus Sutra) make any sense. The Lotus Sutra speaks of even unenlightened bodhisattvas having the ability to expand and compress time – to make a kapla seem like a day, or make a day seem like a kalpa. I guess the meaning of the word “seem” would be a good place to start our meditation on this possibility.

On practice and impatience

What's so odd about the Bodhisattvas of the Earth isn't their appearance – it's how quickly they are ignored! After chapter 15, in which the BOTE are introduced, chapter 16 does not mention them even once! And they are scarcely mentioned at all thereafter. In fact, this question somewhat humorously occurred to me: Did any (or all!) of the trillions of buddhas present when the BOTE made their appearance – all emanations of Shakyamuni – also have their own groups of BOTE they'd taught and converted? And if they did, were those emanations of the BOTE Shakyamuni introduced to us in Chapter 15?

Given how suddenly Shakyamuni Buddha drops the subject of the BOTE, it occurs to me that they don't really matter. What does matter are the two major concepts presented in chapter 16: Shakyamuni's “lengthy practice” and the amazing duration of his life span.

Meanwhile, we're stuck here in this modern world, trying to think of ways to save human beings and attract them to the practice of Buddhism. It seems rather pointless to reflect on the BOTE and how, or if, they fit into how we go about preaching the Law to a world which so desperately needs salvation. The Lotus Sutra speaks so matter-of-factly of periods of time that boggle the imagination. As if we have all the time in the world to convert and save human beings in a world that seems to be rushing toward disaster.

This sense of pending disaster disturbs the tranquility of my mind. But I have to keep reminding myself of the importance of tranquility – that without it, we cannot become enlightened. For encouragement in this area, I look to the last four lines of chapter 16:

     At all times I think to myself:
     How can I cause living beings
     to gain entry into the unsurpassed way
     and quickly acquire the body of a buddha?

[Side Note: the highlight says living beings; it doesn't say “people.”]

The Buddha can “think to [him]self” without losing his tranquility. But I only become agitated with impatience. Then I start to think of others who are impatient – such as the partisans on both sides of the Ukrainian divide. There are, for example, Russian-speaking natives of Ukraine who are willing to do Vladimir Putin's bidding in the name of reclaiming the glory of Mother Russia. Or at least to contain or even reverse subtle and relentless CIA plots against Russian influence in that part of the world.

So many hotblooded patriots out there. So few Seekers of the Way to whom Truth is a glorious god to be served, and to whom efforts to relieve the suffering of others assume paramount importance.

For my own part? All I can do is continue to recite the Lotus Sutra, to meditate as the Lotus Sutra guides me, and to share my thoughts on this blog. Oh, and to pray for inspiration on how to attract and guide living beings so they too will become Seekers of the Way.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
former candidate for President of the USA (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at bpa_cinc @


Lotus Sutra* - In today's post, all of my citations from this highly-esteemed text of Mahayana Buddhism come from the version translated into English by Burton Watson, and published and copyrighted by the Soka Gakkai in 2009, bearing the title:

The Lotus Sutra and its opening and closing sutras

Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Excuse me, Buddha, but..."

On page 109 of the Lotus Sutra*, Shakyamuni Buddha says:

I am the Dharma king,
free to do as I will with the Law.

My response is: “Except violate it.” Would I actually say such a thing, were I fortunate enough to be in the presence of the World-Honored One? You bet. In fact, I believe the Buddha would have welcomed such a response since he wouldn't have had any use for sissies who just go along without questioning.

The Three Treasures of Buddhism

Buddhists are supposed to take refuge in the three treasures, which are, generally speaking:

  • The Buddha

  • The Law

  • The Buddhist Order

The Nichiren Shoshu Temple agrees with the first two, substituting this for the third: the Treasure of the Priest or, more broadly speaking, the Treasure of the Nichiren Shoshu Temple's Priesthood. How crass, in light of these words from page 201 as spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha:


Medicine King, if there should be an evil person who, his mind destitute of goodness, should for the space of a kalpa appear in the presence of the Buddha and constantly curse and revile the Buddha, that person's offense would still be rather light. But if there were a person who spoke only one evil word to curse or defame the lay persons or monks or nuns who read and recite the Lotus Sutra, then his offense would be very grave.

Medicine King, these people who read and recite the Lotus Sutra – you should understand that these people adorn themselves with the adornments of the Buddha; they are borne upon the shoulders of the thus come one.


I am such a lay person, who highlighted “lay persons” above in yellow. The passage doesn't say, “...or defame the priests who read and recite the Lotus Sutra...” So I take exception to being excluded as one of the treasures of Buddhism by this Temple. I have recited the Lotus Sutra well over 150 times, that being a central feature of my practice. As for that – if I heard of someone who read this text “well over 150 times,” I would seek him out and question him. So far, the world hasn't come beating a path to my door. Which is okay but I don't mind saying, I find the silence deafening.

The One Treasure of Buddhism

In both lists of the Three Treasures cited above, the Buddha appears at the top. In my personal list, I consider the Law (aka Dharma) to be of primary importance. There are times when there is no Buddha in the world. But there are never times when there is no Law in the world. I know the Buddha had spoken of risks that the Law would perish. But I'm sure he said that to spur the Buddhist Order into action.

Chapter 7 speaks of the time when the buddha Great Universal Wisdom Excellence attained buddhahood. That was at a time when there wasn't a single Buddha present in the entire universe. But that should not have been a source of undue concern, since the Lotus Sutra speaks of buddhas who have “passed into extinction” - that is, who exert an influence though not manifesting a material form.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
former candidate for President of the USA (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at bpa_cinc @


Lotus Sutra* - In today's post, all of my citations from this highly-esteemed text of Mahayana Buddhism come from the version translated into English by Burton Watson, and published and copyrighted by the Soka Gakkai in 2009, bearing the title:

The Lotus Sutra and its opening and closing sutras

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Time to establish a new sect of Buddhism?


I am about to quote a section of the Lotus Sutra* which has bothered me for a long time. No, strike that: replace “bothered” with “stimulated.” I admit, though, at first I was immensely bothered. I'm going to seriously suggest that a new sect of Buddhism could be based on the difference between the words I highlight below.


At that time the Buddha spoke to the bodhisattvas and all the great assembly: “Good men, you must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And again he said to the great assembly: “You must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And once more he said to the great assembly: “You must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.”

At that time the bodhisattvas and the great assembly, with Maitreya as their leader, pressed their palms together and addressed the Buddha, saying: “World-Honored One, we beg you to explain. We will believe and accept the Buddha's words.” They spoke in this manner three times, and then said once more: “We beg you to explain it. We will believe and accept the Buddha's words.”


When I first read these words, I was astounded. The Buddha said, “you must believe and understand,” but the disciples responded with “We will believe and accept.” What gives? And these weren't just any disciples. Page 231 refers to “eight hundred thousand million nayutas of bodhisattvas mahasattva. These bodhisattvas had all reached the level of non-regression, turned the unregressing wheel of the Law, and had gained dharanis.” Not to mention, they were in the presence of the Buddha – and none of these attributes describes me in the least.

So who am I to even suggest the possibility of creating a new sect? Upon what authority do I speak? Answer: I have no authority and am probably the least impressive person you could ever meet. But the Buddha warned of being overly concerned with appearances, so I have no qualms about lacking credentials and appearance in order to make my dharma offering.

I will now turn the focus of questioning from me to these disciples. Who were they – even in all their profound majesty – to substitute the word “accept” for “understand?” I'm tempted to assume they didn't – that somehow the Lotus Sutra had been hijacked with an intentional word-substitution inserted to confuse future generations of Seekers of the Way. However, the insistence by the Buddha that “Belief and Understanding” are of paramount importance can be supported by the title of the Lotus Sutra's fourth chapter. You guessed it - “Belief and Understanding.”

Perhaps these disciples were bothered by the possibility that they would not be able to “understand.” Maybe they really thought it sufficient to vow to “believe and accept.” Maybe they thought understanding wasn't really possible for them. But that's hard to believe in light of what the Buddha had said earlier – on page 135: “Those who have not yet crossed over I will cause to cross over, those who have not yet understood I will cause to understand...” Therefore? The disciples need not have worried about any inability to understand, since the Buddha himself had told them earlier that he “will cause [them] to understand.”

My proposal

If a group of Buddhists should meet, they might want to consider randomly choosing one of their number to assume the role of the Buddha by stating three times, “You must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” Then the other members of the group will respond by saying, four times, “We beg you to explain it. We will believe and understand the Buddha's words.”

Now, having said this, am I really proposing that anyone create a new sect based on this exchange? Or am I suggesting that disciples might privately – out of earshot of their sect's hierarchy – try this approach just once? If you are a Buddhist, I won't suggest you do anything at all. [You already know what to do.] I've laid my cards on the table, spoken my piece, and have no desire to personally found such a new sect. As I've often told friends, “I'm a member of a Buddhist sect that has one member and one leader – me, in both cases – and I'm not recruiting.”

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


I knowingly violated the Soka Gakkai's copyright which states:

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Soka Gakkai.

I used their material in this blog post without even trying to obtain their permission. But they know better than to try to make a big deal out of that. I've attempted to engage the Soka Gakkai in debate over a wide range of doctrinal issues, but to no avail. The worst thing they could do would be to sue me for copyright infringement, thereby offering me a possible platform to challenge their views. A platform I don't currently enjoy.

It's true what is often repeated: Silence is golden. The Soka Gakkai will ignore my challenge.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
former candidate for President of the USA (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at bpa_cinc @


Lotus Sutra* - In today's post, all of my citations from this highly-esteemed text of Mahayana Buddhism come from the version translated into English by Burton Watson, and published and copyrighted by the Soka Gakkai in 2009, bearing the title:

The Lotus Sutra and its opening and closing sutras

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Obama's presidential library and the Golem

The strangest concept I've presented on this blog is my overwhelming conviction that Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, is a Golem. I mean that quite literally, an impression I'll flesh out (pun intended) toward the end of today's piece. Calling someone a Golem is, admittedly, something that can be made up (say) for dramatic effect or to call attention to a particularly loathsome personality. But, I assure you, I speak quite literally.

The current flap about Obama's library isn't, however, something that can be made up. You just can't make up stuff like that, so I'll quote the gist of this story in a moment. I almost fell out of my chair, tears of bitter laughter streaming down my face, as I read this editorial in the Chicago Tribune's April 21, 2014 edition, which is headlined:

Nix the $100 million for Obama library,” under which appears this subheadline:

Presidential archives should be privately funded. Ask Clinton, the Bushes...”


Illinois taxpayers could be on the hook for $100 million, plus interest, for a presidential library in Chicago. Never mind that...Illinois faces billions in unpaid bills.

At a meeting Thursday in Chicago that was supposed to be for discussion only, the [Illinois] House executive committee voted to borrow $100 million to help finance a presidential library for...Obama. Testifying in favor of the borrowing were House Speaker Michael Madigan and Mayor Rahm Emanuel. They characterized the money as insurance to boost Chicago's chances of hosting the library. New York and Hawaii are among Chicago's competitors.

The $100 million borrowing bill now heads to the full House, although Republicans on the executive committee are crying foul. They weren't at Thursday's meeting for various reasons – no votes were scheduled, for one...

Using a procedural maneuver now in question, the Democrats took the liberty of using the quorum from a previous executive committee meeting, which had been recessed rather than adjourned. Then they took “leave” of the roll call, meaning the bill passed without opposition. That's a common procedure used for committee votes on noncontroversial issues. Rather than take the time of a formal roll call, the chairman asks the leading committee member from the other party for permission to record the vote as unanimous. But there was no permission granted Thursday because no Republicans were there.

Sullivan [the leading Republican on the executive committee] and others are protesting, and Madigan's spokesman indicated the committee may have to take the vote again.


How to interpret committee Democrats' intentions

I can't imagine why the Democrats tried such a maneuver in the first place. Didn't they have enough votes on this committee to overcome GOP opposition to this kind of spending? Was there any overriding reason why this vote had to take place now? The article itself doesn't give any clue concerning either of these questions. Nor does it address if a determined GOP minority could somehow thwart a vote by fellow committee members.

Trying to pull a stunt like this only makes the Democrats look bad. So I have to assume that a deal had been cut whereby the GOP would get something in return for allowing such chicanery. But perhaps either the GOP got cold feet or the deal fell through.

There is only one force on earth that could have insisted on such a vote – and that is the Golem Rahm. He wants this library in Chicago so desperately, he would be willing to go to any lengths to get it. In support of his own eventual bid for the US presidency, he's got to make himself look good. And what better way than glorifying Chicago, while in the process providing nice juicy construction contracts to the politically connected – all on the other guy's dime. The negative impact of such an immense borrowing wouldn't be felt in full until Rahm has the presidential nomination safely in hand.

A well-planted Golem indeed

I'm going to link you an article concerning my initial assertion of Rahm as a Golem, which will serve as a good foundation for what I'm about to add:

The strongest argument for Rahm-as-Golem is the fact that he, much like Barack Obama, came out of nowhere to assume national prominence. That requires backing, much of which came from wealthy Jewish financier Bruce Wasserstein (now deceased). Creating the Golem wasn't enough, he had to be made effective. And giving Rahm a job in his firm helped secure a $16.2 million fortune in the space of 2.5 years. Even though Rahm had no experience in finance. [It's amazing that this accelerated enrichment is so rarely mentioned in the media.]

I doubt Wasserstein had anything to do with creating this Golem, but he served his masters well by financing him. I noticed that Wasserstein's father came from Poland, which had a Jewish community well-acquainted with the “myth” of the Golem. This community also became painfully aware that the old model of the Golem as a kind of freakish, lumbering Frankenstein's monster who could save the day was out of date. A new kind of Golem was needed to stop the Nazis or any similar malevolent force, one who could blend in and (behind the scenes of course) corrupt a nation's power structure toward its backers' ends.

The biggest concern for Rahm's creators is whether their creation will spin out of control and prove counterproductive to their plans. Rahm's temper is still there, but not as prominently noted in the media as it had been. So a decision is pending before the Council (as it were): “Are we confident enough in Rahm to continue to guide him into the US presidency or must we destroy him now? The option to destroy would have to mean that the US presidency has become irrelevant to our plans. But since Rahm firmly believes he's destined to become president, his fury would know no bounds if we were to tell him of any change in our plans to elevate him. And God knows what he would do to us in revenge. For that reason, we would have to destroy him if we should determine he should not become President.”

Golems don't have souls but they can acquire egos – leading to a view of themselves as center of the universe or perhaps even its master. Keep an eye on Rahm for any signs of a growing ego. That won't be hard to do, since egos in creatures lacking souls tend to grow exponentially. And sometimes that causes them to think they can get away with outrageous actions such as this recent $100 million vote. But also take due note, based on what I wrote above, if Rahm should suddenly decease.

As to why people like Michael Madigan would go along with such a borrowing scheme, they were probably too terrified to resist – suspecting that Rahm is somehow more than meets the eye. And that fear testifies to a power which is keenly felt but not really understood. As for Madigan himself being relevant to any of this, he is just a cipher in the long-term scheme of things yet to come.

As for who created this Golem, we need only reflect on Rahm's middle name – Israel - for a clue. The Zionist community is small worldwide, though it is concentrated in Israel. Small groups have to make big decisions as to how to concentrate their resources to maximize their effectiveness. Obtaining nuclear weapons was seen as useful but not any kind of ultimate guarantor of Israel's security. So I'm convinced that the Israeli government spent a great deal of money, time, and effort in order to perfect Golem-creation technology.

And the end product of that research was Rahm Emanuel. Are there others? Perhaps, but too many would be too hard to control. One sure clue would be to follow the money. But with so much secrecy in the air these days, that's going to be increasingly hard to do.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and former candidate
for US President (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at


QUOTE*: I took the liberty of omitting entire paragraphs without so indicating by use of ellipsis marks. And I combined sentences from more than one paragraph into one only. This made for easier reading and did not compromise what this editorial was trying to say.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hamid Aboutalebi v. Senator Ted Cruz

Initial comment: Later, in this essay, I'll get into why I think Senator Ted Cruz is a self-hating Hispanic, in much the same way as there are (to cite a well-known example) such persons as self-hating Jews.

HA v. RC: The second wants to deny to the first his right to be Iran's ambassador to the UN. The second is none other than Texas's very own Senator Ted Cruz, his real name being Rafael Edward Cruz – the “Ted” not appearing on his recently released birth certificate.

The man who promotes himself as Ted Cruz, who was listed as Ted Cruz on the Texas ballot for US Senator, is guilty of fraud. His name was and is Raphael Cruz, a name which was never legally changed. So why did the Texas election authorities allow Ted Cruz to be listed on the ballot and not insist that Raphael Cruz be listed? If Cruz becomes the GOP presidential nominee in 2016, I hope the feds insist that his proper and legal name of Raphael Cruz be listed on the ballot.

Ted” is bothered by the fact Hamid, when he was 21-years-old, was involved in the seizure of US diplomats during the Carter administration. “Ted” didn't bother to note whether Hamid engaged in any other anti-US activities after the age of 21, though Hamid says he wasn't directly involved in seizing the hostages back in 1979. He merely fulfilled some minor role as a translator. But Cruz insists on settling old scores (which some people never tire of doing over and over again) and in guilt by association with a group that called those US diplomats a “nest of spies” - which of course they were.

So there we have it: “Ted” wants to hold Hamid hostage for something he did as a young man of 21. Which is ironic given that “Ted” didn't have any problem holding the entire US Senate (and nation) hostage (at the far more mature age of 42) when he gave his narcissistic, fundraising-motivated Green Eggs and Ham speech. Doubly ironic is that Senate Republicans allowed him to do this, when it was entirely within their power to stop him. And these very same Republicans voted to hold hostage the UN seat intended for Aboutalebi.

The entire House and Senate – and Barack Obama – acted in a cowardly manner by passing “Ted the Cruise Missile”* Cruz's bill, S.2195, which had this unwieldy title:

To deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests.

Side note 1: The four words highlighted in yellow in S.2195's title weren't highlighted by Cruz, but by me. Cruz et al cited only this one incident in Aboutalebi's life (again, when HA was 21-years-old). So it can't be reasonably assumed that he still poses a threat to US national security interests – but who said reason has anything to do with this whole sordid affair?

Side note 2: All this bill does is give the US President the power to deny a visa to such a person, and obviously leaves it up to his judgment in the final decision of whether to issue a visa. But you may be very sure of one thing: If Obama were to issue a visa to Hamid Aboutalebi, the GOP would be crawling all over his ass in fierce, self-righteous denunciation. And sending letters to the base asking for their money to help elect a Republican who will surely revoke that visa after assuming power in 2016.

I mentioned cowardly manner in magenta a few paragraphs above. In the case of the House and Senate, Cruz's bill passed by unanimous consent. That means, no roll call vote was taken, with the presumption that passage was unanimous. But...unanimous consent isn't the same as passing a bill unanimously.

The former allows Congressmen, most likely liberal Democrats, to later claim, “I never voted for this bill,” which would be literally true. In a private moment of candor, they could tell Iranian officials meeting in their offices, “Look, none of us could possibly have stood up and voted against this bill. Senator Cruz and the GOP, which are still viciously hostile to anything that might favor Iran, would have crucified us before a US electorate still smarting over the 1979 Hostage Crisis. And if I had voted against this bill and the GOP was able to hound me out of office, we wouldn't be meeting here today to talk about support for a current trade bill you favor.”

As for Obama's cowardly manner, he didn't have to sign Cruz's bill. He could have taken a “Do the right thing” kind of stand by saying, “The Iranians are right when they claim we don't have the right to bar their UN ambassador. That would be a violation of international law. I will veto Senator Raphael Cruz's bill, which of course the Congress could pass by overriding my veto. But even if they do, I will use that same bill as the basis for my authority to issue a visa to Dr. Aboutalebi since he does not pose any threat to our national security interests. And that is what this bill tries to address, people who pose such threats. End of story. Have a nice day, Raphael!”

But Barack Obama did not have the courage to say such a thing. Instead, he chose to create yet another example of American Exceptionalism as a doctrine which really means: “We can do whatever we want because God thinks we're special and we don't need anyone's stinking rules to thwart His divine edict.”

A Brief Comparison: Hamid Aboutalebi and Raphael Cruz

The following from Wikipedia shows that Dr. Aboutalebi did something with his life after the tender age of 21, an age when a lot of us did some really stupid stuff. As you can see, the good doctor has quite an impressive academic pedigree:


Aboutalebi obtained his Ph.D. in historical sociology from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1999, after having completed master's degrees in sociology (from Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris) and in the history of Islamic civilization and culture (from Tehran University). Aboutalebi also earned his bachelor's degree in sociology from Tehran University.[4]

His professional publications include Basic Challenges of U.S Foreign Policy towards Iran (2009),[5] Rocky Mountains of Nuclear Extremism (2009),[6] Turkey: Modern Diplomacy and New Ottoman Caliphate (2009),[7] and New Challenges of Iran Foreign Policy towards U.S. (2010).[8] He published Anthropology of Ethics; First Volume of Philosophy of Social Ethics in 2013.[4]


As for Senator “Ted” Cruz, as I stated at the very beginning, he is a self-hating Hispanic. My point being: Anyone who hates himself for any reason will make a career of overcompensating to prove how worthy of his own love he really is. And such people will find a lot of other things to hate, thereby making them unworthy to become President of the United States.

I offer the following considerations in support of my claim that Cruz is self-hating:

Nothing is more important than one's good name. His loving parents named him Raphael Edward Cruz – and that's the handle he should have proudly borne his entire life. To have allowed his name to appear on the Texas ballot for Senate as “Ted,” shows a certain shame and willingness to pander – the latter quality which only got worse as time went on.

Maybe this is what Cruz fears the most: If he were to start – right now – going by the name Raphael, his Tea Party supporters wouldn't be as entranced by his words. They'd be squinting to see his face better and start thinking, “Say, he does look Hispanic, doesn't he? He sure doesn't look like one of us, the people who count. I wonder where his loyalty really lies, in spite of what he's saying.” That kind of thinking bothers Cruz so much, he'd rather deny his own name and the self-love that goes with it.

Cruz was a noted debater during his stellar collegiate career. I look upon debaters with an extremely jaundiced eye as being glorified spin mesiters who are good at thinking quickly on their feet. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that, but didn't we have problems with another accomplished rhetorician – one Barack Obama? You remember him: The “Change you can believe in” candidate who spoke eloquently in broad outlines in front of delirious throngs of supporters desperate to believe.

The problem with Obama: I was one of the few who actually read and posted an on-line analysis of his article in Foreign Affairs magazine, outlining certain policy initiatives. Anyone who read that article would have concluded as I did, “There's not much difference between George W. Bush and this guy.” But...nobody read my analysis, and not many more actually read his essay in more than just a glance.

So when it comes to the virtues of skillful debaters, I'll tell you this much: When Cruz gets around to writing down what he'd do if elected President in 2016, I will cut him down to size. What I've seen of his writing so far has not impressed me, but no one ever claimed that was his strong suit. However, as with Obama, I'm afraid no one will read my Cruz analysis.

The we come to the issue of faith – Raphael Cruz is a Southern Baptist. My very strong belief is that no one with a brain could possibly be a Southern Baptist. Or at least, no one with an engaged brain. I don't care how intelligent Cruz is supposed to be; if he doesn't direct at least some of that intelligence toward the crucial area of faith, then he does himself and all of us (if he'd ever try to lead this nation as President) a profound disservice.

Cruz's refusal to direct his inquiring mind into matters of faith speaks volumes on self-hatred. If he really sufficiently loved himself, he wouldn't have allowed others to dictate his choice of faith. [Just what could he have possibly meant when he said, “I'm Cuban, Irish, and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist.”? “Somehow” doesn't quite cut it.] Deep down inside, I'm sure he knows how bogus is Southern Baptism; just as I'm just as sure Newt Gingrich knows deep down inside how bogus is the Roman Catholicism he'd converted to – mostly to please his wife.

But poor Raphael Cruz could never allow himself the right to choose his own faith. Since his self-hatred is so profound, he couldn't have tolerated the loss of love from outsiders he'd gain by “choosing” as he did. But Cruz's real “choice” was simply to shut his own brain down and not think this through as capably as he could have.

As for the issue of Cruz's dual citizenship – of Canada and the United States. Only after it was brought to his attention that dual citizenship might prove problematic to any viable candidacy for the presidency did Cruz make any move to renounce his Canadian citizenship. Cruz didn't think anything wrong with being a dual citizen for his entire adult life. [Oh, and he better not try to claim he didn't know he was dual – that would be like saying, “I didn't know who I was.” Say, what?]

Citizenship is a large part of what forms our identity. And if Cruz is willing to jettison his Canadian self in order to pander for votes, then I am saddened that he doesn't love that his Canadian enough to fight for it. By the way, keeping his dual-citizenship would not have created any Constitutional problem with his right to seek the US Presidency. Sure, there are people who will claim otherwise, but they are wrong.

A brief note on “natural born citizen”:

The Constitution simply says, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President...” This whole “natural born citizen” business was meant to blunt any attempt by foreign powers to “invade” the presidency for their own ends. However, and this gets interesting, the Supreme Court long ago upheld the “natural born citizen” status of a Chinese child born in the United States to two Chinese parents who were not US citizens. It could be argued that the influence of these parents upon their child could have prejudiced him against US culture and interests, which would have mattered if that child had ever been elected president.

It can't be argued that Cruz suffered from any such negative parental input.

Some will try to argue that Cruz has to prove his mother lived in the United States for 10 years as a citizen in order for her to be able to convey her citizenship upon her new-born son. That might very well be how the US statute read at the time of Cruz's birth, but the Constitution doesn't say anything about a 10 year requirement. Yes, Democrats might try to make some noise about this, but the law is on Raphael Cruz's side.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
former candidate for USA President (in 2008 & 2012,
and, no, I won't be running again because
I renounced my US citizenship 3 years ago)

Contact me at


Ted the Cruise Missile”* - I call him “the Cruise Missile” in “honor” of those in our “defense” and “security” establishments who don't mind sending in cruise missiles to kill the innocent, just as long as there's a “reasonable” chance of blowing away some suspected terrorists. “Ted” Cruz seems very much like a collateral damage kind of guy – with a very broad range of what he considers acceptable collateral damage.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Movie Review: Only Lovers Left Alive

Spoiler Alert: I'm going to give the ending away. This I do in order to offer the product of my own mind: a better ending. Well, you be the judge of that. Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll put – at the very end – my proposed ending for Apocalypse Now. Sorry, Francis Ford, but your ending was horrible.

First things, first

Before I reveal my better ending, here are some comments more typical of a run-of-the-mill movie review. Whoever cast Tilda Swinton in the female lead deserves a medal. Swinton was magnificent and the perfect counterpart to Tom Hiddleston's brooding gothic. This was a long movie, much of it focused on these two. They anchored it well, which suited the total lack of the hyper-kinetic action which most audiences expect these days. Adam wore well the face of world-weariness and Eve (much older than Adam) tried to give him some anchoring perspective. So as the movie unfolded, any introduction of violence or even pulse-quickening action would have been anti-thematic.

Lovers” was beautiful to look at, so fans of elegant cinematography won't be disappointed. And the humor was soft-spoken and unobtrusive though fitting.

The actual ending

Adam and Eve (Tom and Tilda) are vampires living an ocean apart – he's in Detroit and she's in Tangier, Morocco. They've been married to each other for over 100 years and are both centuries older than that. Eve visits Adam in Detroit, with both of them ending up having to flee to her place in Tangiers. Then disaster strikes – her source for blood (another vampire played by John Hurt) dies soon after their arrival.

As they ponder their fate on some rooftop, they spy a young couple making out. They decide to “transform” them but not kill them. The movie ends with them approaching the young couple. Eve says, “Excuse me,” just before the last shot of them baring their fangs.

My proposed ending

As Adam and Eve spy this young couple, Adam says, “I wish I had a sign telling us what we should do.” Then we hear a cassette tape playing from the street below, “Here comes the sun” by the Beatles.

Adam's face contorts as he listens and considers this song. He turns to Eve and says, “I'm tired of taking decisions away from unsuspecting people. Who am I to say they should become like us, just to satisfy my own needs?”

Eve: “But we'll die if we don't take this opportunity.”

Adam: “Is death really so bad?”

Eve: “If you believe God exists, death for us could end up being quite horrible.”

Adam thinks about that for a moment and says, “If God exists and wants to punish us, why don't we simply ask Him to dis-create us? You know, erase us as if we'd never been created.”

Eve: “That's novel. How will you persuade Him to do that?”

Adam: “I'll say, why keep us in existence only to inflict an infinity of suffering upon us? Wouldn't that make you the greatest terrorist of all time?”

Eve [laughs]: “Oh, that's going to be good for points.”

Adam: “What's He going to do if my words offend Him – punish us for eternity?”

Eve: “And if there is no God, but only reincarnation to look forward to?”

Adam: “Maybe we've put off reincarnation too long. Maybe we need the shock of death to rattle our arrogant, complacent selves into a new awareness.”

Eve [pauses]: “I'll go whichever way you go. Lead on.”

The next scene shows them both sitting by the water's edge just before sunrise. Eve turns to Adam and says, “Do you have any regrets?”

Adam: “Mostly that I wasn't as charitable as I could have been.”

Eve: “Charitable?”

Adam: “Every time I think of how much money I gave that doctor for blood, I think of money that could have helped someone in need. But, no, I had to give it to that blood sucker.”

Eve [laughs]: “He was the worst of the blood suckers, wasn't he.”

Adam [as the camera slowly pulls away]: “He most certainly was.”

Here Comes the Sun” starts playing as the sun rims over the horizon – and Adam and Eve both burst into flame.

Apocalypse Now

When Captain Willard fails to call in that he, as assigned, killed Colonel Kurtz, the USAF commences a carpet bombing of the temple complex where the rogue army is holed up. As soon as the first bombs hit, the ground splits open and swallows Willard and Kurtz into a labyrinth of tunnels under the complex. After the bombs stop, we see Willard and Kurtz staring at each other, sprawled on the ground.

Kurtz stands up and tries to wipe the dust off his clothes. He says, “Your army has just wiped out my army. So I have no more army.”

Willard continues the thought “My army showed it was willing to kill me to get at you. So I have no more army.”

[pause] Kurtz considers this, extends his hand toward Willard and says, “We need to talk.”

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
former candidate for USA President (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Judy-ism v. Judaism

My war as a Buddhist against the Abrahamists

Today's piece is more than a whimsical riff based on a pun, Judy-ism v. Judaism. In my text, I hope to reveal certain rather large grains of truth. I don't, however, want anyone concluding I'm anti-Semitic. My objections are always based on faith, not on ethnicity. I am a Buddhist who is at war with all of the Abrahamic faiths.

And “war” is not too strong a word. I firmly believe that most, if not all, of the world's problems stem from the mind and actions of the Patriarch Abraham, who was a profoundly mentally-disturbed man. Any serious pondering on the source of most of our most terrible wars – the Middle East, the so-called Holy Land – should be enough to convince you of this much.

For now, though, I focus on the differences between Judaism and Judy-ism. But...I won't be able to resist going off-topic by critiquing Judge Judy.

In the Beginning

One thing I want to make clear: The word “Judy-ism” is one I apply only to the form of Judaism which is responsible for the anti-Palestinian policies emanating from the government of Israel. I am aware that not all Jews from all sects approve of those policies – and more power to them. But it's Judy-ism that oppresses the Jews' half-brother, the Palestinian (same father, Abraham; different mothers, Hagar and Sarah). And by doing so, such Jews violate the Lord's commandment to “love the stranger.” If they can't even love their half-brother, how could they possibly love the stranger?

As it turns out, they love only themselves and their kind. And for that reason, Israel will never become a light unto all nations. At least, not until enough Jews reject Judy-ism and start reconnecting to the love that created this world.

All things have origins. My use of the word “Judy-ism” started with this fairly recent posting of mine on an internet site:


Seeking a brand of Nationalism is unbecoming for any religion. But Judaism has degenerated so badly from its connection to Allah*...that it should be called Judy-ism instead. As in Punch and Judy*. Meaning: Not a whole lot going on that's sophisticated, but good for a laugh.

The Jews will not become a light among the nations – they're too petty and self-absorbed with their tribalism to rise so nobly. ... Nationalism is the single greatest threat to world peace, bar none. And the Zionists will do nothing about that.


I posted this quote with the primary goal of trying to inspire the more open-minded among the Jews to think of ways to move their more knee-jerking fellow tribesmen onto the path of righteousness. And that can only happen if these wayward fellow tribesmen do more than just observe rituals and pass down from father to son the distorted worldview they accept as gospel.

Briefly: Punch and Judy are a married couple with a baby. Punch – as the name indicates – is a very violent man. But his wife Judy can more than capably wield the slapstick as the occasion demands. All of this is played for laughs. As a metaphor, I admit deriving “Judy-ism” from Punch and Judy is weak, since the overall theme seems to suggest “Humorous Violence-ism.” But I had to start somewhere.

This is where Judge Judy comes in

Israel's most important sponsor is the USA. Therefore, I thought it better to conjure up a more relevant (not to mention, accurate) icon than the Judy of Punch and Judy, which isn't that well known here. So I came up with Judge Judy as the face and behavior of Judy-ism as I envision it.

It's not enough to say Judge Judy is a TV icon who wears the robe of a judge, calls herself a judge, has a bailiff who introduces each “case” as “case number [e.g., 567]” as in a real courtroom, and works 5 days per month in the capacity – not of a judge but of an arbitrator. If you're unfamiliar with Judge Judy, this link will help, although seeing is not only believing, it's crucial to the image I'm trying to convey:

There are many such YouTube links, accessible by googling “YouTube Judge Judy” - so take your pick. In any event, it will be easy to see, especially with the background material I quote below, that Judge Judy is a colossal fraud who is not about justice but is mostly about money and self-glorification.

The name Judith simply means “woman from Judea” in Hebrew. “Judith” was later rendered informally/familiarly as “Judy.” And you know what they say about familiarity breeding contempt. And that's true in this case, the more you read about this very strange “judge.” To me, she's the perfect personification of Judy-ism as I apply that word to the religion as practiced by the Zionist forces that dominate Israeli politics today.


[Joseph] Wapner, who presided over The People's Court from 1981 to 1993, is a long-time critic of Sheindlin. ...stating "She is not portraying a judge as I view a judge should act. Judge Judy is discourteous, and she's abrasive. She's not slightly insulting. She's insulting in capital letters."

Judge Judy replied through her publicist, stating, "I refuse to engage in similar mud slinging. I don't know where or by whom Judge Wapner was raised. But my parents taught me when you don't have something nice to say about someone, say nothing. Clearly, Judge Wapner was absent on the day that lesson was taught."

[Here I interrupt this QUOTE. The sentence I highlighted above in yellow is a laugher. Judy's parents might have taught her that lesson, but that never stopped her from calling plaintiffs/defendants “stupid,” etc.]

Since then, Wapner has stated, "She is a disgrace to the profession. She does things I don't think a judge should do. She tells people to shut up. She's rude. She's arrogant. She demeans people. If she does this on purpose, then that's even worse. Judges need to observe certain standards of conduct. She just doesn't do it and I resent that. The public is apt to gain the impression that this is how actual judges conduct themselves. It says 'judge' on the nameplate on the bench and she's wearing a robe."[111]

Sheindlin has since stated, "As a young person, when I had watched The People's Court . . . I said you know what, I could do that. And at least as well because while Joe Wapner is a very good judge, he didn't have much of a sense of humor. And I always knew from a very practical perspective that you have to marry those two things in order to be successful in entertainment."[26]


Well, at least she's being honest in that last sentence, “ order to be successful in entertainment,” although one is left wondering how much justice gets served. Her gravest injustice is conveying her set-up as a real courtroom. Isn't there some commission on judicial ethics that could be persuaded to force a voiceover disclaimer on this show, saying, “This is not in any way a real courtroom. What you are about to see is an arbitration in which both parties as well as the courtroom's spectators are paid as are, in most cases, the judgments by the producers of this show.” I would call that “truth in packaging” - as if anyone cares about the truth any more.

Then we have this from an interview in the New York Times:


I don’t know if people understand how successful you are. You make $45 million a year, which almost equals the salaries of Jay Leno and David Letterman combined.

Without divulging fiscal information, I will tell you that it’s very gratifying to be rewarded for the work that you do, and syndicated television is a rich genre.

You also have a great schedule — you work only five days a month. That’s about $865,000 a day. Does hearing it put that way embarrass you, or does it make you proud?

[I interrrupt this QUOTE to offer what should have been Judge Judy's response: “That's how much the system is willing to pay me and if you don't like it – fuck you very much!”]

I don’t know how to answer. It’s not a question of how much I make. It’s how much income my program generates. It’s just like tuna fish on toast — if I owned a luncheonette and somebody who worked really hard for me saw at the end of the day my profit from making a tuna fish on toast was $1.50, they would want half the profits from that tuna fish sandwich.


As for that last sentence, they should not really expect “half the profits,” since they didn't vest any risk in this enterprise. Besides, I'm sure that such an employee could be easily replaced by someone else who is equally as hard working. Sure, Judge Judy has a following but I would hardly call her hard-working or even just.

The only way Judy-ism can work (in “Judge” Sheindlin's “courtroom” as well as in the State of Israel) is for the larger law to be excluded and for those practitioners to become a law unto themselves. Judge Judy does this by allowing contestants to appear on her show only by accepting her verdicts as final – no appeals. Israel does this by attrition – slowly, surely, step-by-step, with no regard for international law, except when convenient.

Judge Judy-ism

So, there we have it: Someone gets paid $45 million per year to trash one of our bedrock institutions – the court system – and gets us to laugh about that. I'm sure there must be multitudes of terrorists out there who would be more than willing to blow themselves up to accomplish what she so easily manages to get paid for doing.

It takes a certain amount of cynicism to do what Judge Judy does in a “courtroom.” It takes a certain amount of cynicism to do what the Jews who practice Judy-ism are doing in Israel.

Are they doing this for laughs, like Judge Judy? Of course – people who think they're better than anybody else – for God knows what reason – like to toy with lesser beings for amusement.

Do they do it for money? Certainly, for if the Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem can be arranged, then Jews from other parts of the world who were too afraid to settle in Israel would come flocking in with tons of money available for investment.

Do they do it for glory? That too – nothing feels better than to be a David who overcomes a Goliath. After the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem are annexed, the glory seekers will be emboldened to go after the rest of the land Israel feels God bestowed upon them. That includes parts of Syria, Iraq, and Egypt – up to the Nile River. Sound far-fetched? Not if you feel you're on a winning streak, that God is on your side (again), and you've got nuclear weapons. Those kinds of advantages are enough to lead many people astray, to do things which their compassionate hearts wouldn't normally consider.

Two ironies worthy of note

Traditional Judaism maintains that a boy becomes a man at the age of 13. That, of course, is nonsense. That really serves as an excuse for the newly-minted young men to be dominated more fiercely by the menfolk of the community. After being declared “men,” they are weaned away from the influence of their mothers. Which I find to be ironic since the very source that defines Jewishness (aside from those few who seek conversion) is being born of a Jewish mother. But it seems to me to be the epitome of cynicism to take that young “man” away from his mother so he can be forged into an image that would meet the approval of the patriarchs.

And make no mistake about intentions here: Being forced to serve in the military further amplifies this macho ethic, which despises the softer, gentler, more compassionate possibilities that women often bring to the table. And I'm sure, deep down inside, such cynical patriarchs wouldn't mind – at least privately – being called practitioners of Judy-ism. That is, they can do as they please and have the world blame it on the woman, as implied by the word “Judy-ism” itself.

The second irony is this: If the roles were reversed – with Jews living under oppression in the Occupied Territories and Palestinians living in power in Israel, I'm sure there would be Jews radical enough to become suicide bombers themselves. When a people feel they have no other weapons, they find it too easy to set aside religious scruples by blowing up themselves and others. That instinct seems all-too-universal to me.


This is probably one of the most provocative pieces I've posted on this blog. Yes, it is extreme. So I encourage this attitude among my readers who might take offense: Whenever you encounter something new, take from it what is good and leave the rest behind. I'm sure, if you have an open enough mind, there will be at least something that is good and worthy of being prayed upon. And acted upon.

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Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Sangha of the Lotus and
former candidate for USA President (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at


Allah* - since the Jews and the Muslims both purport to worship the same monotheistic God, the Jews couldn't possibly object to the idea of a Jew worshiping Allah. Nor could Muslims possibly object to a Muslim worshiping Yahweh.

Punch and Judy* - If you don't know what a Punch and Judy show is, this link will help: