Sunday, November 27, 2011

US President’s Weekly Yahoo News Updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between Nov. 20 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 13 of these mini-essays/comments.


The missile defense shield is a mistake, which we should abandon immediately. If Iran is really the concern here, an EU without a shield will have to come up with a Plan B. The EU might decide to develop and implement such a system using its own money and know-how – without US involvement. The EU might decide to include Russia in the joint operation of such an enterprise. Or, without a missile shield, the EU might decide to (gasp!) make a decision and organize a pre-emptive strike at Iran without US help. And of course not count on us bailing them out if that should go wrong. [NOTE: Nothing is too big to fail.]

Or maybe, just maybe, the EU might reach out to Iran, trying to engage them in mutually beneficial joint business enterprises. The US should pull out of Europe and let them take care of themselves.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The longer we treat the Europeans like children, the more childlike we ourselves will become.”


The day before the 9/11 attacks, Rumsfeld said the military couldn’t account for 25% of what it spends. He said $2.3 trillion dollars couldn’t be accounted for. And people say I’m crazy for promising, if elected president in 2012, to veto any military budget if it’s for more than half of what we’re budgeting now.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“You know, Panetta’s getting pretty good at putting on that hang-dog look. And to think, I used to call him the Smiling Nazi.”


[In reference to the Dallas Cowboys telling one of their cheerleaders to delete her Twitter account because…]

In this country, it’s always about controlling the message and everybody knows this. It’s also about overkill; I’m sure the team could have simply had a heart-to-heart with Melissa, but no – she had to delete her Twitter account rather than cease-and-desist with similar posts. I hope I’m wrong about that “delete” part, but that’s what the article says.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Repeat after me: Only the Big Boys get to control the message and have the right to invoke overkill. Now, like good little Sheeple, pull the Dem/Pub lever next time you vote. You have no choice, you have no choice, you have no choice.”


[My response to an article about CIA officers soliciting money to care for the families of its agents killed in action.]

I always thought the CIA took care of its own by extra-legal means. Whenever they want money to do something, they don’t always rely on Congressional funding. More likely, profits from illegal opium smuggling in Afghanistan should provide more than enough. As for CIA officers asking people to donate, that’s just PR. These officers know these donations aren’t really needed, but pretending they are helps people feel good by donating. The CIA is not your friend. It was for damn good reason JFK wanted to get rid of them.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“CIA thinks it knows better than We-the-People, and they’re bent over double laughing at you.”


[My response to an article titled, “SWAT team’s shooting of Marine causes outrage,” which should have read, “SWAT team’s killing of Marine causes outrage.” In brief: Former Marine Jose Guerena Ortiz was killed during the execution of a no-knock search warrant at his home in Tucson, AZ. ]

Did the SWAT team bother to execute the search warrant – that is, did they actually search the premises – or wasn’t that necessary after executing the suspect?

“The five SWAT team members who shot Guerena believed that he had fired his weapon first…[even though “his weapon” still had the safety on]” Contrast that with the Chief of Investigations Kastigar (was he even there?) who claimed, “I’m firmly of the opinion that he was attempting to shoot at us.”  … “us?”… What you mean by “us,” white man? Again, was Kastigar there (that’s spelled K-a-s-t-i-g-a-r, who lives at…well, I’m a gentleman and won’t go there...he might shoot me!) and, if so, what did he actually see? [He was probably cowering in the squad car if he was there at all.]

A SWAT team to execute a search warrant? Here, country bumpkins, let me explain it to you: Put a tail on him as he leaves work, then radio your fellow officers to execute the warrant before he gets home. That’s just one possibility among many. But, no, we all have to do overkill, don’t we?

“… a member of the SWAT team activated a helmet-mounted camera.” Uh huh…and people roll their eyes when I ask if the SEAL team that took out bin Laden had activated their helmet-cams. I still want to see what went down. Yes, the SEALs have this technology so…what are we trying to hide by not showing at least some of that footage?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“People, these are your hard-earned tax dollars at work.”


Romney claims: "… the real name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We consider Jesus the son of God without parallel." Then why not simply call it the Church of Jesus Christ? The fact Mormons call themselves Latter-day SAINTS speaks volumes of their arrogance. That is, the church is more about the Saints (especially, the hierarchy within their ranks) than it is about Jesus Christ.

As for “without parallel,” apparently Romney is forgetting a famous Mormon sermon called the King Follett discourse in which it is claimed, “As Man is now, God once was; as God is now, Man can one day become.” That sermon was delivered by the Mormon founder Joseph Smith.

In 2007, Romney said, “Let me assure you that no authorities of my church…will ever exert influence on presidential decisions.” That’s a lie. If the current Mormon church president were to tell [President] Romney “I have received a revelation from God that you must do this [fill in the blank],” do you really think Willard would show him the door? Revelations from God are routinely spoken of, and seriously considered, within Mormon circles.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Come on, people. Get a clue. Mormons make no attempt to hide any of this – do your homework.”


“…but nowadays, everyone is looking at Europe…” Maybe we need a new role model. How about Israel? They seem to manage their financial affairs quite nicely. I know, I know…I’ve been rather critical of Israel in most of my posts, but that was in the spirit of encouraging them to live up to their high ideals. You know, that part about being a light unto all nations. What I had in mind was the “light of moral wisdom,” but maybe the “light of financial wisdom” wouldn’t be a bad place to start.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The ways of the Law of Karma are mysterious indeed.”


“… one of the main obstacles to Turkey's becoming ‘one of the world's most powerful states is that it can't face up to its past, history, taboos and fears.’

”Why would Turkey even want to become one of the world’s most powerful states? That aside, I can offer a suggested role for Turkey – abandon your military secularism, stop trying to join the EU (they don’t want you, nor you them), and try instead to reestablish the Caliphate - a Caliphate based on justice. Turkey is in a unique position to do this, but it seems to be treading water, unsure of its identity.

As for apologizing to the Kurds, why not offer them reparations? Hollow apologies based on ulterior motives aren’t worthy of “the world’s most powerful states.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Turks, you know what needs to be done – so do it.”


“All airstrikes are approved at a higher command level than the troops on the ground…” Stop the presses. That sentence says it all. Those airstrikes were intended to kill Pakistani soldiers – to send a message: “Stop looking the other way when we’re attacked by militants.”

The article makes no mention of NATO/Afghan casualties which is strong proof there weren’t any. As for gunfire coming from the general direction of the Pakistani outposts, the thing to have done would have been to drop some bombs in the general direction (instead of the dead center) of those outposts – again, to send a message. But, no, we wanted to send a stronger message, so we intentionally bombed a concentration of troops. Forget the idea of sending up a reconnaissance drone before bombing. Forget that that drone might have been able to home in on the exact source of the hostile fire. We had to send that message. Anything else would have been too namby-pamby.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“24 dead was not a mistake but was well within the parameters dictated by our need to send a message. Sometimes you have to destroy a village to save it – sound familiar?”


“…when Americans sit down around a meal today and give thanks, they give thanks to God."  Not all of us do. I’m a Buddhist, so I thank Buddha for being my teacher. And also for being the teacher of this God of Abraham, which is actually one of trillions of gods in this universe.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If God obeys the Buddhist Law, then He too can become a fully-enlightened Buddha.”


[The highlighted sentence below blew me away. How can half of US voters not know, in the midst of his second run for the US monarchy, that Romney is a Mormon? Sometimes I feel like Alice in Freaking Wonderland.]

"Only about half of voters…correctly stated that Romney is a Mormon"… It’s not enough that more voters simply learn that Willard is a Mormon. They should also know he’s descended from one of the Mormon’s original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles…Willard is a great-great-grandson of Parley P. Pratt.

Not to be overlooked is another descendant of Pratt’s, a certain Jon Huntsman, who is also running for president (quick, can you say “interlocking directorship?”). Jon is a great-great-great-grandson.
Willard Romney is no ordinary Mormon. He’s royalty who knows his place. If the Mormon Church president told President Romney, “Do such-and-such because God told me to tell you to do it,” Willard would do it. No matter what “it” would turn out to be. You don’t argue with revelations from God.
And, no, this isn’t comparable to JFK saying he wouldn’t bow down to the Pope. Being descended from an Apostle carries certain obligations. And benefits … did you ever stop to wonder exactly how Willard got to be so rich? I’ll spell it out c-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-o-n-s.

Back when Willard was in high school, he won an award for those “whose contributions to school life are often not fully recognized through already existing channels.” I hope we don’t become victims of Romney’s presidential contributions not fully recognized… There is a price to pay for electing a secretive president.

Parley P. Pratt, by the way, was killed by a man who didn’t like losing his wife (and children) to a man who already had eleven wives. And Mormons, to this day, call Pratt a martyr. Are you sure none of this has shaped Romney’s thinking?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I hope our lamestream media turns a laser-like focus on all of this, to atone for not having more carefully scrutinized candidate Obama.”


The topic tonight will be national security? Excellent! The moderator should ask this question of Newt Gettin’Rich:

“You contributed to a book written by Dr. Forstchen called One Second After. This describes how the entire United States is rendered immobile due to Electromagnetic Pulses caused by three (count them, three) low-yield nukes detonated over our country. This book describes how the US ought to spend billions to fortify its electronic circuitry to minimize the danger of such an attack. So here’s the question: How many billions to you think we should spend against this hypothetical threat?”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Google: EMP threat bogeyman Gingrich Searle. That will show you how little Gingrich knows about EMP.”


“But the country can’t simply withdraw from that region of the world...” – Romney. We can’t? Why not?

How would we like it if even a token force of foreign troops (okay, let’s pick Chinese) were to insist on remaining on one of our Indian reservations, simply because that Indian nation decided to invite them for joint military maneuvers? How would we like it if Chinese were in force in Venezuela or Panama or, in order to protect the Amazon River from a thirsty US, Brazil?

I remember liberals saying, after Bush II invaded Iraq, “Well, we can’t just leave. There will be a bloodbath.” We were wrong to go in and we were wrong to stay. And in spite of (or maybe because of) our “sincere” efforts, there could still be a bloodbath. What is wrong doesn’t become right over time. So who is kidding whom?

The only reason (and the real reason) we don’t want to leave “that region of the world” is because we want to be on hand in case a regional Islamic caliphate tries to develop. We fear Pan-Islamism because we fear ECONOMIC competition, and not because we think Islam is a creation of the devil. The EU, the US, and China don’t want another power center developing which could challenge all three in Africa which has a large Islamic population. [NOTE: That’s why Obama sent those 100 US troops to Africa – to undermine efforts for African unity.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“People like Romney are very keen to cut off competition from any source (even something as unlikely as a Caliphate), since competition would interfere with their own monopolistic plans.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“For those who want real change you can believe in, vote in the GOP primaries as an intentional act of sabotage.”

Contact me at

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