Sunday, November 13, 2011

US President’s Comments on Herman Cain

I am posting these Comments on Herman Cain, which I had posted on Yahoo News over the past week. I usually post a weekly compilation of my Yahoo News comments. But I had written so extensively on this GOP wannabe, I want to dedicate this particular blog to him. Within an hour, I will post my usual Yahoo News Weekly Updates.

I hope you enjoy all 13 of these mini-essays/comments.


Prediction: Herman Cain will drop out of the race. But not for any honest, manly reason. He'll weasel out by (falsely claiming), "This is taking too much of a toll on my wife." [Gloria Cain had a pacemaker implanted. So it could be crudely put that, should Herman decide to quit, he’d have a built-in reason for doing so.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Translation? Cain just can't take the heat."


[I tried twice in succession to post this but came up empty both times.]

“Presidential candidate Herman Cain has joked about creating electrified border fences to kill illegal immigrants…” Cain had also “joked” about how his father threatened a rich, white man with a gun. Only thing is, the gun was real. And Cain can’t deny this, because it’s in his most recent book, This is Herman Cain. It most certainly is, and I’m not joking.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Google these words for the story that the media is ignoring: Searle Herman Cain audacity.”


Suppose those evil, librul Dems are behind this. They might not be trying to swiftboat Cain – though I much prefer the term “high tech lynching.” Maybe they’re trying to rile up the riff-raff GOP into a state of self-righteous indignation (they’re so good at that!) to the point where they’ll rally around Cain. And maybe that’s what the Dems want, since they know they can beat Cain easily.

Oh, did I mention? There’s a 264-word passage in Cain’s book about how his father threatened a rich, white man with a gun – a story (as Cain wrote) that he found funny. Somehow, I don’t think pulling a gun on somebody (“jokingly,” in Cain’s words) is funny – especially since Cain’s dad threatened that man. Or will Cain fail to remember that he put that in the book? [“Must be the fault of my editor, who I just found out is a Democrat!”]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Google these words for my analysis of those 264 words: Searle Cain audacity.”


[One of the Cain accusers suggested she would consider voting for Cain for president.]

Maybe the better question would have been: “Would you consider voting for Herman Cain if he admitted to the allegations AND apologized to you?” But, you know how it goes, in the context of a live interview, the journalist didn’t happen to think of the better question. That might explain Bialek’s response, which should have been: “I hope that he admits what he did and apologizes.” But, you know how it goes, in the context of a…

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Of course, Cainophiles will insist her willingness to consider voting for a repentant Cain is proof that she’s screwy.”


“[Cain] said he would be willing to take a lie detector test if he had a good reason.” And what would constitute a good reason? Did anyone think to press Cain on that or were they afraid he'd say, “This interview is over?”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Google these words: Searle Cain audacity.”


Richard posted: “While sexual harassment certainly exists, the public should not overlook the fact that many of the allegations made are by hysterical kooks.” And this post, on-line for all of 6 hours, managed to snag 738 thumbs-up vs. 22 thumbs-down.

First of all, congrats to Richard who is, I’m sure, a loyal Yahoo employee who is “programmed” to receive volumes of hits from phantoms. [Or maybe Richard himself is a phantom.] Must be phantoms involved because his sentence is meaningless. No real person could possibly thumbs-up such vagueness. To wit, what you mean by “many” paleface?

I can counter Richard with equal ambiguity: “There are many cases of sexual harassment out there that don’t get reported (in fact, I’ll venture to say it’s the majority of such cases) because victims are afraid for their jobs or think they’ll lose a he-said vs. she-said case.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“When are We-the-Yahoo-Consumers going to give the middle finger to such stupid posts?”


Press conference, eh? Will Cain actually do more than read from a prepared statement – Lord knows he shouldn’t try to ad lib this. Will a reporter ask, “Mr. Cain, Mr. Cain, are you willing to take a lie detector test if your accuser also agrees to do so?” If so, I hope his staff adequately prepped him for such a question. I wouldn't want to see Cain get all sweaty and nervous and start lashing out (bad form, you know). Herman seems to have a lot of “blame the victim” in him. If he becomes our next president, guess what? He’ll be blaming everybody but himself…including you!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I have no evidence to support this [which is how Cain has opened more than once], but I believe he’s a serial groper. More than 4 will step forward.”


Cain’s response was laughable [during the most recent GOP debate] – the part where he said, “The American people deserve better than someone being tried in the court of public opinion based on unfounded accusations…”

Herman Cain thinks he’s “someone being tried in the court of public opinion based on unfounded accusations.” Therefore, Herman Cain (in effect) had said, “The American people deserve better than me.”

As for “unfounded accusations,” that remains to be seen. I imagine the GOP brass must be biting their fingernails waiting for that other shoe to drop. You know…that fifth woman, that sixth woman, some waiter who remembers having seen Cain having dinner with someone he doesn’t (choose to) remember. And that “other shoe” could come at the most inopportune time – say, right after Cain gets nominated.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“What the American people really deserve is someone who can manage to properly construct a sentence, thereby saying what he means.”


To the author of this article, Saul Relative: You might be “relative” in everybody else’s eyes. But in my eyes, you’re relatively lame. From what I can see, Donna Donella is trying to paint a picture, by reporting what she saw. As BryanT already noted, “if you’re married and are asking women who you don’t know to dinner, you’re doing something wrong.” Your headline included this: “…She Isn’t Accusing Herman Cain of Anything – but Isn’t She?” Here, let me spell it out for you: She isn’t accusing Cain of harassment, but she is accusing him (by means of the picture she’s painting) of behavior unbecoming a married man.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Come on, Yahoo. Why do you permit such bad writing to fly under your banner?”


[Two posts to the same article about God telling Cain to run for the presidency.]


Mark my words: These words are the mark of Cain. Does nobody else see this?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Cain is so full of himself, there isn't any room left for the Holy Spirit. So, no, God did not talk to Cain."

"And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'

"How did Cain finally realize it was God saying this? The Lord [of Darkness] didn’t get the wrong man; Cain got the wrong Lord. Problem is: Too few people question such revelations. Even in the Bible, God is cited as telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Listen up, good people, that wasn’t the Lord Creator of the Universe that did that. Abraham got it wrong and should have said, “’Lord,’ if you want him, You take him; You shall not have him by my own hands.”

Then there was that bit about Noah’s flood. Also not caused by God. I know an animal advocate who said, “No God would have killed all of those innocent animals just to punish wicked mankind.” All He had to do was will the wicked out of existence (poof, and they're gone) - kind of like a Holy Neutron Bomb that kills only the wicked but spares everything else. He is God, after all, so He must be able to do this.

More than one “God” managed to find His way into the Bible, but that doesn’t make all of them holy. I’m thinking of the jealous God, the angry God, and the God who gave the okay for the Chosen People to kill the unchosen and their animals.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’m proud to be the only Buddhist running for the presidency; I’m happy not to have all that God baggage.”


If the allegations weren’t true, then why were these women paid off? Back when this was supposed to have happened, it was hard to prove a sexual harassment accusation. In any event, Cain is handling this rather badly. Wonder how he’d react as POTUS to that famous 3 AM phone call his aides bring him in the middle of a sound sleep.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Cain seems testy, petty, whiny, belittling, and guilty as [hell].”


“[Cain] told Fox he thought his race influenced the decision to take the allegations public.‘I believe the answer is yes, but we do not have any evidence to support it,’ he said.”

You’re going to be hearing a lot of that from Cain – “I believe…[without] any evidence.” That’s a dangerous trait in a president. Know what I believe? Cain isn’t an “American black conservative” – he’s just a plain old con man.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“No, Mr. Cain, the decision to make the allegations public had nothing to do with your race. It had to do with considerations of character. And character counts, wouldn’t you say?”


How is Herman Cain similar to a can of Coca-Cola? They’re both brown, empty of content, effervescent, and will explode all over the place if shaken. I picked Coca-Cola in honor of Herman Cain’s father, who provided years of loyal service to that company as the CEO’s chauffeur.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I posted on the Cain Mystique. Google these words: Steven Searle US President 2012.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Herman Cain’s supporters cling so fiercely to him for much the same reason Joe Paterno’s supporters are so loyal – not a whole lot of thinking going on there” – Steve.

Contact me at

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