Saturday, November 5, 2011

US President’s Weekly Yahoo News Updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between Oct. 30 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 24 of these mini-essays/comments.


[Greek] PM Pap secretly tells his buddies: “I’m going to announce a referendum which will tank the markets, so buy low. Then I’ll reverse course so you can sell and make a profit.” I don’t know…sounds as plausible as any other speculation.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I don’t know what Pap was really up to, but in too many cases, these leaders are just playing us.”

[In response to article about Israel developing a nuke-tipped missile that could reach Iran]

If Israel launches that missile toward Iran, what would happen if it falls short? Suppose it crashes in Iraq and kills US troops. Would our Zionist Congressmen meekly say, “Stuff happens, this is war, we’ll give those killed in action a medal for their unswerving support of Israel?” Israel is hoping to either nudge the US into doing their dirty work or getting Iran to do something stupid out of nervousness.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Israel actually thinks of the whole world as its potential enemy – even the US. Say, whatever happened to that Light Unto all Nations stuff? I’d say, Israel really fell short on that one.”


Attention: Occupy activists, and their sympathizers:

MasterCard (and Visa) should be your targets. Occupation and demonstration at the street level won’t work, but the economic boycott is always the strongest option. Put out the word: Come one, come all. Boycott any bank that does business with these two companies or, if that turns out to be impractical, boycott the largest banks. If you do at least this much, the Powers that Be will start listening to you.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“One other suggestion: Donate absolutely nothing to the Re-elect Obama campaign; that man has sold us out.”


[My response to article: Regulators Investigating MF Global]

“What began as nearly $1 billion missing had dropped to less than $700 million by late Monday.” Does that mean those MF’s can post a $300M profit based on that “found” money?
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Herman Cain called me at 3 AM this morning saying under his plan, this would be permissible.”


UNESCO is overlooking a golden opportunity. Since the US (“by law” – more on that in a moment) cut off $60 million in aid, all UNESCO has to do is seize the bully pulpit. They should publicly spank the US and say, “Keep your money, since it’s obvious all you wish to do is buy votes. We will solicit charitable contributions from sympathetic Muslim countries and even from US citizens – from anyone wishing to donate to make up the difference.”

The only reason “American laws bars contributions to organizations that grant membership to territories that are not internationally recognized as states?” Congress passed this law trying to show how pro-Israeli there are. Congress pulls stunts like this way too often and should be called to account.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Teach Congress a lesson by voting for Independents or, if none are available, vote against the incumbents. Job security has made our Reps lazy and arrogant.”


It won't matter who wins in 2012, unless (though it's highly unlikely) it's me. Like I said, it won't matter who wins in 2012. Simply put? It's too late to fix it, so look for the Elite to unleash creative ways to kill off 100M Americans within the next decade. In their view, it would be easier to kill 'em than pay for their ballooning entitlements. And, no, I'm not kidding. Surely you must have figured out these bastards by now.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Google these words: Steven Searle US President."


The LRA is a ragtag, lightly-armed militia of 200-300 fighters, lacking any outside support, operating in an area the size of California. That’s directly from Obama’s report to Congress, which makes clear our goal in sending troops is part of a larger plan to recolonize Africa. We have given up trying to block Chinese influence in Asia, since we know that can’t be done by us. The firewall against China is resource-rich Africa. Wake up, people. Obama’s plan, endorsed by Congress, is on-line. Google these words: Steven Searle LRA.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“This is no conspiracy theory. This is fact. Check it out.”


“The relatively quick victory in Libya…” Sure, relative to how long it’s taking in Afghanistan, but not relative to how long it should have taken if NATO was at all militarily competent.

"Together, we succeeded. Libya is finally free," NATO chief Anders [Fog-of-War] Rasmussen. Oh, you succeeded alright. Succeeded in engaging in activity not within your mandate because you wanted to engage in regime change. NATO sold their souls on this one, as did the United States. And it was for the same reason it always is: The greater good.

"I think the critical resource that was stretched in the course of this was…” Here, let me finish this sentence: “our integrity.”

“…you cannot neglect the will of the people." Of course you can. If you happen to be part of the Elite that controls NATO and the United States, it doesn’t matter what the natives of those countries think. Political reality in the West is defined by getting We-the-People snookered into doing whatever the Elite thinks should be done. Oh, and it’s okay to ignore those scruffy Occupy demonstrators because they’re not part of the people who “count.” Problem is: Most of the people who think they're one of the people who count, really aren't. And they'll find that out the hard way soon enough.

“The council chose a new prime minister…” But how was this council chosen in the first place?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“This whole Libyan intervention was a blot on the character of all nations involved. Shame on you and you will pay for this.”


[DISCLAIMER: I did not post this item on Yahoo! News, but instead sent it in response to an email from Tikkun Magazine urging us to “Occupy Oakland on Nov. 2”]

I disagree with your claim: “…so demonstrations are still needed.More demonstrations won’t do the trick. The only way to change national or local policies is to call a General Strike, but not in the way most people envision. That is, not as a work stoppage.
Call for people to “strike out” by pulling their deposits from the top seven banks. Call for them to make absolutely no political campaign contributions during this current election cycle. Call for Dems and Independents to ask for GOP ballots during the primaries with the intention of skewing those outcomes [even merely "calling" for such a thing would scare the political establishment to death]. Call for selective boycotts of the businesses owned by the most selfish capitalists.
You could even hold a contest to encourage suggestions from your readership to augment my list. We don’t have to put our bodies on the line any longer, risking life and limb at outdoor demonstrations. The economic boycott is still our mightiest weapon. We should use it.
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party


“[Andy Rooney] died Friday night…only a month after delivering his 1,097th and final televised commentary.”

Andy Rooney was one of a handful of faces we’ve been bludgeoned with for decades. The Elite just love it when we sit in front of the boob tube and suck in whatever stooges like Rooney have to say. There’s way too much talent in this country to have permitted Andy to take root for 30 years.

Okay, I’ll say it (my version of “The emperor has no clothes”): Andy rarely had anything of importance (or of interest) to say. His job was to blather on and numb us into unquestioning mindlessness. The Elite thinks so much of such a skill, well…no wonder he got paid so well for doing so little. As for getting an Emmy Award for his piece on Mrs. Smith, that just proves my point. I guess we Americans just love our cranky, crusty, irreverent old farts: Andy Rooney, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan.

I’m only a humble blogger doing my thing for free (for about a year). But I dare say, my year’s contributions far outweigh Andy’s three decades’ worth. Decide for yourself: Google these words to find my blog: Steven Searle US President in 2012.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If we want to attain a Cultural Golden Age in this country, we’ve got to kick these Rooneys and their Elitist sponsors to the curb.”


[My response to T Baggins who responded to my rant on Andy Rooney, immediately above.]

Uh, T Baggins, with all due respect and gratitude (I think?) for your words: The whole point of my essays is to stress substance over personality – that is, to give people something to really think about rather than toot my own horn. I will share Andy Rooney’s fate and so will you – that is, we all die. But meanwhile, I don’t care to take the world “by storm.” I don’t give a rat’s asteroid about fame. If I can inspire only one person to take that deeper look, then I will have succeeded. In fact, I much prefer anonymity.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Beware the Cult of Personality.”

[My response to ScottM, who also responded to my rant on Andy Rooney – item TEN above.]


So you read a “few of [my] posts” and yet are able to conclude I don’t “hold a candle to Andy Rooney.” And I’m being presumptuous? Do you come from the school of “let’s do a little skimming and then do a lot of concluding?” You sound exactly like the kind of guy Andy Rooney (quite successfully) targeted – and for that, you have my condolences.

As for “humble,” two points: I don’t believe in false modesty (though my usage above was as adjective to the word "blogger" - indicating the lowliness of the medium I use), and (had you done more than skim a couple of my essays) you would have read parts in which I was quite self-deprecating.

As for “crass self-promotion,” call it what you will, but I don’t have a lot of choices since I don’t have the same corporate media sponsorship at my disposal as did Rooney and as do my political opponents. And, frankly, I don’t apologize for adding my two-cents at Rooney’s expense. Good riddance to the mediocrity; he’ll be quickly forgotten.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Call it crass if you wish, but at least I got you to (at least) skim some of my stuff. Who knows? If your 15-minute attention span can stand it, next time you read my stuff, some of it might stick.”

[Item of interest: Just now, I sent the following piece to Cain’s political opponents and to some political writers – among them Matt Taibbi. I’m convinced Cain could not adequately answer the question I pose below.]

I’d love to see a reporter ask Cain: “Is it true your new book tells a story about your dad threatening a white man with a gun – a story that you thought was funny?”

Fact: There’s a 264-word passage in “This is Herman Cain!....” about his father having [done exactly that], with Cain concluding: “He [Cain’s daddy] was joking…” Google these words to find my post for details: Steven Searle Herman Cain audacity.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Somehow, I don’t think the good old boys will think much of that story – nor will anyone else. How could anyone think pulling a gun on someone is funny?”


The UN’s General Assembly is pretty tired of seeing the UN used as a vehicle for the foreign policy interests of the permanent members of the Security Council. Suppose every nation withdrew from the UN except the 10 most powerful countries. Suppose those weaker nations said: “We’re not going to pretend to belong to an international body of equals because, in fact, we’re not equal. So we quit. You can pretend to rule the world by yourselves but we won’t back you up in this charade.”

Whatever the US spends to "support" the UN, it gets back many times over by getting to pull strings. Of course we'll never give up our veto power, since "nobody gets to tell us what to do." And yet, we have no problem telling others what to do regardless of their feelings.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“No real UN would tolerate allowing one nation to have veto power. What a sham!”

“Israeli President Shimon Peres said Friday that international community is closer to pursuing a military solution…than a diplomatic one.”

I feel sorry for Shimon Peres. Either he’s having a senior moment or someone got to him. [Yeah, the Mossad would eat their own young if ordered to do so.]

If Iran decided to drop out of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it could legally do so. Then, if Iran openly declared it intended to build a nuclear weapon, it could legally proceed.

I don’t think anyone’s thinking this thing through very carefully. Suppose the Israelis bomb suspected nuke sites. Then what? Maybe Russia might decide to bomb the Israeli nuke facility at Dimona. The Russians could piously claim: “We had to do it since everyone knows how dangerous nukes are in the hands of an irresponsible theocratic state [no, Israel isn’t really a democracy; it’s a de facto theocracy].” If Iran decided, after their facilities were bombed, to rebuild those facilities in populated areas – underground, but with civilian dwellings directly overhead – would Israel then decide to bomb again anyway, killing thousands of civilians?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Israel desperately wants the US to be its mercenary here, since striking at Iran would have too many uncertainties for Israel to safely navigate.”


People who rally to Ron Paul are too much into a Savior Complex.
Ron Paul, it must be remembered, is only one man. Even if elected, he’d still have the same fractured Congress to deal with. A Congress dominated by special interests who just won’t let go – not even for Ron Paul. Ron is not leading the charge (nor ever has) to wean the US away from the political party system – a system nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.

Ron was once a Libertarian, but then he got “practical” – realizing he should reintegrate himself into the Two Party System. Ron could have made a difference by proclaiming, years ago, “We’ve got to have Independents in Congress or at least Congressmen from sources other than the Dem/Pub Duopoly.” But, no, Ron was willing to satisfy himself by becoming everyone’s favorite curmudgeonly Congressman. Who, with a reformer’s heart, didn’t delight when Ron delivered those zinger sound bites during televised hearings?

But the sad truth is, even Ron Paul knows he can’t get nominated. This is his last hurrah. Fare thee well, Ron. You tried but, in the final analysis, you were too much a part of the system to make any real difference.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I can make that difference. Google these words for my platform: Steven Searle US President 2012.”


“Cain …believes…Curt Anderson was the original source of the story…”
Cain “believes?” I have heard that Cain is a man of religious faith which involves many beliefs, but in this case I’d like to question the source of his belief. Or, as is the case in many matters of religious faith, one cannot question? Will Herman Cain become a POTUS whom one cannot question? One wonders.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“When belief enters the realm of the secular, problems start to arise.”


Jon S posted: “After all it's the Office of the President that gets the respect even if you don't respect the person.”

We’re supposed to respect what’s become an Imperial Presidency? It wasn’t “the Office” that grabbed all that power over all those decades – it was a succession of very specific individual presidents.

What kind of idiots really believe the essential spirit of the US is (or should be) embodied in one man, or (more accurately) in a One Man Branch of government? It wasn’t any accident that the Constitution described the Legislative Branch in Article I – to make it first and foremost. Article II deals with the Presidency – which is second in importance to the Congress. Following that? The least important (relatively speaking) – the Judiciary, in Article III.

I am running against Obama in 2012, so I’ll mention how I’ll renew respect for the Office: Restore it to its Constitutional limitations.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’d like to see a Congress made up of Independents of whom the president could be so confident, he would never use his veto power to thwart their legislation.”


[This is in response to Starr91wr, who [in effect] “sagely” commented that one president from Chicago was quite enough. Therefore, I (another Chicagoan) shouldn’t even be considered.]


Actually, Obama wasn’t from Chicago, though he’d spent time here. I was born in Chicago and I can produce the long form of my birth cert. Besides, what are you trying to do – slander every resident from Chicago because of one bad guy?

I ran against Obama in 2008, trying to warn (on my blog) about where this guy was coming from (for example, warning that he’d only dig us deeper into Afghanistan). But nobody listened, especially the media who were too busy fawning over the Mulatto of the Thin Resume.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If you’d like to educate yourself on my program, instead of making sweeping anti-Chicago generalizations, google these words: Steven Searle US President 2012. If you’re going to slam me, I’d rather it be for my program than my birthplace.”

"What part of 'no' don't people understand?" - [Herman Cain].

Maybe I should introduce Cain to one of my salesman friends, who would have answered Cain this way: “In sales, the word ‘maybe’ means ‘yes,’ and the word ‘no’ means ‘maybe.” Being acquainted with the world of business, Cain must know this.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Cain’s violating another rule: Never let them see you sweat.”


Everybody’s overlooking the fact that the Arab and the Jew are half-brothers: Same father (the Patriarch Abraham), different mothers (Hagar/Sarah). The Jews are violating two commandments from their Lord:
To love the stranger (not merely “like” or “tolerate” but love…and if one cannot even love one’s half brother, one is definitely having a problem);
To be a Light Unto all Nations.

About that last, Israel doesn’t have a single friend in the third world; and the leading nations feel guilty about their past anti-semitism. But that doesn’t mean anybody’s saluting Israel’s world leadership. Problem is: The Zionists are too busy circling the wagons and clinging to their tribal identity instead of transcending that to achieve greatness.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I dare say, the Lord is not pleased.”

[This is my response to Lying…, who responded to my post immediately above.]
@ Lying…,

First of all, I never said “to love the stranger” is one of the TEN commandments (you threw in “ten”). Maybe you should read more carefully. There are a lot more than ten commandments in the Jewish tradition, and Jews would be the first to point that out.

Your second point needs refining. You wrote, “Jews and Muslims may be half brothers…” There’s no “may” about this. Both Islamic and Jewish traditions don’t claim they “may” be half brothers; they come right out and say they ARE half brothers.

Your third paragraph: You ask a question, but before giving me a chance to answer, you decide “Of course you don’t.” That’s being a little hasty, isn’t it? Then you offer another bit of pre-determined conclusion: “[sic] Youre an anti-semite.”

Your 3rd point: “Israel never claimed…at being a world leader.” Oh really? Here’s a sample of Wikipedia’s offering on the subject (and Wiki’s far from alone in this observation): “The foundation of the Torah is the belief that God chose the Children of Israel, in His wisdom and for His purposes, and made His covenant with them.” The Bible speaks of God feeling that the Jews are His “treasured” (or “Chosen”) people; that Israel is to be a Light Unto All Nations. So your third point is rather silly, wouldn’t you say?

I had a conversation with a young Jewish man, asking about the rabid militancy I’d seen among members of his tribe. He ran off the whole litany (true enough, I’ll add) about pogroms, discrimination, ethnic cleansing. And he concluded with the necessity of being armed to the teeth. I asked a simple question: “Since God is on Israel’s side, and they have nuclear weapons, what have you to fear?” Do you know why he was struck dumb? He couldn’t admit Israel has nukes and he couldn’t minimize God’s relationship with the Israelites.

As for “That’s one hell of a tribal identity wouldn’t you agree?” There’s good and bad about that. Yes, the Jews have survived but have they grown? Grown in such a way as to assume the world leadership God intended? I think not; I think they have become too narrowly-focused. Not all, to be sure, but many.

I freely admit the vital contributions of individual Jews. However, that is not the same as becoming the Light Unto All Nations that Israel itself (as a nation) should become. You might see me as an anti-semite. However, I am, what is known in Buddhism, a “good friend.” A wise man listens to a good friend and remediates accordingly. The foolish curse the good friend for finding fault (or not finding equal fault with another party – as in “you’re picking on me”).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If you wish to educate yourself on my various positions (not only concerning Jews and Muslims) google these words: Steven Searle US President 2012. If you wish to foolishly rant instead, be my guest.”

“Opponents say the [Egyptian] army is raising the specter of an Islamist coup to keep its privileges.” Well, the army’s got to do something. I mean, they haven’t fought any battles in almost 40 years. So, lacking an enemy without, they’ll seek one within. [Actually, each Egyptian soldier should battle the enemy within his own skin – that’s supposed to be the major thrust of jihad.]

However, the Muslim Brotherhood won’t take any hostilities from the army lying down. I’m sure they’ve been busy compiling lists of names and addresses of military brass. If tanks start firing on crowds in the street, don’t be surprised if stealth assassins attack them in their homes. Maybe not right away. But the Brotherhood has had a lot of practice exercising patience and will strike when it’s good and ready.

I suspect the Egyptian army knows this and will behave itself. If not, it will lose – or, more precisely, its leaders will. Actually, Egypt could become an example of an enlightened Islamic republic. Since they know they’ll never be able to beat Israel on the battlefield, they could turn their efforts inward to build that paradise on earth all Muslims dream of.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe Egypt could become that Light Unto All Nations, instead of Israel. There! I’ve issued a truly worthy challenge!”


[DISCLAIMER: Actually, this item consists of my two separate posts regarding the same article.]

Article: Palestine wins UNESCO seat: “Washington has threatened to cut off U.S. finding to UNESCO if Palestine is granted membership. The United States currently accounts for about one-fifth of the organization's funds.”

Frank posted: If there are 121 nations in this organization why is the US funding 20% of it?

My reply to Frank:
 Uh...maybe we were hoping to buy leverage with our 20%. That would put us in a position to (try to) blackmail nations that don't agree with us by threatening to cut or reduce our share. Didn't work, did it?
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"The UN seems to find greatest disfavor in this country when it refuses to be used as an instrument of our foreign policy."

This is a separate post to the same article – my direct post rather than a reply to someone else:
Interesting that the UK abstained. Maybe they’re rethinking their position rather than kneejerkingly following the US’s lead. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the UK took the lead in granting Palestine full membership in the UN? After all, it was the UK that played a contributing role in the eventual creation of Israel via the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“History repeats itself?”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Some people might conclude that I am a bit harsh in how I reply to my critics on-line. Perhaps that is a weakness I inherited from my mother who said of herself, ‘I don’t suffer fools gladly.’”

Contact me at

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