Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Netanyahu's next moves

Benjamin Netanyahu just won election to his fourth term as Israel's Prime Minister in a come-from-behind victory. "Bibi" had a little help from two sources:
  • Speaker of the House John Boehner's invitation to the Prime Minister to address a joint session of Congress on March 3;
  • "Bibi's " announcement on the last day of his campaign for election that as long as he serves as prime minister of Israel, there will not be an independent Palestinian nation.
It surely didn't hurt "Bibi's" cause when Israeli television showed footage of the PM getting a standing ovation from our Congressmen who have become too used to telling anyone who will listen how much they love and support Israel.

As for coming out against an independent Palestine, he must have felt truly desperate to have tipped his hand since he would have better served his cause by pretending to be open to the possibility of a two-state solution. In order to win this election, Netanyahu had no problem dashing Palestinian hopes and thereby driving moderates into the open arms of militants bent on attacking Israel in small and (when possible) large ways.

I personally believe Netanyahu has two long-range strategies in mind which he will employ when he feels the time is right:
  • He will expel all non-Jewish Israeli citizens from the country or he will at least strip them of their Israeli citizenship in support of his doctrine that Israel is a Jewish nation;
  • He will move to annex the land which Israel's right wingers believe God had promised the Jews thousands of years ago, which includes the entire West Bank, most of Lebanon, and parts of Egypt and Syria.
Bibi is still under the almost hypnotic influence of his hawkish father, even though Benzion passed away in 2012. In response to Bibi's moves against the establishment of an independent Palestine, Palestinians and their allies will do anything within their power to oppose such moves. For they know if they were to roll over and play dead, thereby allowing the PM to have his way in the West Bank, right wing Jews will become intoxicated due to this success. Then they'll simply go nuts in their attempts to expand Israel's borders to include the land God promised them.

But there's a problem

I think God is testing the Jews. He might or might not have promised them this land. But land promised can be shared. Once a gift is given, then the recipient can do what he wants with it, unless there were strings attached. In which case it wasn't really a gift, now was it?

If the Jews insist on expanding their territory thereby increasing the poverty and suffering of their half-brothers, then they will pay a terrible price. Jews and Muslims have the same father - the patriarch Abraham - but different mothers - Hagar (matriarch of the Islamic people) and Sarah (matriarch of the Jewish people). If the Jews insist on continuing to treat their half-brothers so shabbily, they will have failed God's test. And the promise that the Jewish faith will become a light unto all nations will have been destroyed by the secular tribalist known as Benjamin Netanyahu.

A sad transformation

BN is known to me as Been-Jammin' Knittin'-Yahoo for these reasons:
  • Been-Jammin' - a derivative of his first name of Benjamin - which means, "The PM has done his best to 'jam' up the peace process, to gum up the works in a sabotage kind of way. He's 'been jammin' ' for as long as he can, as much as he can."
  • Knittin' - as in the photo below in which the PM knits his eye brows in anger.
  • Yahoo - a yahoo is a person who, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is "very rude, loud, or stupid." The Israeli PM sure comes across that way when he feels stressed out.

Compare these two images

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (AFP Photo / Jack Guez)

 Yosemite Sam.png

It wouldn't take much to morph the photo taken by Jack Guez (AFP) so it looks like a perverted version of Yosemite Sam (shown above), a creation of Warner Brothers. Sometimes the actions of real, live people makes them appear cartoonish.

 On a more serious note

Maybe it's about time to implement the eighth of the thirty-one promises contained in my contract when I ran for President against Obama and Romney in 2012:

QUOTE: [source: ]

[source: The Electoral Contract of Steven Searle for U.S. President]

EIGHT [of 31 points]:  I will veto any bill presented to me by Congress if it has any provision for any type of aid or loan to Israel or Egypt.

:UNQUOTE [I was the only presidential candidate in the history
                        of this country to offer an enforceable, written contract
                        to the voters in exchange for their support].

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
Former Candidate for US President (2008 & 2012)

Contact me at

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