Monday, October 24, 2011

US President’s Weekly Yahoo News Updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between Oct. 17 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 17 of these mini-essays/comments.


[As for Susan Sarandon calling the (current) Pope a Nazi.]

It won’t be too long before Popes don’t matter – to anyone. That will become an irrelevant title in a defunct enterprise that (ultimately) couldn’t stand up under the weight of its hypocrisy and sheer unbelievability.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Does that mean I’m anti-Catholic. No, it simply means I’m anti-stupid.”

[On how likeable GOP candidate Cain is.]

I don’t like Cain at all. And you won’t either, after reading my blog post analyzing a certain anecdote from Cain’s latest book. This concerns Cain reveling in how his daddy had threatened a rich white man with a gun (jokingly, of “course,” but the gun was real enough). This was posted on on Oct. 15.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Cain was stupid for including that story in a book he hopes will pave his way to the White House.”

“Iraq's Sunnis long have worried about Iran's burgeoning influence in Baghdad, where the Shiite-dominated government has built ties with Tehran…”

Listen carefully: There never were any weapons of mass destruction and there never was any threat to US security. By going into Iraq (at the insistence of ONE man – George W. Bush), we basically handed Iraq over to Iran on a silver platter.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I hope Dubya lives long enough to see the result of his ego-fueled folly.”

“…about 4 in 10….That's far more than say they are disinclined to vote for a Mormon…”

Oh, that’ll change to 8 out of 10 after people see a pending YouTube clip showing “Romney” being sworn in as POTUS using the Book of Mormon rather than the Bible. One picture may very well be worth 1,000 words. But a video clip can be worth way more than that. You think I exaggerate? You haven’t seen the clip.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Google these words: Romney YouTube Searle for the script of this clip.”

Here’s one question that should have been asked [of the GOP candidates during the most recent speed-dating event aka the Republican Presidential Debate]: “How many more US troops would you be willing to send to central Africa, and for how long, to fight the Lord’s Resistance Army, beyond the 100 President Obama recently assigned?”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Why is absolutely no one in the media raising red flags about sending in our troops to do battle with (according to Obama’s own figures) at most 200 – 300 ragtag fighters armed only with light weapons?”

None Of Your Business posted this in response to my post (NINE, above), “Because it’s only 100 troops?”…to which I replied:

It's easy to say "it's only 100 troops." But that’s exactly how we got sucked into Vietnam. “It’s only X-number of ‘advisors’ and the boys will be home before Christmas.” [Yeah, right…]

100 might not seem like many in your opinion – though as Commander in Chief, I would never use the word “only” to describe even one soldier. For every soldier is more than just an “only” to his or her loved ones. So, let’s get out of the “only” business, okay?

Besides, my question was meant to give the candidates a chance to say we shouldn’t have sent any troops to central Africa, especially since quashing 200 – 300 lightly armed guerrillas is really a mopping up operation any local government should be able to handle. If not, this should be referred to the United Nations or the EU. There’s way more to our troop commitment here than meets the eye, which is why I hoped the GOP candidates would have been given the opportunity to address this issue.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Must I spell everything out?”

Bill wrote this, which I follow immediately with my response:
"I promise you this, if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, that is the first thing I will do. I will bring our troops back home, we will bring an end to the BUSH wars, you can take that to the bank” - Barack Obama 27/October 2007."

Is it just me or do others here think, just perhaps, obama lied to us, YES...NO?

My response:
Ahem…when I ran against Obama in 2008, I had made a similar promise. However, mine was in the form of a written contract (containing 47-points). These two points should be of interest:
ONE: Within 90 days of my inauguration, all U.S. military forces will be completely withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of the "situation on the ground." This withdrawal also applies to any covert operatives currently operating in Iran.
TWO: If I violate any of the terms of this contract, I will be removed from office by means of impeachment. I hereby affirm, in advance, that I will not defend myself nor authorize any other party to defend me against any impeachment activity in the House or trial by the Senate. I further agree to a speedy trial - within less than 10 minutes, if deemed necessary by the Senate.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“By the way, I’m running again. So you’ll get a chance to do it right, this time. I will never offer ‘Change you can believe in.’ I offer, instead, an enforceable written contract.”

I responded (below) to Nobody, who asked: “And why shouldn’t Israel pay back US money spent there?”

Just try and collect. It’s not easy to collect from a country that has nukes – one that wouldn’t have any problem using them against us, if push should come to shove. Rest assured, Israel has its own equivalent of our Pentagon’s War Room. And part of what gets discussed there is, what to do if the US should “turn” against Israel. As the saying goes, nothing’s been taken off the table.
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“In the world of the triumphal tribal Zionist, there are no friends; there is only the matter of survival. And they know full well, God can’t be counted on to save the day.”


Here’s a half-baked idea – which some of you might refine (please do). Congress should enact legislation to phase in tax cuts across the board. The following assumes no change in personal income for the years in question. For the first year, everybody pays 10% less in personal income taxes to the feds than they did the year before. The next year, same deal. I’m tempted to add yet a third and a fourth year to that – same deal. But corporate tax rates wouldn’t be changed.

Social Security payouts and Medicare wouldn’t be touched. But Defense spending would be the first to feel the pinch. I propose that each US corporation (and any patriotic private citizen in a donating mood) voluntarily contribute to whichever threatened government program they favor. This might be a form of ultimate brinksmanship, but I am firmly convinced that corporations will pony up since they know how good they’ve got it and would be in the best position to contribute. Not to mention: Corporations think they own this country anyway, so we should force them to make the contributory choices necessary to protect what’s theirs.

Maybe it’s about time US govt expenditures were calculated as part of a business plan. Then we’d see how much we really need to spend from hard-headed businessmen who know about bottom lines and reasonable business expenses, not giving a hoot about earmarks or about pleasing special interests. Oh, did I mention a permanent cap on government borrowing? And maybe (just maybe) the stimulus our economy needs would come from the increased spending from We-the-People having less of a tax burden.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Don’t beat me up too badly about this, since (honestly) this thought just popped into my head. In any event, it’s got to be better than 9-9-9 or Perry’s flat tax (Perry’s obviously desperate at this point).”

[Shooting Game responded to my post above by asking, “well is not defense one of the main responsibilities of the federal government?]

@ Shooting Game,

We’re all responsible for our national defense, aren’t we – not just the feds? For instance, the way we vote could affect how large or small that defense is, regardless of whether it’s supposed to be “one of the main responsibilities of the federal government.”

The security of the United States is not only the concern of each citizen, it is the concern of those who make the most money from this enterprise. If push came to shove and my plan were to be enacted, we wouldn’t even come close to not having enough money to defend ourselves. Corporate and, yes, even personal charitable contributions would keep the Pentagon afloat. If not, then what would that say about how much we care about our country? In other words, maybe it's time the more hawkish among us put their money where [their] mouths are.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Don’t worry…if it even looks like we might come up a little short, foreign countries would be anxious to contribute. Maybe it’s about time they did.”

Israel is not our ally. All Israel cares about is Israel. They have not lived up to their billing as a “light unto all nations.” But they fail to look into a mirror and ask why that is.

In an ironic twist, it is the US that is dependent on Israel because [dramatic pause] we’re giving them all that money! Our politicians need to give them all that money to secure Israel’s approval and a steady flow of AIPAC campaign contributions.

I salute Ron Paul for being brave enough to dare challenge that status quo, though his reasoning is bogus. Our aid isn’t teaching them to be dependent and reducing their sovereignty. Has Paul been living in a tree to reach such conclusions? But still, he’s right – though for the wrong reasons – we have to cut off aid to Israel [and, to be fair, to Egypt as well].

I, however, will salute myself for being the only candidate brave enough to say he’ll void US diplomatic recognition of Israel immediately after my inauguration. And…bestow recognition on Palestine. Oh, I can’t wait to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from our AIPAC-dependent, lackey Congressmen. Too bad, because they couldn’t stop me.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“With friends like Israel, we don’t need enemies – cases in point, the USS Liberty and Jonathan Pollard.”


When Cain was asked if Mormons are Christians, he answered (in effect), “They believe they are.” If you ask any unbiased observer if Cain is serious, they should answer the same way – “He thinks he is.” As for “Are Mormons Christians?” and “Is Cain a serious candidate?” – the answer in both cases is “No.”
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The masochist in me wants Cain to be nominated, just for the satisfaction of seeing the GOP nominate a Black man.”

Coach posted his two words of wisdom “about an hour ago” – “Occupy Congress!” And this gets 57 thumbs-up (vs. 1 down). But apparently no one notices that Coach didn’t say what we should “Occupy Congress!” with. Are We-the-People supposed to storm that sacred sanctum and pull something like an Occupy Wall Street? Or what?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As for the 57 who gave their thumbs-up: You don’t ask for much in the way of details, do you?”

I don’t think Cain’s business plan took into account that he might actually get to the point of becoming a viable, serious candidate. And you know what they say about businessmen who have short-sighted business plans – they fail. If his handlers think they can transform this newbie into a policy wonk overnight, they are sadly mistaken.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe Cain’s business plan went something like this: ‘I’ll shuck and jive as if I’m a candidate, but my real plan is to sell my books and jockey for more pay on the lecture circuit.’”

All the anti-Romney activists have to do is (as they used to say in the days of the Inquisition) “put the question” to the Christian churches, especially the leadership. The question: Do you consider Mormonism to be a Christian faith? As soon as each and every US Christian denomination says “No” – and they will (each and every one of them) say “No” – that will sink Romney and Huntsman. And if that doesn’t, YouTube clips like the one I scripted will. Google these words: Searle You Tube Romney.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As a Buddhist, I don’t mind saying I consider Mormonism to be very Buddhist, especially the part where Mormons claim, ‘As Man is now, God once was; as God is now, Man shall one day become.’”

[Melvin responded to FIFTEEN (above) with these 5 profound words: “Bigot is as bigot does.”]

My response to Melvin:

@ Melvyn,

How am I a bigot? I did write, after all: “I don’t mind saying I consider Mormonism to be very Buddhist,” while saying I am a Buddhist. My real reason for opposing Romney is the same reason I oppose the entire slate of GOP wannabes: They’re part of the Two-Party System, which makes them part of the problem. And that includes Ron Paul.

The only way out of the wilderness is to vote against all incumbent Congressmen, an act which will pave the way for independents to someday get elected. I picked on Romney’s Mormonism for a practical reason: That’s the one angle that, if hammered home again and again to the voters, will sink Romney/Huntsman. To me, that’s two down, six to go. And I’m working on the others, in different ways, depending on their weaknesses. Except I won’t bother with Santorum; he has no chance and isn’t worth my time.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Next time, bro, see if you can manage a response of more than 5 words. On second thought, don't bother replying at all, seeing how you blew it with those 5 words."

As I’d posted in FIFTEEN (above): All the anti-Romney activists have to do is (as they used to say in the days of the Inquisition) “put the question” to the Christian churches, especially the leadership. The question: Do you consider Mormonism to be a Christian faith?

Jay wrote in response:
But just to be sure we get a quality sample, let's be sure to get outside the Bible Belt and at a minimum ask the seven Christian churches that share custody of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem (Eastern Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox and the Syriac Orthodox)… 

@ Jay,

Sure, why not? But to me, a quality sample would include every Christian church within US borders. Since this is a US election, what would our voters care about how non-US Christians would feel? And I still maintain, every single US church (especially its leadership) would not say Mormons are Christians.

All you have to do is look at the name of their church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Their doctrine has less to do with Jesus Christ and too much to do with them. And they call themselves Saints? And that isn’t narcissistic?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Joseph Smith? Meet L. Ron Hubbard. And share your notes on inventing a religion.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Declare your independence by voting for independents. If no good ones are available, simply vote out the incumbents en masse.”

Contact me at

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