Monday, October 10, 2011

US President's Weekly Yahoo News Updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between Oct. 3 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 18 of these mini-essays/comments.


[Source article: “UBS equities heads quit as bank admits mistakes” – Oct. 5, 2011.]

"… In no circumstances should something like this ever occur," Ermotti said in a memo seen by Reuters. "The fact that it did is evidence of a failure to exercise appropriate controls [which in turn is evidence that we looked the other way when the Powers that Be demanded this of us]." [Disclaimer: I added the bracketed continuation of the preceding sentence.]

“In no circumstances should something like this ever occur?” And this is a Swiss bank? Who’s Ermotti kidding?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If the finance industry were ever forced to implement the transparency measures I have in mind, that would be the end of business as usual – especially, no more special favors for the Illuminati.”


In spite of these low ratings (or maybe even because of them), Obama’s still going to win by a landslide. Simply because? The GOP doesn’t have a decent candidate to throw against him.

Pizza Man? Comes off like a simpleton reading flash cards. Bachmann? Ewww.  Gingrich? Well, he is white but not much of a credit to his race. Romney & Huntsman? They won’t even be able to persuade the GOP base to vote Mormon. Santorum? (Snicker, snicker).  Perry? Comes off as sloppy and unpolished, not to mention politically incorrect to the base. Ron Paul? Righht! I can see a divided Congress of special interests backing him up. And, in that regard, the voters will see what I see.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“When Obama wins, you won’t believe the wailing and gnashing of teeth from across the great divide.”


This Punk A** Mo-Fo is an “Illustrious General” for “orchestrating a deadly artillery attack on a front-line South Korean island? As for the cult of ancestor worship, we can’t really throw too many rocks. The “wisdom” of the American people (though, most likely, it was the curse of the two-party system) gave us two “Bush” league presidents.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Old, barbaric customs are hard to break – I wish the Korean people luck with this one. And I wish the American people luck as well.”


I’d love to see “I’m a Mormon” ads featuring these lines:

“Hi, I’m a Mormon, and I’d like to apologize for the role my forefathers-in-faith played in the Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857.”

Or, try this one out for size: “Hi, I’m a Mormon, and I want to convince you that the Book of Mormon is superior to the Bible.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Did you hear the one about the Mormon who (horror of horrors) melted down a certain set of gold plates when he heard how much gold was going for?”


“In its troubled peace talks with the Palestinians, Israel has demanded that it should be recognized as a Jewish state…”

Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse? I mean, only states can recognize other states. So how can the Palestinians (who don’t yet have a state) grant this kind of diplomatic recognition? Maybe they could throw a real monkey wrench into the process by agreeing to Israel’s demand, but then proceeding to define (in the text of that agreement) what the Palestinian’s think it means to be Jewish. 

How about this: Recognize the most liberal branch of Judaism, while stating that the Ultra Orthodox really aren’t Jews? Whew! The mind boggles.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Be careful what you ask for.”


From Rubio’s own website:

“Senator Rubio believes that we must immediately freeze non-defense, non-veterans spending at 2008 spending levels.”

He’s another fiscal conman who wouldn’t dream of touching the military budget. And he wants a presidential line-item veto. Watch out for this guy. He’s dangerous.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’ve got a terrible feeling: No matter who the GOP nominates to oppose Obama, Marcus Rubix Cubio will be chosen as the running mate.”


“Asked …whether Mormonism is a cult, Perry replied, ‘No.’”

Typical case of reporter asking the wrong question; should have asked, “Do you consider Mormonism to be a Christian faith, keeping in mind that Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is superior to the Bible?” Ah, now there’s a question! The Romney candidacy will falter because there’s no way the American people will swallow Mormonism. Especially with people like me around to pepper them with frequent reminders of exactly what that is.

As for Romney’s business cred, it’s about time people looked into how he made his pile of money. Sure, he’s a fabulously wealthy man, but don’t let that stop you from asking, “How’d he do it?” In many business situations, it’s not what you know but who you know. That, in addition to having access to information not generally available (not quite insider information, but a kissing cousin nonetheless).

Romney is connected and highly ranked (a prince of sorts) within a secretive group. And it surely couldn’t have hurt him to be related to an Apostle of the faith. That would have gained Romney needed access to investment-worthy information.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“It’s not enough to behold a wealthy man and merely assume he has the skills needed to lead the nation. You’ve got to ask penetrating questions.”


Maybe Cain will "beat" down his "brother" (Obama) because Obama proved not to be very "able." [Which would be ironic, I suppose.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Sorry...I'm terrible at resisting puns."


[Concerning his response to the Wall Street demonstrators.]

"I don't have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration."

Cain sounds a lot like Dubya when he says stuff like: “I don’t have facts to back this up…,” as he’s stated on more than one occasion. As for “I happen to believe,” that’s not good enough for a man who professes as much faith as does Mr. Cain. The truly faithful don't ever just "happen" to believe anything.

As for his CEO experience with Godfather’s Pizza: The best you can say is “he stabilized the company and prevented it from sinking into bankruptcy.” Godfather’s has about as many restaurants now as it did when Cain was CEO, which currently puts it in ninth place. So if that’s what you want for the United States – that this country merely be stabilized and in ninth place internationally – by all means, vote for Cain.

We shouldn’t get all that excited about Cain’s CEO experience, though, since his net worth doesn’t even hit $20M. That is a far cry from other (more capable) CEOs on the US billionaires list – which numbers at least 400. If you want a CEO, why settle for a mediocrity like Cain?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“With Cain as president, we’ll become known as a Pizza Republic, which is just a notch above a Banana Republic. Is that good enough for you?”


“None of us should sit in judgment on someone else’s religion,” …Gingrich…

The Hell you say? In the part of the country Gingrich hails from, a lot of preachers earn a mighty fine living doing exactly that – sitting in judgment. And suppose for a moment that they didn’t. What if that “someone else’s religion” called for animal sacrifice or (gasp!) polygamy? A man’s religion says an awful lot about what kind of man we’re dealing with. So we have a right to pursue this point – mercilessly, until we get some straight answers.

As for Bachmann – of course she considers Mitt to be a non-Christian. But she doesn’t say so, in the name of GOP unity (or in the hope of snagging the VP nod – which, BTW, ain’t gonna happen). There are a lot of reasons for keeping one’s beliefs to oneself – but GOP unity isn’t a very good one.

As for Cain saying, “I believe that they believe they are Christians.” Sorry Pizza Man, but that’s not good enough. For in the world of your faith, Mormons are NOT Christians. And this isn’t even a close call – no one from any Christian denomination would pretend Mitt is a Christian. Cain might as well have said, “I believe that they believe they are Christians, but I hasten to add: That is a delusional belief on a grand scale. And we don’t need delusional CEOs in the White House.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I want to see all of the Pubber candidates squirm and twist on this one. I, for one, will be merciless in my pursuit. Enough of the dodgy stuff.”


[This concerns an article about an Iranian actress sentenced to 1 year in prison and 90 lashes for starring in a film critical of the Iranian thugocracy.]

I wonder what Vafamehr’s punishment would have been for showing a little ankle. Or worse: For even daring to mention how wealthy Ayatollah Rafsanjani is. He’s a billionaire, you know.

Hmm…how does a cleric become a billionaire? I don’t know. But I know who does know – the Iranian people. They also know (or are quietly amassing a list of the names of) the motorcycle-riding thugs who beat them in the name of state (read: Rafsanjani et al’s) security. Maybe these names are being sewn, in code of course, into the fabric of Persian carpets – you know, for future reference.

Iran sounds exactly like the kind of place ripe for a French style revolution. Don’t be terribly surprised if this comes to pass. And when it does, believe me – the Iranian people won’t need any help from us to mete out proper punishment, according to Islamic law.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“These mullahs are going to have a lot of explaining to do to Allah after they’re promptly dispatched.”


“The LDS Church says it …believes in Jesus Christ…”

Hold on a minute there, pardner. Muslims also “believe” in Jesus Christ – but only as one of several major prophets (the last and most important of these being Muhammad). So when LDS says it “believes in Jesus Christ,” it’s not altogether irrelevant to ask – “Which Jesus Christ do you believe in?” Do you believe in Jesus as Savior? As the Son of God? As an integral and inseparable "part" of God?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“And why doesn’t this article mention the important King Follett discourse, which claims – As man is now, God once was; as God is now, man shall one day become. Doesn’t sound at all Christian to me.”


[RE: GOP candidate Ron Paul wins straw poll in the recently-concluded Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.]

Why doesn't this article mention that only 2,000 people voted in this straw poll? I guess it's more impressive to claim Ron Paul got 37%, but tell me: How meaningful is that with such a low number of votes cast, and in contrast to Santorum getting 16%?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Once upon a time, such a news report would crop up only during a slow news day."


Mitt Romney’s supposed to be strong on the economy, right? That’s why we should elect him, right? Oh, he’ll be strong on the economy if elected – but mostly for the people who count, for the elite. And you can trace that predilection to his Mormon faith.

Even though polygamy is no longer embraced (at least, not officially) by the LDS, the patriarchy and elitism which had embraced that practice once upon a time is still very much part of the LDS community. They would have kept their polygamous ways if not bullied (unconstitutionally, BTW) by the US government & SCOTUS.

Ironically, though, continued polygamy would have led to a bad “economy.” That is, with a few men having several wives, some guys would be left out in the cold. How would that translate to a stable society? And yet we have the spectacle, today, of a Mormon being held in high regard for his economic prowess. Go figure!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“No matter how much Romney’s supporters try to dance their way around this, the doctrines of the LDS church will (hopefully!) be brought under merciless examination in the upcoming months.”


[In response to words of (unintended) encouragement for the Taliban, in a speech made before the Council on Foreign Relations.]

I guess McChrystal feels free to say stuff now that he's a civilian that he couldn't say while in uniform. He might want to reflect, though, if he really should have offered those words of counsel - to the Taliban (thank you, very much).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Loose lips sink ships."


Karzai is a fine one to talk. Without the US to prop up his corrupt regime, he’d be dangling at the end of a rope within a week.

Perhaps Karzai is already in training for his post-presidential career in stand-up comedy. This is a great sample one-liner:"… we will not be able to talk to the Taliban because we don't know where to find them” If Karzai and Company knew “where to find them,” Hellfire missiles from drones would be sure to follow.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe the US is financing Pakistan because we don’t really want to ‘win’ in Afghanistan. Sometimes a state of perpetual war is more desirable to the Elite than an outright victory.”


[My response to a fellow poster, who responded to my post (immediately above).]

Do you really think Taliban would lose in 3 or 4 days if Pakistan's support stopped? Really? The US has been trying to win for 10 years. So you’re saying, all it would take for us to win decisive victory (in less than a week) would be a cessation of Pakistani aid? Tell me: Just what kind of aid has Pakistan been providing that it could hold off the US and its allies for 10 years?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe we could learn a lesson from Pakistan on how to spend efficiently for war.”


The only reasons Cain is surging are negative:  Perry is self-destructing, and Cain never held elective office.

People can be easily impressed with an outsider who’s not “just another professional, lifelong politician.” But what happens when this starts to sink in: “Oh my God, can we survive another inexperienced President?” The fact that Cain comes off as a bit of a simpleton won’t help his cause either, when we start putting his words under a microscope. [“Sorry, Herman, all front-runners get extra scrutiny – too bad. And you won’t be spared because you’re black. Tried that last election and found it sucked.”]

Another “negative” working in Cain’s favor: The American people will react badly to the anti-Mormon blitz that will surely hit the web and the airwaves. These two points in particular will sink Romney and Huntsman:

ONE: The Book of Mormon is superior to the Bible – a fundamental point embraced by the LDS.

TWO: From King Follett’s Discourse, we learn: As man is now, God once was; as God is now, man shall one day become. [Personally? As a Buddhist, I love it. But Fundie USA will wail and gnash their teeth.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe Cain will be the default GOP candidate – as the last man standing (each candidate hopes to be that last man/woman).”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Declare your independence by voting for independents. If there aren’t any available, vote against all incumbents – bar none.”

Contact me at

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