Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Soft Power strategy to win the new Cold War

Millions of Americans share these sentiments concerning the Democratic Party:

QUOTE: The central political task of a progressive movement in America is to transform or replace the Democratic Party, both organizationally and in the realm of policies, programs and values. Toward this end, people need to build mass, democratic membership organizations...END QUOTE [source: David Friedman in his article, "The U.S. Needs a Second Political Party"].

Actually, David Friedman made his first mistake in his choice of title. What we should aim for is a Second Political Force, since the First Political Force and its exclusionary ground rules work only for the benefit of the Dem/Pub combine. Even better would be a Zero Party System, since our current polarizing arrangement is directly to blame for our lack of legislative innovation. This Zero Party concept is a great example of the "soft" approach which can successfully destroy the Dems and Pubs. And it's my proposal for creating a non-party (called The Independent Contractors’ Party, or ICP for short), which can move with the surety and stealth necessary to oust the Oligarchs.

I underscored and boldfaced eight words above, which typify the traditional (or "hard") approach favored by US political reformers. This hard approach will fail. Why? The FBI and the major parties themselves will do their utmost to infiltrate and undermine such a movement and intimidate its leadership. Of course, these potential saboteurs won't have to bother with any new party stupid enough to have any of these words in its name: Peoples, Socialist, Workers, Masses, Labor, Solidarity, or Liberal. Even "Progressive" is borderline.

A Soft-Power Strategy

It's important to avoid trying to build a traditional opposition party, complete with leaders and members and physical assets. These can be too easily compromised. The only way to fight a Shadow Government is with a Shadow Opposition "party" or force. Right now, the Independent Contractors Party (ICP) is the only entity that fills this bill. It's the only one that has any chance of success, simply because it exists only as an idea and doesn't have to exist in any other way (that is, no infrastructure is necessary).

Talk this thing up, and it will come to life. Please don't assume, as a friend of mine once claimed: "We've got to have a revolution to force any kind of real change."

My reply: "You'll never win that way. They've got more guns than you do. Only a soft power approach will work."

How We-the-People Lost the Cold War

Ever since the U.S. won the Cold War, its intelligence community has been primarily concerned with potentially dissident U.S. citizens of the (generally) liberal persuasion. You'll be surprised at the lengths our government goes to in keeping the domestic front under control. Have you ever wondered why American Nazis, Survivalists, White Nationalists and other fringe groups haven't been in the news since 9/11? Those organizations have been so thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI that they are no longer a threat.

Many Americans are okay with that. The problem is, the FBI and CIA don't know where to stop. [Remember the old saying about absolute power corrupting absolutely?] Back in the early ‘70s, when I was in the military, I was under investigation as a possible security risk. One night, I was alone in the Headquarters office catching up on some paperwork. While sorting through some files, I found a 50-page FBI report which I wasn't supposed to see...on me. Certain sections were blacked out, and it didn't take me long to figure out why.

[Side note: I wasn’t an officer – just an ordinary enlisted man.]

I had attended a number of anti-war rallies and meetings prior to enlisting in the USAF, though I was never a leader or a financial contributor. I was just one of many who wanted to hear why so many opposed the Vietnam War. The blacked-out portions on my report were the names of the FBI informers in the groups who had collected names and taken notes of the proceedings.

If the FBI could manage to compile a 50-page report on a Mr. Nobody like me, imagine what they might have on you! Actually, it's a pretty fair bet they've got a dossier compiled on every US citizen, having been at this work for decades. In the eyes of our intelligence community, each and every US citizen is a potential enemy – and that’s exactly how they feel about us as they go about their day-to-day tasks. We are the enemy!


The ICP’s most profound advantage is that it doesn't have an ideology. Any candidate can run as an ICP candidate as long as he offers a written contract to the voters, mandating loss of office if he is elected and then violates his contractual provisions. The aim of the ICP is to elect candidates who are beholden to their contracts (therefore, beholden to the voters) and not to a "hard" political party.

We can do this.

Steven Searle for U.S. President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Join the New American Revolution: Declare your independence by voting for independents.”

Contact me at

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