Thursday, April 28, 2011

Part V - Presidential candidate's Yahoo News postings

Once again, I share comments I’d posted to articles appearing on Yahoo News. These were posted between April 18 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

Posted on Yahoo! News


"[The Afghan military officer who killed 9 Americans] was under economic pressures and recently he sold his house. He was not in a normal frame of mind because of these pressures," said the brother…

Economic pressures? Was he a heroin addict who got cut off because he couldn’t keep his part of the bargain? And what kind of bargain might that have been?

Do economic pressures rank up there with combat stress? What causes a decorated veteran who had suffered bodily several times during his career to kill his comrades-in-arms? Or had he been converted to the Taliban cause, in spite of his brother’s denials? That would be gravely alarming since he, unlike a raw recruit, should be the last person to go ballistic. If he could turn against his military oath, anybody could.

Or was he such a patriot he couldn’t stand what the scourge of drug abuse was doing to his country (there was none of that when the Taliban ruled)? Maybe some of those Americans he killed were engaged in that trade.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“With so many questions, this will not be investigated but will be thoroughly covered up.”


There is no Chinese Communist Party – there is only the Party of I’ve-got-mine-so-screw-you. Also known as the Neo-Mandarins. If the Neo-Mandies are so afraid of Christians, then they must be terrified of their own shadows. Believe me, a Christian is not a thing to be feared – only to be laughed at or debunked.

This deep-seated fear is the kind of thing that squelches creativity, which is why Chinese nationalism will fail. Simply because the ruling class refuses to utilize its greatest resource – the genius of its own considerable people. However, since I oppose all national sovereignties, I consider this to be a good thing. I only hope that when implosion occurs, there won’t be any outwardly-flying shrapnel. Same goes for our implosion as well.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“In spite of media black out to the contrary, we really are in the midst of a divide-and-conquer, winner-take-all class war.”


This mind-boggling escape [of nearly 500 Taliban prisoners] will prove to be the pivotal event in this conflict. After this war eventually ends and the US and NATO find a way to pull out “with honor,” the history books will show this escape as the nail in the coffin. How ironic would that be – that it won’t end up being a pitched battle between equally determined forces or anything else equally bloody or spectacular?

If you think about what this escape implies, you’ll realize we have no allies among the Afghans. We have lost the battle for their hearts and souls.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“When the Taliban eventually win, they won't give Karzai and his cronies time to escape to Switzerland. They’ll hang them from the highest tree.”


Abbas called on … Washington to pressure Israel to restart negotiations, saying that "if Israel shows a serious willingness to negotiate…”

The Israeli government is practical and therefore won’t negotiate but instead will continue to grab as much land and move in as many settlers as possible.

My suggestions: (1) The US should void diplomatic recognition of Israel; (2) The US should unilaterally grant diplomatic recognition to Palestine (including all of the West Bank settlements illegally occupied by Israel); (3) Invite the Palestinian Authority to invite a token US military force for joint military exercises on its land; (4) Permanently eliminate the $3B per year in welfare payments (each) the US makes to Israel and Egypt.

I don’t think the Zionists could easily ignore these kinds of overtures. Under Obama, you will not see any change for the Palestinians – and that was the game plan from day one.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As your next President, I can (on my own authority) implement items 1 thru 3 above. In fact, I will be obligated, under the terms of my written contract, to do so.”


Suppose Gaddafi tries an end-run around our "protecting civilians" excuse. Suppose he issues this declaration:

"We will stop shelling Misrata for one week. And we will guarantee safe passage and relocation to any and all civilians in that city. After one week, though, we will level the city to the ground."

What could the Western opportunists (I mean, "powers") do? Anyone left in Misrata would be presumed to be rebels (not civilians) and therefore would be legitimate military targets. [NOTE: I'm pretty good at reducing the excuses of petty bureaucrats to rubble.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Did anyone actually buy into that 'protecting civilians" line of bull?"


Robert Gates is one of those poor souls who tried so hard all his life to ingratiate himself with the “real” rulers of this country. He desperately wanted to not only be accepted and trusted by these people, but to be loved by them. He will tell any kind of lie he thinks the Illuminati want us to hear. He would even launch us into nuclear war if they told him to “do it.” But the sad truth is – they laugh at poor Robert behind his back and (on occasion) even right in his face. But Robert just sucks it up – because he thinks that will make them love him or at least pretend to. And at this late stage in his life, Robert will be satisfied with feigned affection.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“You guess it – I don’t think much of Robert Gates, but even I think more of him than he thinks of himself, truth be told.”


"It concluded that the evidence was insufficient to substantiate a violation of any applicable legal or ethics"

I don't remember hearing McChrystal crying foul at the time. "Mr. President, I didn't say those things" - those words never crossed his lips. It may well be that the "evidence was insufficient" to hang a general. But there are guys who were sent to Gitmo based on far flimsier evidence. Equal justice for all? Oh, that's right...the Gitmo guys aren't US citizens...nor are they generals.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"What gives? The general is gone, no report is going to bring him back, and, no, this army report doesn't clear him of merely says the 'evidence was insufficient.' Why waste taxpayer dollars to generate a report that's basically meaningless?"


Suppose Trump is richer than Romney. So what? Some of the world’s greatest leaders weren’t rich at all. Besides, it’s entirely possible that Mitt has hidden financial resources that would put Trump to shame. I’m talking about the kind of network contacts that a secretive Mormon, descended from an apostle, might have access to. You see, Donald, it’s not what you know or even how much you have that matters – it’s who you know.

Besides, why should anyone believe that it’s going to take a businessman to get this country back on its feet? Trump has been awfully good at looking out for number one – hence his wealth – but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’d even care to look out for anybody else.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Trump as a leader couldn’t hold a candle to my personal hero in terms of sheer ability – Joan of Arc.”


In "honor" of Trump's hair, I hereby dub him the candidate of the "Whig" Party.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"I wonder if Trump will put his campaign promises in the form of a written contract, as I've done. Contracts are the lifeblood of the business world, so perhaps in this he'll follow my lead."


It doesn't matter if Trump wants to blow smoke. Nor does it matter who the GOP picks, and they know it. Obama's going to win again, so all the GOP can do it try to position itself for 2016. Even though I know Obama's going to win, I will do my best to oppose him with my own candidacy. And with the novelty of the written political contract.

All of my campaign promises are in writing. If I violate any of them, I lose my office (that stipulation is in the contract). That's change you can believe in. Actually, you don't even have to believe in it – it’s all in writing. If my innovation catches on, with other candidates starting to offer their own contracts, I will have won in a far more important way.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“One of my written promises: I will not sign any bill into law the increases the debt limit.”


"So is a conservative tide sweeping the nation?"

Not really – most people are either resigned or confused. It’s not that conservatives are gaining, it’s that the “other side” is losing ground. GOP gains don’t constitute a vote of confidence, since most of this new support is really a vote against the other side. As long as we’re polarized into thinking libs vs. cons, Dems vs. Pubs, us vs. everybody else, we won’t think clearly enough to arrive at practical solutions. Those are the ones not driven by ideology or triumphalism.

We won’t get any fresh thinking in govt until we get fresh (that is, independent) legislators. Until we throw every last Dem & Pub out of office, we’ll always end up being ping-ponged by party-driven agendas.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The answers are out there. But the current crop of elected officials (Dems & Pubs) are loyal only to what will increase their chances for reelection.”


Dear Obama Supporters: Here, I'll spell it out for you: He lied to you, and he's cynically counting on your support "knowing" you won't vote for his GOP opponent.

Now I'll remind you of the roots of your idealism: You grew up in an era of cynical and lying politicians, and you got sick of it. Isn't that exactly what Obama has become? What to do? Dump Obama. He didn't "compromise" anything. All of his moves, from day 1, were well thought out and intended. He's always been far more bipartisan than you dare imagine.

The only answer is to oust all the Dem/Pubs from all offices and vote for independents. Wake up...there is no other way. BTW, did I mention I'm an independent running against Obama Inc in 2012?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Join the New American Revolution: Declare your independence by voting for independents."


“As she spoke, eight other soldiers from countries including Iran, Haiti, Australia and Bangladesh celebrated and showed friends and family their new citizenship papers…”

How sad that we’re selling our citizenship to the brown people of the world who will, as US citizens in the US army, be paid to make war against, well, other brown people of the world. I hope the cynics who developed this option are prepared for the possibility that some of these new “citizens” may well turn out to be members of sleeper cells. Great! Just what we need. Enemy agents imbedded among our troops. There’s a certain poetic justice in that, don’t you think?

More to my way of thinking: Grant citizenship to those who will become members of a far more necessary army – an army of peace and goodwill. Not much popular demand for that kind of army I’m afraid. Too bad.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Keep in mind: You get what you pay for.”


@ Vince

16 minutes ago, you wrote, "Regardless what you believe about freedom of information, stealing classified data [for example, Wikileaks] is just wrong."

Hmm...suppose a do-gooder stumbled upon classified info that proved Dubya was behind the 9/11 downing of the Twin Towers. Would you still say, "...stealing classified data is just wrong?" That's where we run into trouble, assuming we aren't supposed to think but instead just blindly follow certain rules since doing otherwise would be "just wrong." What good are our freedoms if we don't exercise our judgment?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"I'm sorry to report that we have so many thoughtless citizens out there."


“at least 5 dead” should not be used in the same sentence as “Syria uses army to crush uprising.”

When the current president’s father crushed the insurgency in Hama in 1982, that (mostly civilian) death toll was between 20K and 40K. Now that’s a proper use of the word “crush.” [Of course, that was in the days before the GWOT.]

So at least one Syrian rebel is asking for foreign intervention. How would he feel if Israeli warplanes took out a couple of dozen of Assad’s tanks? Would rebels cheer the Star of David flying overhead or would that unify the nation against a common “enemy.” The very best way to send a message to established orders (like Assad’s) would be to immediately cut off the $3B each in military aid we give annually to Israel and Egypt – the ripple effect from that would be enormous and wouldn’t involve any American boots on the ground.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Sometimes, to cause a reaction in one place, it’s necessary to act in another (though remote) place.”


(sigh) And there are still fools out there who believe in the Big Bang. Unbelievable.

The biggest problem with our ability to create theory (and that's exactly what we do, create theory) is the limitation imposed by our point of observation. Which is, for all intents and purposes, one single solitary point, since earth can't be much more than that, relatively speaking. Since all science starts with, and is confirmed by, observation, and all we have is one point of reference, our science has a truly fatal limitation to overcome.

If things that need to be observed don’t happen to cross our field of observation, or are too distorted or faint to register, then those things can’t ever figure into our theories. So we evade that limitation by assuming that all that is important enough to be seen actually is seen. Or, put another way, what’s way out there isn’t any different than what we can readily observe. That’s a huge assumption. But I encourage science to proceed in its quest, since that should keep scientists happy enough until they stumble upon the insights to be obtained from Buddhist practice.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Science is a good thing but not the only thing – or even the most important thing.”


There's a saying - "Every dog has his day." Right now, Assad's private army is riding pretty high and mighty. But one day you'll read a small blurb on page 38 of your daily news rag - "Explosion rips army barracks in Damascus - scores killed." A lot of people won't see the cause and effect relationship though, since their grip on events doesn't extend very far back.

Such tit-for-tat is typical when the head of state personally controls the military. I was never clear on why anybody thought that was such a great idea. But even in the US, the emphasis in the military is to follow orders. I know, I know…it’s supposed to be to follow all “lawful” orders. But that “lawful” part was always just an afterthought, which doesn’t get much emphasis in basic training. Come to think of it, that “lawful” part doesn’t get the emphasis it deserves in our civilian lives as well. Let's work on that before we even dream of telling the Syrians how to live their lives.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As for Syria, there’s really nothing the US can or should do – except hope for the best.”


Trump is keen on Obama giving proof (“let him show his records”) but not so keen on revealing his sources (“I heard he was a terrible student”). At least Obama seems to present himself intelligently – which is a far cry from Dubya’s public persona. And yet, Bush II was a mediocre student at best, who still managed to pick up an MBA from Harvard (though maybe that says more about Harvard and the decline of American scholarship than it does about Bush).

As far as Obama’s records are concerned – as any university students knows, transcripts of grades can only be shown with the student’s permission. And if that student doesn’t choose to reveal his records, that’s his business and he’s breaking no law or social norm by so withholding. Same goes for Obama’s long-form birth certificate. There are morons out there who think “he must be hiding something” by not showing us this certificate. Fact is, that’s his choice and the law is on his side.

My personal philosophy in life: As long as someone isn’t breaking the law, his choices are his business and I won’t think any the less of him as a human being.
Trump is engaging in character assassination since he doesn’t really have any solutions to offer.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I have a solution: Declare your independence by voting for independents.”


"Authorities have biometric data on each prisoner, which aids in their identification, the governor's office said."

Hmm...I wonder if these prisoners had been chipped.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Those insiders who helped the prisoners escape must be supremely confident that, even if their identities become known, they won't suffer any consequences. And what does that say about our long-awaited 'light at the end of the tunnel'"?


"The president, I know, has some issues to deal with here. He can solve this whole birth certificate issue pretty quickly," Graham said.

Actually, during the summer of 2009, the House of Representatives had already dealt with this issue – decisively. That’s when they passed a Resolution in honor of Hawaii’s 50th anniversary as a state. Included in that Resolution was this language: “Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii…” The final vote? Unanimous – 378 in favor, no nays, 55 did not vote (of which 35 were Democrats).

Nuff said, Reverend Graham, let’s get back to praying, shall we – or risk losing your tax exempt status for blatantly politicking?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’m sure Graham is a wonderful preacher – so he should stick to that.”


I'm saddened that Obama decided to release his long-form birth cert. He had every right to keep this private document to himself. But why release it now? The issue was more divisive a year ago, but now Obama releases it so we can "move forward?" I doubt the president caved in to the a-holes who bleated, "If he ain't showin' it, he must have something to hide." You know them, the repeat-something-often-enough-and-people-start-to-think-it’s-true crowd.

Maybe, just maybe Obama got a little nervous about what Trump's investigators might find. Of course, one can always say, "Wouldn't the GOP have had its own team trying to dig up dirt?" Not really...when you consider they're pretty much on the same page. Ah, but the Trump Squad might not be part of the Plan. Loose cannon, anybody?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I didn’t buy into the birther nonsense, but I often wondered why none of the rank-and-file whom the Prez worked with as community organizer stepped forward with any testimonials. Not one stepped forward. The silence was deafening.”


"If I had my druthers, I would rather be representing Berkshire in this matter than Sokol in a Delaware court."

Yeah, I rather expected something like that in such a corporate-beholden state. I wonder if it would be possible for Sokol to have his trial (if it comes to that) moved to another state or out of the country. Yeah, I know...sounds pretty terrible to suggest a fair trial in such a matter could not be obtained in a US court. But you know the old saying: Money doesn't talk in this country - it screams.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"We need to look at how these 'safe haven' states operate in terms of 'and freedom and justice for all.'"


Once upon a time, we had investigative journalists who would have jumped at the chance to tell us: "What is the quality of life of the peoples of Syria? Are there economic reasons underlying the protests? Or are people chafing under a one-party system, having been inspired by the protests in other parts of the Islamic world?" It's true that specific information on the protests is hard to come by. But how hard can it be to give us a glimpse of how things are going for the Syrian man in the street?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"I guess we don't do journalism any more."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012 Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Join the New American Revolution: Declare your independence by voting for independents.”

Contact me at

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