Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rahm Emanuel's middle finger (to Chicago)


President Barack Obama named veteran political manager William Daley to be his new chief of staff Thursday [Jan. 6, 2011], selecting a centrist with Wall Street ties … Daley replaced Pete Rouse, the interim chief of the last three months and a behind-the-scenes Obama adviser who did not want the position permanently and recommended Daley for it.


My response (posted on Yahoo):

“…[Rouse]…recommended Daley for it.”

That’s what we’re supposed to believe? Maybe the truth is somewhat closer to this:

Since Rahm’s job was done (at least as far as Rahm was concerned), he made it clear to the (real) Powers-that-Be that he demanded the “right” to be anointed Chicago’s next mayor. Therefore, Mayor Richard Daley (the incumbent) was ordered (that’s right – “ordered”) to retire to make room for Rahm. [The fact that Rahm could demand anything from the PTB speaks volumes as to whom (or I should say, “what”) exactly Rahm Emanuel is.]

This man is far more dangerous than you can imagine.

To throw the wounded Richard Daley a bone (he didn’t want to retire), his brother William is anointed to become the next Chief of Staff by the same PTB. Those “Powers” don’t, by the way, include Obama. He is their puppet as much as anyone else in the public eye.

There! This scenario sounds more plausible than Rouse “recommending” William Daley for the job. Waaay more plausible.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“Vote for me in 2012 and let’s end this bs manipulation by the PTB. They are NOT invulnerable” – Steve.

Why I oppose Rahm Emanuel for Mayor

I don’t oppose Rahm simply, and overwhelmingly, because he is mentally disturbed – though he is most certainly that. I oppose him because his promotion to mayor is being so carefully staged (with the support of major media) in order to perpetuate machine politics in this town. Most of Rahm’s opponents are hopeless unknowns from various fringes, without websites, networks of friends, or solutions to Chicago’s problems.

Among the major candidates still in the race:

·       Carol Moseley-Braun, for whom Senator James Meeks and Congressman Danny Davis took a dive in order to make her the “consensus” Black candidate. [NOTE: The real reason they took a dive was to help Rahm’s cause, since Moseley-Braun’s sheer ineptitude (e.g. her shaky personal finances) make her more a laughingstock than viable threat to Rahm.]

·       Gery Chico, of whom the Chicago Tribune has this to say: “A City Hall insider for decades…has made millions of dollars in the last few years from his law firm that lobbies for clients seeking city business…”

·       Miguel del Valle: Though he has not lined his pockets while serving the public, he is a lifelong Democratic party cog. This should work against him, since the public is in far greater need of independents. [NOTE: Case in point: I had a personal interaction with del Valle’s office when he was a state senator in the mid-80s. I presented evidence of corruption at his alma mater, Northeastern Illinois University. Which he promptly ignored. I can’t support anyone who won’t act on evidence of corruption, though I’m sure he thought such “ignoring” was for the greater good of the Party]

[SIDE NOTE: There is one glimmer of hope, in the person of longshot candidate Dr. Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins. She appears to have ample grassroots support based on her 30 years as a community organizer. Not just talk but action. She has also been able to raise enough money to produce commercials. And is not a politician.]

Where, oh where, was the opposition?

I wonder where the true independent liberals are. You know, if you’re a Chicago resident, they’re the ones who have been carping for years at their intimate social gatherings. Carping about what SOBs/morons Mayor Daley I and II were/are.

Sooner or later, these independents/reformers knew that Daley II would no longer be in the picture. I’m just surprised they weren’t prepared to galvanize behind at least one candidate when the opportunity presented itself. Someone like a respected academic, journalist, or activist (perhaps someone running a not-for-profit). What on earth were the Lakefront Liberals waiting for or doing all these years?

I’m just glad Van Pelt-Watkins decided to act on her own and jump into the race. I wonder if the wine-and-cheese libs will make any effort on her behalf (such as, at least, voting for her – that would be nice). I also wonder if VP-W will actually make it on the ballot. She submitted 40,000 signatures on her nominating petitions, which would be enough to qualify her since only 12,500 are required. BUT (and this is a big BUT) if the local Powers-that-Be wave their magic wand, Dr. Pat might find many of those signatures “deemed” inadmissible for one technical reason or another. Or for one fabricated reason or another.

Chicago politics is famous for that. Just ask Barack Obama how his lawyers used legal challenges (to signed petitions) to knock his opponents off the ballot when he was running for state senator. Ah, the good old days. What memories!

The false issue of Rahm’s Chicago residency

Right now, there are challenges Rahm is facing by lawyers (hired guns) attempting to knock his name off the ballot. Their claim? Even though Rahm is undeniably a lifelong resident of Chicago, there’s apparently some rule that covers candidates running for mayor: They have to have been a “resident” of Chicago during the year prior to the election. Naturally, everything hinges on how the word “resident” is legally defined. Consider: A person can be deemed a “resident” for a year, even though he did not live in Chicago for a year (Rahm lived in DC during that time).

Anyway, that’s how the local election board ruled, in Rahm’s favor. Looks like this decision will be appealed in court.

I call this a false issue, though (to be accurate) it should be called a “false law.” Just like the 22nd amendment to the US Constitution:

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…”

Not to mention Article 2, Section 1:

“…No person except a natural born citizen…shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

I call these “false laws” because they are not true to the spirit of honoring the wisdom of We-the-People. In short, I think citizens should be able to vote for whomever they damn well please.

Rahm Emanuel’s middle finger

I blogged about Rahm’s (severed) middle finger back in September of 2006. This blog is still live on the internet, even though the hosting site (Daily Kos) voided my posting privileges long ago. I had this to say:

I was mercilessly flamed by the Daily Kos partisans for that piece. But I defend my approach because it sticks in the mind. It's crude but it jars people enough to make them think, even though I come off as a bit of an ass using such imagery. [So what? Don't care.] The plain truth is: In so many ways, subtle and gross, Rahm has been giving the middle finger to America for decades. And I will use any device at my disposal to remind (especially) the Obamamaniacs of this.

When Obama first appointed Rahm as Chief of Staff, that was only the beginning of many (planned) sellouts yet to come. I can't believe, though (since this is too far-fetched even in the world of politics), that Rahm gives us the finger (in terms of his overall behavior) since he can't do so by means of the classic hand gesture. After all, he still has the middle finger on his left hand! Perhaps this is a classic case of overcompensation for loss. Who knows?

What I'd like to see: At Rahm's next public speaking event, I'd like to see a group of street activists infiltrating, disguised as a bunch of Dem Party loyalists (Yes Men, anybody?), pelting him with rubber middle fingers. Dozens, if not hundreds of rubber digits. Symbolically, they'd just be "flipping back" all those middle fingers Rahm flipped us over the years.

Some critics claim I should be more gentlemanly in my attacks. However, I take comfort from these words, written about former Fed Director Alan Greenspan. They appear in a chapter** entitled, “The Biggest Asshole in the Universe:”


Greenspan’s rise is… a tale of a gerbilish mirror-gazer who flattered and bullshitted his way up the Matterhorn of American power and then, once he got to the top, feverishly jacked himself off to the attentions of Wall Street for twenty consecutive years – in the process laying the intellectual foundation for a generation of orgiastic greed and overconsumption and turning the Federal Reserve into a permanent bailout mechanism for the super-rich.


Can you say, “Wow?”

Now I don’t feel so bad (as if I ever did!) about so crudely referencing Rahm’s middle finger. Actually, if by some miracle Rahm loses this election, he’ll not only have his millions of dollars to console him but I’m sure he’ll find some other way to cause mischief.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“I just can’t get over the feeling that Rahm Emanuel is some kind of golem who was manufactured in some laboratory somewhere, serving some evil master” – Steve.

   * Source: “Obama chooses William Daley as chief of staff,” by Ben Feller, AP White House Correspondent

  ** Source: Griftopia by Matt Taibbi, copyright 2010

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