Friday, January 21, 2011

It's risky dating politicians...sometimes

Wanted: Creative types to assist with my Presidential ad campaign

The hallmark of my campaign will be original, creative, artistic ads based on the new politics represented by The Independent Contractor’s Party. I hope you can help me come up with a series of elegant ads which will linger in the mind. Can you do it? Or do you know someone who can? Please don't hesitate: now is the time to step up to the plate.

I’m asking for volunteers because I don’t have the means to pay you. However, I won’t insult you by saying, “You’ll get your reward in heaven.” It would be more accurate to say, “You’ll get your reward in the heaven on earth that we’ll create by helping elect independents to office.”

The sample below, which I wrote, will give you an idea of what I have in mind:


The viewer will see a head shot of an attractive but not model-beautiful female (aka ON) talking into the camera in response to an off-camera interviewing voice (also female, aka OFF):

OFF:  You just went out on three different dates with three different politicians. Tell us about the Democrat.

ON: He drank himself stupid with beer – from cans! Can you believe that? How gross! And he kept pounding down chili dogs with onions. Then he was all over me like a cheap suit. I said, "You're not my type." He said, "That's okay, honey, politics makes strange bedfellows, if you know what I mean." I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

OFF: What about the Republican?

ON: We had caviar and fine wine, and then he wanted to tie me down. Kept saying I reminded him of his daughter. Kept talking about doing a pre-emptive strike.

OFF: Wow! What did you do?

ON: I knocked him on his ass and said, "How's that for a pre-emptive strike?"

OFF: Cool! What about the Independent candidate?

ON: Oh, he was a real gentleman. Took me to a movie, then we went out for coffee.

OFF: And?

ON: He asked me what I thought about the movie.

OFF: And?

ON: He asked me what I thought about a lot of stuff. He listened...I don't get that a lot.

[The next image shows a split screen. On the left, is a freeze frame of ON after she delivers her last line. On the right, is a live-action head shot of me, saying:]

"I've spent my whole life listening, and I think I know what you want. My written contract tells the whole world what I'll do if elected. My opponents don't have contracts, so they make promises instead - which they may or may not keep. You know, politics as usual. If that's not good enough for you, I'd appreciate your support. Thank you.”

[Final image: A blue field with white lettering: Steven Searle for President in 2012. Vote for Independent candidates.]

Female voiceover concludes with: "Steven Searle for President in 2012. Vote for the only Independent candidate running for President."

Steven Searle for U.S. President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

The only candidate with a contract: "You wouldn't sell your house without a contract; why give your vote away?"

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