Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rahm Emanuel, Mossad agent?

QUESTION # 1: Is Rahm Emanuel a Mossad agent?

QUESTION #2: Does that matter, one way or the other?

Disclaimer:  I don’t have any proof that Mr. Emanuel is a Mossad agent, certainly not anything that would stand up in a court of law. In the following posting, I merely present factors which should be considered by anybody thinking of supporting Rahm for Mayor of Chicago. And some of these factors would still be worth considering even if Rahm wasn’t even remotely connected to the Mossad.

I personally believe he is…

I personally believe Rahm is a Mossad agent. There! I want to put that upfront, first and foremost. Why do I feel this way? There’s an old saying: “Just follow the money.”

Follow the money:

Some way, somehow Rahm has been blessed with the Midas Touch. He is a legendary fundraiser, who has profoundly influenced the fortunes of Mayor Daley [when Rahm was all of 30 years old], Bill Clinton, and the Democratic Party. I believe his connections to wealthy Jews have helped him far more in this capacity than any acquired learning or natural flair. These wealthy Jewish donors see him, accurately and in appreciable numbers, as “their man” – or, more accurately, as “Israel’s man.”

There isn’t anything inherently evil in being sympathetic to or enamored of another country. It is, however, a conflict of interest to pretend to be serving the interests of the United States as one serves his “real” object of loyalty. There are people who claim that Rahm is a dual Israeli-American citizen; others deny this. I don’t believe he is, at least not in terms of formal documentation. However, it’s best to keep in mind that every Jew is automatically an Israeli citizen should he ever wish to formally make application.

Back to “follow the money”: $16.2 million:

How did [Zionist] Rahm “earn” $16.2 million in two-and-a-half years while “working” as an investment banker for [Jewish] Wasserstein Perella & Co? This, while he had no experience whatsoever in that field and had no MBA.

I’m amazed that no one questions this in the midst of a hotly-contested election for Chicago mayor. I’ll come right out and say it: “There’s no honest way anyone can earn that kind of money in such a brief period of time without training and experience.” But…none of Rahm’s opponents bothers to point out this obvious fact.

Rahm’s deep connection to Israel:


His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born pediatrician who was once a member of the Irgun…

The surname Emanuel (עמנואל), adopted by the family in honor of his father's brother Emanuel Auerbach, killed in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

He and his brothers attended summer camp in Israel, including just after the 1967 Six Day War.

During the 1991 Gulf War, Emanuel volunteered with the Israel Defense Forces as a civilian helping to maintain equipment.


My response to these quotes:

·         Concerning Irgun: “Critics of the Irgun has seen it as a terrorist organization. It was legally classified as such by the new State of Israel in 1948” – according to the Wikipedia article on Irgun.

·         Concerning “the surname Emanuel”: The more likely reason for changing the family name was to get rid of the (hated) Germanic surname “Auerbach” and re-establish the family with a Jewish surname – “Emanuel” being Hebrew for “God is with us.” I don’t believe for a moment that a family from a highly patriarchal culture changes its surname to honor a brother, while forsaking the surname of the father of that brother.

·         Concerning attending “summer camp in Israel”: What better way to indoctrinate the young?

·         Concerning Rahm’s volunteer service with the IDF: There’s a lot wrong with that fish story. It’s incredible that Rahm would not try to help Israel by using his already-established knack for fundraising. Rahm’s services to the IDF would not have been needed during the 1991 Gulf War, since Israel wasn’t under attack at that time. However, Israel (as always) would surely have appreciated any funds Rahm could have raised on its behalf. Then there’s the issue of Rahm working to “maintain equipment.” Since Rahm was missing part of the middle finger of his right hand (and he is right-handed), it seems improbable that he would have been terribly efficient as a mechanic. Most likely? Rahm went to Israel in 1991 to receive a briefing and necessary training for his new role as Mossad’s leading agent in the United States.

Chicago: Geo-Political Considerations

Not many people fully appreciate Chicago’s importance in the larger scheme of things. We’re more apt to hear stories about Wall Street than LaSalle Street. In fact, much of what makes Chicago tick is skillfully and intentionally kept out of the news. Let’s take a look at the sleeping giant that is Chicago:

Chicago is a power center located in Illinois, the fifth-most populous state in the Union. Moreover, Chicago as a financial and economic power doesn’t really have much competition. This can be more fully appreciated by taking a map of the United States and drawing a circle, using Chicago as the center, with a radius of 500 miles. Go ahead, take a good, long, hard look. Within that circle (with a diameter of 1,000 miles!), Chicago stands alone in terms of financial and economic influence. No other city even comes close.

It’s a truism in Realpolitiks: “If you can control the heartland, you can control the nation.” In this sense, Chicago is critically important.

And yet the local media in Chicago (and even the national press) doesn’t question the dubious circumstances and timing of Mayor Daley’s retirement (I believe he was forced to retire to make room for Rahm). No one questions how Rahm miraculously manages to be the only white candidate in this racially polarized city. And the two Hispanic candidates will most likely split that bloc of voters and the only leading Black candidate (Carol Moseley Braun) has been recently (and conveniently!) tainted by disclosures about her personal finances.

And none of the candidates for Mayor, including Rahm Emanuel, says anything about investigating city government’s financial irregularities or mob influence. The mob is pointedly not mentioned by anybody – by neither candidates nor media. Instead of focusing on the issues (on which Rahm is notably silent, speaking only in sweeping generalities), local media focuses on Rahm’s legal challengers trying to force him off the ballot based on doubts concerning his legal residency. On that issue, I tried to post this on Yahoo! – unsuccessfully (yes, Yahoo! does censor):


The [Illinois] Appellate Court tried (or did it, really?) to keep Rahm off the ballot. With 2 of the 3 judges being Democrats, maybe - just maybe - the Dem who (apparently) sided with the Pubber to keep Rahm off the ballot was just engaging in a little theater. Justice Shlevin Louis Marie Hall (Dem.) knew, if the case went to the state Supreme Court, the 4-3 Democrat majority there would reinstate Rahm.

So why the theatrics, Justice Hall? To build sympathy for Rahm? To fire up his base? To keep him in the headlines as a (gag) underdog? To make his residency an issue, so he wouldn’t have to speak on any real issues?

Good job, Hall! Way to go.

Oh…don’t think too much of the Supreme Court voting unanimously to reinstate Rahm. Why not? To split 4-3 would make it seem “political” – which the court would never dream of doing…righhtttt. All in the spirit of bipartisanship, yea!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“If you think this cheap manipulation in service of Rahm was a slick piece of work, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”


Miscellaneous Considerations

How is it that Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama, both of whom came from Chicago, managed to come out of thin air to storm the national stage? Obama’s narrative maintains he was a community organizer fresh out of law school. And yet, during his presidential campaign, I never saw one single human interest story in the news featuring an interview with anyone who actually saw Obama do this. Oh, to be sure, he might have staged a grand appearance once in a while, just to reinforce any future propaganda effort, but the lack of coverage on this aspect of his career is truly striking.

Rahm and Barack both succeeded in having the media play an embarrassingly supportive, non-questioning role in advancing their careers.

During his two years as Obama’s Chief of Staff, absolutely nothing was done concerning the Palestinian question – which is just the way Israel wants it. [Good job, Rahm, keeping the US President in line.]

And lastly, it’s amazing that Rahm Emanuel had emerged to play such a pivotal role in the Democratic Party’s resurgence in the 2006 election cycle. All of these accomplishments can be attributed far more to Rahm Emanuel’s connections to wealthy Zionist donors than to any native genius on his part. Though, it must be admitted, he has played his role well. Since Israel has only six million Jewish inhabitants, and the international Jewish community is so small, it’s absolutely critical for them to utilize every resource at their disposal. And they have utilized Rahm to an exquisite degree – for which service he has been handsomely rewarded.

And should he become Chicago’s next mayor, his rewards will grow by leaps and bounds – though won’t necessarily be publicly noticeable. Go figure.

END NOTE: I couldn’t resist laughing aloud at a headline in one of Chicago’s papers, announcing that Rahm Emanuel had been declared ineligible to be on the ballot. This ruling was from the Appellate Court. The headline? “Rahm Bomb.” One of the greatest Jewish scholars of the Middle Ages was Maimonides – also known as “Rambam,” which is pronounced exactly the same as “Rahm Bomb.”

I doubt this connection was intended by whomever wrote that headline. But who knows? Perhaps Rahm Emanuel will become as equally revered as that ancient Jewish scholar. The universe can have a wicked sense of humor.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“If Hollywood were to invent a script similar to the life of the real life Rahm Emanuel, nobody would believe it. Simply too far-fetched.”

  * All quoted material is from the Wikipedia article on Rahm Emanuel

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