Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reaching out to the Weinstein Company

On September 8, I sent the following letter (quoted in its entirety in the following section). It came back to me 14 days later – on Sept. 22. The envelope was marked:

Return to Sender
Not deliverable as addressed
Unable to forward

I went to several on-line sources to double-check the address. The only difference among the sources: Some of them cited “13th floor,” which is how I’d addressed the envelope. While others cited: “Room 1301.” So, I resent this letter about 5 days ago, citing “room 1301.” I resent it as regular as opposed to certified mail, which is exactly how I'd sent the original. I am a bit mystified as to how the US Postal Service was “unable to forward” my earlier letter. But I’m patient enough to see how my latest snail-mail attempt pans out.

Oh, I had also sent this very same letter to one of the production companies involved – Exclusive Media (no response from them yet). I’m not holding my breath for any kind of response from anybody – the Weinsteins included. But I’m hoping my pitch for Best Picture somehow reaches someone in a position of authority that can emphasize the Buddhist ideas expressed therein.

Which is why I decided to post this letter for any and all to see. If the idea of six degrees of separation is valid, then only five people are needed to say to the next one up on the food chain, “Say, have you seen this?”

The letter in its entirety

                                                                                          Steven Searle*
The Weinstein Company LLC                                    
345 Hudson St., 13th floor                                                
New York, New York 10014

                                                                       September 8, 2014
SUBJECT:  the movie “Begin Again”

To Whom It May Concern:

May I suggest: Regarding your quest for an Academy Award (not to mention greater ticket sales), you would be missing a golden opportunity by not promoting the subtle Buddhist connection in “Begin Again?” Two songs in that movie provide powerful references – more powerfully, “Coming up roses,” and to a lesser extent “Lost Stars.”

I had posted a detailed analysis of these two songs on my blog, which can be found on this link:

To whet your appetite, this quote from my blog concerns lines 15 and 16 of “Coming up roses,” which supports my point:


(15) My whole life's turned around
(16) For this thing you keep chasing.

This "thing you keep chasing" is Steve's persistent search for enlightenment, which he has tried over the years to share with Gretta. He succeeds when she admits, "My whole life's turned around [by the power of] this thing you keep chasing." [Skipping the next paragraph.]

Another interesting point is the odd positioning of Steve's own bed - it's so high up, he'd practically have to be able to fly to reach it (hmm, food for thought, since highly accomplished bodhisattvas are able to do exactly that, though he is wise enough not to give Gretta a demonstration, making up some barely plausible explanation as to how he manages to get to his bed).


Best wishes on your Oscar quest; I think Best Picture is well within your grasp.


Steven Searle

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle, just another member of
The Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
Former candidate for US President (in 2008 & 2012)


Searle* – I omitted my home address in this otherwise complete version of this letter.

Contact me at

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