Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Karen Lewis "cancered" out of Chicago's mayoral race?


I believe the people controlling the golem* Rahm Emanuel (his creators, quite literally) are responsible for having induced brain cancer in Karen Lewis, in order to eliminate her as an opponent in Chicago's upcoming mayoral election.

The techniques for inducing cancer have been well-known to our intelligence agencies for decades. But the "right" to use this power has been severely controlled in the United States. There has to be compelling reason and permission has to be granted. Since it is considered vital to the interests of Israel that Rahm Israel Emanuel remain in power, that permission was granted.

Yes, his middle name is really "Israel" - I'm not making this up. Man, talk about truth in packaging.



Monday, Oct. 20, 2014…

Karen Lewis is back on Twitter.

Until yesterday, the Chicago Teachers Union president, former mayoral contender and avid tweeter had been silent on the social media platform since Oct. 5, when she checked into the hospital and was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. A week later, she took her name out of the running as a potential candidate to challenge Mayor Rahm Emanuel in 2015.

The 61-year-old CTU rabblerouser, who would often use Twitter to rib Emanuel…

:UNQUOTE: [source: see Footnote 1]

That last sentence is interesting, coming as it does in a story on the NBC news website. "Rabblerouser" is a pejorative word being used, in this case, by a media outlet subservient to Rahm Emanuel's masters. If, however, such a word must be used, then that sentence should be rewritten like this:

"The 61-year-old CTU rabblerouser, who would often use Twitter to rib Mayor 'Potty Mouth' Emanuel..." I know, I know...supporters will say Rahm is only "guilty" of occasionally using salty language. My take? Such language is a sign of an unstable being, which is basically what a golem is. [NOTE: Watch for other signs of instability as time goes on.]

So...Karen Lewis is out of the picture. It's entirely possible that Rahm Israel Emanuel will be running unopposed for mayor. It's bad enough that Chicago is a one-political-party town. But when we reach a point where the local strongman runs unopposed, how different are we from countries that operate under similar rules?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle, just another member of the
Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
Former Candidate for US President (in 2008 & 2012)

"I've often wondered if my own 'terminal' cancer, which I'm still battling, had been induced. If so, then those responsible have obviously never read the Lotus Sutra which describes what happens to people who (in a Rahm-favored word) 'fuck' with those who (like myself) embrace and actively propagate the Lotus Sutra" - Steve Searle.


Footnote 1: golem*

Footnote 2:

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