Monday, August 11, 2014

Moshe Feiglin's attempt at ethnic cleansing


I'm going to reprint below the entire letter sent to Israeli PM Netanyahu on Aug. 1, 2014 by Moshe Feiglin. Feiglin is a newcomer to the Israeli parliament (the Knesset), having been elected on January 22, 2013. At present, he is one of ten Deputy Speakers of the Knesset.

His letter appears on this link and will have my comments interspersed within his text which I reproduced below:

Moshe Feiglin's letter

To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

I have just heard that Hamas has taken advantage of the ceasefire to abduct an officer. It looks like this operation is not about to be over any too soon. The failures of this operation were inherent from the outset, because:

1.It has no proper and clear goal

B. There is no appropriate moral framework to support our soldiers

What is required now is for Israel to internalize the fact that Oslo is finished: That this is our country – our country exclusively, including Gaza. There are no two states, and there are no two peoples. There is only one state for one people.


Moshe didn't really think this through very carefully when he wrote, "there are no two peoples." If there are no two peoples, then (logically speaking) he is saying there is only one people. In fact, he did say "There is only one state for one people." Within this one state, per Mr. Feiglin's logic, are "one people" - some of whom are Jews and some of whom are Palestinian Arabs. I don't know how he thinks these two distinct types constitute "one people," but he wrote that they do. I only wish I could figure out why he had expressed himself so awkwardly. Maybe he thinks of non-Jews as subhumans who can't possibly be part of any peoples.

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After internalizing this, we need a deep and thorough strategic review: Definition of the enemy, definition of the operational tasks, definition of the strategic goals, and of course, of appropriate necessary war ethics.

1. Definition of the enemy: The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its metastases – from Iran to Gaza – which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels and not the rockets – Hamas.)


The enemy is Arabic resentment based on a sense of having been treated unjustly. As long as Israel's Jews continue to believe that "more for me and mine, which means less for you and yours" is acceptable, that resentment will not go away.

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2. Definition of the tasks: Conquest of the entire Gaza Strip and elimination of all fighting forces and their supporters.


Suppose most of Gaza's population chooses to take a last stand and oppose Israel's ethnic cleansing attempt. And suppose most of them are willing to die, and end up dying, with women and children fighting tanks with sticks and stones. Would that end up being called genocide at war crimes trials conducted by the UN?

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3. Definition of the strategic goal: To turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.

4. Definition of war ethics: “Woe to the evildoer, and woe to his neighbor”


"...woe to his neighbor?" Israel is his neighbor. Perhaps he meant to say, "...woe to his supporter."

# # #

In light of these four points, Israel must take the following action:

A. The IDF will designate certain open areas on the Sinai border, adjacent to the sea, in which the civilian population will be gathered, far from the built-up areas that are used for rocket launches and tunneling. In these areas, tent encampments will be established, until relevant emigration destinations are determined. Electricity and water supply to the formerly populated areas will be disconnected.


Moshe wishes to set up concentration camps - that's what these tent encampments would be.

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B. The formerly populated areas will be shelled with maximum fire power. The entire civilian and military infrastructure of Hamas, its means of communication and of logistics, will be destroyed entirely – down to their foundations.

C. The IDF will divide the Gaza Strip laterally and crosswise, significantly widen the roads, take control of commanding positions, and destroy nests of resistance – if any remain.

D. Israel will start to locate destination countries and immigration quotas for the refugees from Gaza. Those who wish to emigrate will be given a generous economic support package and will arrive at the receiving countries with significant economic capabilities.


Who gets to determine what constitutes "significant economic capabilities?" Where will this money come from? Will this be above and beyond the compensation that property owners in Gaza should receive for their property destroyed by IDF shelling?

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E. Those who insist on staying, contingent on proof that they have no affiliation with Hamas, will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel. They will then receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem.


How does one prove they have no affiliation with Hamas? I can't prove I have no affiliation with Hamas, though I live in the USA as a non-Arab! The burden of proof should be on the accuser - that is, the Israeli authorities should have to provide proof that one has an affliation with Hamas, rather than demand that each Gazan prove he has no such affiliation.

Why should Palestinian's have to sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel? Why not simply have them sign a statement they will not engage in hostile acts against Israel?

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F. When the fighting will end, Israeli law will be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip. The people expelled from Gush Katif will be invited to return to their towns and villages and the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as Israeli tourist and commercial cities.

Mr. Prime Minister,

This is a fateful hour of decision in the history of the State of Israel.

All metastases of our enemy, from Iran and Hizballah through ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, are gleefully rubbing their hands and preparing themselves for the next round.

I warn that any outcome that is less than what was defined here means encouraging the continued offensive against Israel. Only if Hezbollah will understand how we have dealt with Hamas in the south, will it refrain from launching its 100,000 missiles from the north.


On the contrary, if Israel makes war on the part of Palestine known as the Gaza strip, Hezbollah might decide to show its displeasure by launching those missiles.

# # #

I call on you to adopt the strategy proposed here.

I have no doubt that, like me, the entire Nation of Israel will overwhelmingly stand by you – if only you will adopt it.


The "entire Nation of Israel" will not overwhelmingly stand by you. But the Jews of Israel surely will. Unless by "the entire Nation of Israel," Moshe is referring to the "one people" I'd mentioned earlier - some of whom happen to be Palestinian Arabs living within Israel's borders but whom he still mysteriously includes as part of his "one people."

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With Respect and Appreciation,

Moshe Feiglin

Mr. Feiglin's real intentions

Moshe Feiglin is an unabashed Jewish supremacist whose ultimate aim will be to expel all non-Jews from Israel, including those from the West Bank which he will also seek to annex.

Israel today exists, not because "God promised us this land," but because the United Nations decided to play God and dictate that a Jewish homeland be created in the Middle East. Naturally, the Arabs fiercely objected to this as would anyone seeing outsiders interfering in their local affairs.

Try to imagine how the French and Germans might have felt in 1948 if the region of Alsace-Lorraine (with perhaps a bit of adjacent territory taken from Germany) had been emptied of its current residents and transformed into the State of Israel, abandoning any attempt to create such a state in the Middle East. All this by edict of the United Nations. The rationale of course would be that the historic mistreatment of Jews by the German and French would justify this bit of atonement. It wouldn't have taken long for the French and Germans to develop bitter feelings about this land seizure. Nobody likes being told what to do, right? So why should we be so surprised that the Palestinians and the Arab world at large are so angry?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle, just another member of
the Virtual Samgha of the Lotus and
Former Candidate for USA President (in 2008 & 2012)

Contact me at

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