Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Maury Povich, you ARE the father!


I'm going to give you a chance to make a little money at the expense of Maury Povich. He's known by many as the Pregnancy Test King, since that's a regular feature on his TV program - The Maury Show. I'll also toss in an art suggestion regarding the Second Amendment, which could also earn you a little money. Remember: Fortune favors the bold - so, go for it!

The Maury Show

The Maury Show has a recurring theme dealing with people who want to know the paternity of the children born to their wives or girl friends. One such scenario goes something like this:

Husband sits with Maury while his wife is off-stage in a soundproof room. We get to see a picture of the child - usually less than five years old - who the husband doubts is his. Then the wife is brought on stage in order to argue with her husband, all for the entertainment of a hootin' and hollerin' live audience. Then an aide walks on stage and hands Maury an envelope containing the results of a DNA test. Then Maury declares, "When it comes to 3-year-old Jason, you ARE the father!" [Or "are not" as the case may be.]

It makes me angry

It makes me angry that Maury Povich makes money off the misery of others. Millions of TV viewers are treated, five days per week, to the spectacle of parents sharing heart-rending stories of their personal lives. Of course, when these parties go ballistic on stage and start pushing and shoving and yelling at each other, that stokes the audience into a feeding frenzy. And, I guess, that's the point.

I could never understand why anyone would want to appear before a national audience, when they could pay for their own DNA test and deal with the results in private. I figure, there must be a lot of exhibitionists out there. Or people who want their 15-minutes of fame. Or are sadists or masochists. Or need the money. I'm assuming they get paid something to be on this show, in addition to having Maury pay for these paternity tests.

There are usually four or five such couples appearing on each of these one-hour shows. Five days per week. Whew! Maury is merciless, but I wonder: How many more years can this go on, with this (currently 75-year-old) decrepitoid regaling us with an endless line of tales of woe?

So, put him on a T-shirt

Here's where you can make a little money. Print a batch of t-shirts showing a caricature of a red-faced MoPo surrounded by a dozen angry-looking women - the nastier, the better -  each holding up her own test results with a caption reading, "Maury, you ARE the father!"

I would love to see video footage of news reporters covering future war zone hot spots the world over, having one feature in common: All of the locals are wearing these t-shirts!

Of course, what I'd really like is for this guy to go out of business because the American people got tired of his shtick. Even better? Because they acquired such a high degree of cultural advancement, there would no longer be any room for such low-life fare on our airwaves.

About the Second Amendment

Here are some elements you might incorporate into a painting concerning "the right to bear arms." That phrase comes from the Second Amendment which states in full:

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

This painting (say, about four feet x six feet) would feature a cartoon figure of a gun fanatic wearing an NRA button. However, instead of the usual flesh-and-blood arms hanging from his shoulder sockets, he sports a different kind of "arms" - assault rifles. Off to the side would be Leonardo DaVinci's "God" - of Sistine Chapel fame - shrinking back in horror at this "gun man." The caption would read:

"The only God-given right you have to bear arms is the right to bear the arms God gave you."

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Steven Searle, just another member of the Virtual Sangha of the Lotus and
former candidate for US President (in 2008 and 2012)

Contact me at bpa_cinc@yahoo.com

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