Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yahoo News Periodic Updates, April 14, 2012

On occasion, I consolidate comments I’d attempted to post in response to articles appearing recently on Yahoo News. I share my comments with you here hoping to reach an audience immune from Yahoo’s periodic attempts to block or censor. My posts are written as if I actually were the US President. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 23 of these mini-essays.

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I saw a guy wearing a black hoodie with this magic-markered in white across the front:

Tray von Attitude

Crude but effective - speaks volumes.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"And mercy is still spelled m-e-r-c-y."


[In reference to the “legality” of the recent (failed) North Korean rocket launch.]

“…[U.N. Security Council] Resolution No. 1874 … applies to both military and civilian launches…” No, it doesn’t. I read 1874 and it doesn’t ban civilian launches at all. No wonder this Russian official, who spouted this blatant falsehood, wished to remain anonymous. Americans have been propagandized into thinking Russian officials tell lies; so what’s our excuse when we make exactly the same claims?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If we can’t all agree that telling the truth matters, we might as well stop pretending we’re so noble.”


I am an angry God. I am a jealous God. I am…Abraham!

[Post script: What follows is what I wish I had added to the 13 words above:

“Before the Creation, there was only God and since God is perfect, that means only perfection existed. After the Creation, imperfection was brought into being. And that was true, even before God got around to creating living beings.

“How so? How could God’s creation be anything less than perfect? Simple! Even though it was created by God, the Creation itself was not God and since only God is perfect, anything “not God” must be considered less than perfect.

“It was only after the Creation that God could have said, “I am an angry God. I am a jealous God,” since before the Creation, God had nothing to be neither jealous about nor angry at – since there was only God. So it could be said that the Creation brought God down, since it brought out certain base and out all-too-human traits in this otherwise (formerly) Perfect Being.

“As for the last part I wrote – “I am…Abraham!” – my suspicion is that Abraham created God – or, at least, created Him as we understand Him.”]


[This was my response to an article about (currently) Roman Catholic Marco Rubio, potential Mitt Romney running mate.]

Out of one side of his mouth, Marcus Rubix-Cubio says, “I’m not a theologian.” Out of the other side of his mouth, he says, “I consider [Mormons] Christians.” OK, Marcus, let’s try this one out of size: “If your Roman Pope were to weigh in and say, ‘I don’t consider Mormons to be Christians,’ what would you say?”

Lest you wish to conveniently “forget,” Marcus, I (a Buddhist) shall remind you: “Your Pope is infallible in matters of faith and you are religiously bound to follow his teachings.” You might not be a theologian, but when someone (say, like me, for instance) asks you how you’d respond if your Pope were to deny the Mormons, you must also state that you’d also deny the Mormons.

I’m not a theologian either, but I discovered this much on line (it’s on google; ever hear of that?): “On June 5, 2001, the Pope declared that Mormon baptisms aren’t valid.” Say, we might be on to something there. I have to wonder, though, why the Pope doesn’t come right out and say, “Mormons aren’t Christians.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“It is written: Politics make strange bedfellows. It should be written: And so do ‘popes’ and Popes.”


[The following came out during an interview of Rick Warren, well-known senior pastor of Saddleback Church and author of The Purpose Driven Life.]

“…the greatest compliment that Jesus ever gave…[:] ‘I've never seen such faith in all of Israel.’” Maybe, just maybe, Jesus wasn’t complimenting that soldier as much as He was condemning the state of faith “in all of Israel.” Pretty much the same could be said of today’s Israel – very violent, very intolerant, and lacking in faith.

“…but God loves every soldier.” Hmm…so that means God loves the soldiers of the Taliban and al-Qaida?

Most soldiers are not agents of peace nor do they think of themselves that way – at least not as agents of universal peace. More likely, “Peace for me and mine, and screw you and yours.” [Yeah, I'd heard these sentiments when I was in the service.] My idea of a Godly warrior is one who doesn’t carry a weapon, fights for peace with his God-given talents, and knows God is on his side whether he succeeds in his mission or not.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Rick Warren, I think you better give up your day job.”


“The interesting thing is, [Mike Wallace] never mentions '60 Minutes.' It's as if it didn't exist.” Well, he was in good company. For millions of Americans (who aren’t We-the-Sheeple) “60 Minutes” was irrelevant and assiduously avoided. It never fails to amaze me how we’re so satisfied to get our “news” from a handful of “icons.” There’s way more to the world than “60 Minutes” will deign to share with you. But then again, they are corporate media, aren’t they?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “The only thing I remember about Mike Wallace? He had a commanding voice. SFW.”


The biggest miracle connected to the name of Jesus? That He died for our sins.


·       If somebody else works extra hard, do you get a raise in your paycheck?

·       If somebody else murders somebody in Atlanta, do you in Chicago (at the time of the murder) go to jail?

·       If somebody else said, “Let me make love to your wife instead of you; it will be the same as if you did it,” wouldn’t you slug the SOB?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“What a scam!”


“But, Land said, ‘as his friend I would say to him…” If Land was any kind of a friend, he would have said these words face-to-face, in private, to Santorum. But, no, Richard Land takes the weenie way out and urges Rick to drop out in a nationally-broadcast interview. Had it been in private, maybe Santorum could have argued a case (you know, friend-to-friend) as to why he should stay in the race.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“This is one of many reasons why I’m not too keen on either evangelical Christians or Pubbers; this episode is rather representative of their conduct.”


The only reason I saw Hunger Games was Jennifer Lawrence, who I thought did a good job in Winter’s Bone. Truth be told? I thought Hunger Games was terrible. I couldn’t get over how the name “Katniss” sounds uncomfortably like “catnip.” Yup, catnip for the masses. Come on, people, we can do better than this.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Or maybe we can’t (sigh).”


What the UN has banned are ballistic missile tests. So why don’t we define what that is?

From Wikipedia: “A ballistic missile…follows a sub-orbital ballistic flightpath with the objective of [my emphasis – Steve] delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target.”

Since the North Korean spacecraft will have an observation satellite as its payload, I don’t see what the problem is.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe we’ll start telling countries like Brazil (you know, since it’s so close to the US) that they can’t launch satellites into orbit. Our protestations are nothing more than a measure of our fear.”



Ford took his own chance away by pardoning Nixon. He didn't have to do that and he shouldn't have done that. But he did and for the world's worst reason - a reason shared by too many Americans: We don't think, but instead make decisions based on our programming.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"And if you think about it, most of the responses on this thread are prompted by programming. All I'm asking is that people actually read and think about what the military oath of enlistment actually says."


“another grave provocation?” How is [North Korea] launching a satellite a “grave” provocation? Every country has the right to launch satellites, since the New World Order hasn’t yet gotten around to a total ban (except for countries already in the Club of Rome). The UN resolution banned ballistic missile launches only.

As for digging a tunnel, if NK wants to dig dirt, even if it’s in preparation for a nuke test, who are we to take offense? That would be the pot calling the kettle black, since we had plenty of turns at “dirt digging” in the 1950s. Worse than what the North Koreans are doing is what this report is doing to the plain meaning of words.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“You may rank ‘another grave provocation’ with ‘arbeit macht frei’ in terms of linguistic abuse.”


I went to Zimm’s website and clicked a link he calls “The Facts.” However, Zimm [defendant in the Trayon Martin murder case] doesn’t offer any. Instead, he says he “cannot discuss the details of the event on Feburary 26th,” and “the facts will come to light.”

Well, George, I suppose some fools will donate before you make a publicly available statement to the cops. I say “fools” because who in their right mind would donate without any kind of statement from the (potential) defendant?

Tell you what, George, I’d rather donate money to Trayvon’s family who will need all they can get to hire a good lawyer to take you to court based on a wrongful death lawsuit.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’d feel better about Zimm’s plea for cash if he would have included a statement that, should he be ultimately absolved of any wrongdoing, he’d donate any excess money collected to Trayvon’s family.”


“It would have not been unlawful or even improper for [George Zimmerman] to follow [Trayvon Martin]. You can even follow me home if you want to," [attorney] Uhrig said. Well…Uhrig is giving his permission, whereas Trayvon didn’t give his. And following is one thing; stalking with a weapon is quite another. Also, what else is a lawyer going to say? That he thinks his (former) client is guilty as hell? Where on earth do these pinheads come from?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The lawyers probably dropped Zimm because he couldn’t pay their retainer.”


Wouldn't it be funny if everybody Romney asked [to be his running mate] turned him down? Of course, that wouldn't really happen. Someone would step up to the plate for the good of the party. But not because Money(R) has any chance of winning. Sorry, folks, it is what it is. The Dems thought Dubya would be a one term prez. Now the Pubbers are about to learn what that feels like.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Part of the reason for Romney's wealth has to do with his Mormon Connections. But...they won't be enough to help the entire country."


“…[being forced to buy insurance as mandated by ObamaCare] is a requirement to engage in commerce which the constitution does not allow.” The uninsured are already forcing the rest of us to “engage in commerce” by having to cover them. So, it could be argued, ObamaCare is an attempt to regulate that bit of commerce.

Of course, Congress could have just flat out made it illegal not to have insurance, but it realized that wouldn’t accomplish its mission under Article I, Section 8:

“The Congress shall have power to…provide for the common defense and general welfare…”

Nobody quibbles about the “common defense” part, so nobody should protest about Congress’s power to provide for the “general welfare.” Team Obama should have focused, not necessarily or exclusively, on the Commerce Clause, but also on the “general welfare” clause.

[Side Note: In my state, Illinois, people are forced to engage in commerce by having to buy auto insurance in order to legally drive. So this whole notion of being forced to engage in commerce is something we’re all used to, to some degree or another, anyway.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Our choice on how effectively we can engage in commerce (above and beyond "mere" regulation) is already dictated to us by our debt burden and income taxes; not to mention how the military draft in its day had affected the ability of soldiers to engage in commerce.”


Sounds like Allen West [GOP Congressman saying (about) 80 Congressional Democrats are card-carrying Communists] is trying to answer a question, since the crash-and-burn of Herman Cain, “Who’s gonna fill dem shoes?” The CPC should sue West for defamation, since it’s doubtful that even one of their members is a card-carrying member of the Communist Party. West sounds like another pol who doesn’t understand and can’t use plain English.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Where do we find these people and why do we keep electing them?”


[This response is to an article about Jews pleading for the release of Jonathan Pollard, a Jew who spied on the US for the benefit of Israel, from a US jail where he’s been a “guest” for the last 25 years.]

There are two notable words missing from this article. Let me reword this sentence from the article using those two words: “Peres, a Nobel Peace laureate, responded by appealing to Israeli authorities to grant MORDECAI VANUNU unrestricted freedom as a humanitarian gesture.”

Back in 2008, when I first ran for US President, this was included in my written contract: “I will immediately release federal prisoner Jonathan Jay Pollard.” That was electoral promise #40, followed by this (#41): “I will award to Mordechai Vanunu the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest civilian award. I will also attempt to arrange for Mr. Vanunu's release from Israel and for the granting of asylum in a country of his choice.”

Please note: I didn’t make make #40 dependent on Israel granting peace of mind to Vanunu. I don’t believe in trading in human flesh; just in trying to do the right thing not contingent on what others do.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I was then (in 2008) and am now (in 2012) the only presidential candidate in the history of this country to offer a written contract in exchange for election, forfeiting the presidency should I violate any of my contract’s 47 promises.”


[I posted the following five words to an article about two US Marines who were killed in a helicopter crash while participating in joint military exercises with Moroccan forces: Why are we in Morocco?]

Then I responded to these three who had tried to answer my question:


The third paragraph? And just what does that tell us besides the name (without any elaboration) of a military exercise? Are you always that satisfied with the content of the news reports you read?

@ Silly Walk,

The article doesn’t tell us anything, hence my question.

@ Bubba,

Of course we had excellent relations with the Moroccan government, though you really can’t (at least now) say the same concerning their people. Our role (then and now) is to prop up yet another absolute dictator. And he fully appreciates our services.

@ all who didn’t really grasp my simple question:

Arab Spring never came to Morocco, though the many Moroccans I know in the States say “The Moroccan people are not happy.” Our continuing role in countries like Morocco is similar to what our role was in various South American countries. And that was for our military to ingratiate itself with local militaries to keep the local oligarchs in power. A lot of them caught on to our scam, which is why we’re not much loved south of the border.

Our workings in Morocco dovetail with our other infiltrating activities (for instance, the campaign against the LRA) throughout Africa. And these are the activities of a dying imperial empire trying to dominate an entire continent strictly for its own advantage.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I have often found that it is the members of our active duty military who are the most clueless about our grand strategic designs. It must be great not to have to think: "Sir, yes, sir!'”


It might have helped Santorum's chances of getting Mitt's nod for VP if Santy had bothered to endorse Mitt upon dropping his own bid.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Why didn't Rick endorse the only other conservative remaining in the race, Newt Gingrich? Why do so many ranking Pubbers have a problem endorsing Mitt?"


[This is in response to James C, who had replied to my post which read: “I wish this article had bothered to mention whether the Syrian government had actually given its OK for these observers to enter their country.”]

James C,

I’m not as concerned about “these people” as I am about the encroachment of the NWO. If the UN can vote to send unarmed forces into a country against its will, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to claim the UN has the authority to send ARMED forces into a country against its will. And, when the time comes (and it probably will) that the US decides it doesn’t need the UN any longer, it might decide it has the sole right to send armed forces into any country it wishes – with or without the backing of or permission of anybody. And that should concern everybody.

James, you are a bit of a simpleton, aren’t you? Seeing that I’m from Chicago somehow empowered you to draw all kinds of conclusions about me. But if you had taken a few moments to google my name, you would have discovered I had actually run against Obama in 2008 (and am running against him now). Since my campaign never caught on, you may be somewhat forgiven for never having heard of me. But you can’t be forgiven for jumping to conclusions.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I am profoundly concerned about the downward spiral in the common sense of too many of our citizens.”


I loved this new [Three] Stooges movie. I'm glad 3 relative unknowns got this chance at Stooge greatness.  They didn't disappoint.  And it was a nice touch at the end, when it was explained to the kids in the audience never to eye-poke anybody and that the hammers used were rubber. A demo, with and without sound effects, made the point.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Yeah, it's okay for a presidential candidate to love the Stooges."


[Ricardo responded to my post (immediately above) by writing: “Hahahhahahaa is Searle the 4th long lost Stooge? Keep dreaming on that 2012, kiddo.” This is my answer to him.]


I don’t know where you come from, but in the good old US of A, anybody can run for president. Now, do I have a realistic chance? Of course not. So why do I bother? The answer to that can be answered by people who have actually gone on line and read my material. That is, “You’ve got some great ideas, especially the one about offering a written contract in exchange for votes.”

That’s my innovation; I’m the only presidential candidate (in 2008 & 2012) to have ever offered a contract listing my campaign promises, which (were I to fail to keep every single one) would forfeit my office.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Ricardo, it’s programmed people like you who can’t give independents a chance, relying instead on rigid Brand X vs. Brand Y (Pubber vs. Dem) thinking.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party
“Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk? Why cointainly!”

Contact me at

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