Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yahoo News Periodic Updates, April 1, 2012

On occasion, I consolidate comments I’d attempted to post in response to articles appearing recently on Yahoo News. I share my comments with you here hoping to reach an audience immune from Yahoo’s periodic attempts to block or censor. My posts are written as if I actually were the US President. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all sixteen of these mini-essays.

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... Obama has privately assured Israel that the US will attack Iran shortly after Labor Day (yes, this Labor Day).  And even “better?”  Israel won’t even have to participate. Any talk of Obama betraying Israel is meant to deceive us into thinking we’re trying so-o-o hard to stop an Israeli attack, while our plan to unilaterally attack is cast in stone.

Think about this part, especially. Azerbaijan, with such a large Shia population, helping the Israelis? Likelier (but still not the truth) would be Azerbaijan pretending to help the Israelis, and then attacking their aircraft when they land. If that country would really help Israel, Iran would surely find out about it and would seek revenge. Azerbaijan helping the Israelis? Utter nonsense.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Bloomberg and Foreign Policy are both tools of the Illuminati.”


Uh, Jeremy, I hate to break this to you, but some of those missiles have our name on them (just in case). If the Zionists think they’re about to go down, they’ll have no qualms about taking us with them. What makes you so sure “the U.S. can open the cage?” You make it seem like we will have any say in the matter.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As far as the good Zionist is concerned, there are no people living in the world except Jews.”


“[CONservative] Justice Antonin Scalia agreed. ‘My approach would say ‘if you take the heart out of the statute, the statute's gone.”’ Where in the Constitution does it say THAT? Besides, in order to know what the “heart” of a statute is, one would have to read the whole thing, wouldn’t you think? And Scalia, in his earlier comments, said he doesn’t want to read 2700 pages. And he also said he wants to do what’s most convenient to him. That’s a CONservative alright – one who conserves his own energy. I would call it by another word…L-A-Z-Y!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If it turns out the heart has to be removed by the Court, why void the whole statute? Let Congress go for a heart transplant.”


[The US soldier accused of murdering 17 Afghan civilians has a wife who said this:]

"I don't know a lot about the symptoms of PTSD…” And few of us know anything at all about the symptoms of mind control. Which makes it hard to detect. Which is the general idea.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The first casualty in war is the truth – which is why it becomes so necessary for those who know what’s best for us to (well) control our minds.”


“The U.S. Senate's top Republican called on his party to unite behind…Mitt Romney on [April Fool’s Day]…” Mitch, Mitch, what kind of a Mitch are you?  Are you trying to pull an April Fool’s joke on us? Is that how you’ll explain yourself to CONservatives if Santorum manages to win the nod?  “Hey, ya’ll, I was only funnin’ ya. My call to unite behind Mitt was an April Fool’s joke. Git it?”

And then there’s the matter of insisting that the primaries are over, while millions of rank-and-file Pubbers have yet to cast their ballots. Is this the kind of democracy that Mitch wants to see us export to other countries? [Answer: Well, actually, yes it is.]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The name ‘Mitch’ means ‘one who resembles God’ – In McConnell’s case, the resemblance must be faint indeed.”


“But Gingrich has given no signs he's willing to exit the race...” Of course he hasn’t given any signs. He can’t be that obvious about wanting to get paid off. Illinois former guv Rod Blagojevich was “that obvious” – and look where he ended up.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If Knute quit now and threw his support (and delegates) to Santorum, this would become quite the race indeed.”


I can’t get over how major signers of the Non-Proliferation Treaty were aware of Israel’s pursuit of nukes and said nothing. More than saying nothing, this was worse: Aiding and abetting. So much for non-proliferation.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The US knew, France knew, and Germany knew…and they weren’t the only ones.”


All the Democrats in Wisconsin have to do is vote in the GOP primary, casting their ballots for Rick Santorum. That should throw a monkey wrench in the Romney bandwagon. I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the CONservatives now. Which is beautiful music to my ears.
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"The only way to work for real change is to use the inherent weaknesses in the system against itself."


The only reason DC runs roughshod over us - they know they’ve got job security. That is, we keep re-electing them because we’re so effing predictable. If our reps had to worry about their jobs as much as we worry about ours, things would change immediately.

I know, I know…detractors will say, “If I vote for a Republican simply because my incumbent is a Democrat, won’t I make the problem worse by increasing the GOP’s power in Congress?” That would be the lesser of two evils; if we keep our current habits of voting, that would be the greater evil. But there is a silver lining in this scenario: If you vote out the Dem this time and the Pubber wins, next time vote out the Pubber because he’ll be the new incumbent. That’s the strategy: Vote against the incumbent, do so in large numbers, and do so consistently.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Once our reps feel the wrath of job insecurity, we’ll finally get more of what we want. And we won’t have to scream anymore.”


[This is my response to an article about Fidel Castro asking the Pope, What does a Pope do?]

The Pope should have returned the favor by asking, “Tell me, Your Unholiness, what does an ex brutal in-name-only ‘communist’ dictator do?”

Compare these two sentences in the article: “Castro a green Mercedes SUV….[with] black Mercedes cars” and a bit further down “[Castro’s] columns…[on] the evils of consumerism…”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

       “I’m 61 years old, have never owned a car, and never even had a driver’s license. And I’m far wealthier in my way than either of these two are in theirs.”


“It's against House rules to wear headgear in the chamber.” House rules? Suppose a duly-elected rep shows up wearing a turban, saying this is in keeping with his religious beliefs. Then what? I think whoever makes these rules has too much time on their hands, too much arrogance, and doesn’t work hard enough on passing bills that matter into law.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“A House divided by pettiness cannot stand.”


My response to this is below: "Clearly while the president is overseas, he's at a conference, and while the president is overseas I think it's appropriate that people not be critical of him or our country," Boehner told reporters

"Clearly … I think it's [in]appropriate…” Just because it’s “clear” that Boehner “thinks it’s [in]appropriate” doesn’t mean that it’s really inappropriate. And it was clear to us (what was on Boehner’s mind) only after he uttered that statement. Maybe Bohner would extend his truism to when the President is on vacation – hey, can’t criticize a guy when he’s taking a week off, right? Everybody knows that, right? The problem with people like Boehner is that they’re in a position to do real and lasting damage to our freedom of speech (believe me, they’re working on it).

As for Romney’s claim that “Russia is not a friendly character on the world stage,” a lot of people feel exactly the same way about us.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There are 300+ million people in this country and we can’t get better leadership than this?”


[This concerns Trayvon Martin being shot to death by George Zimmerman – an ongoing case of national interest.]

Z must be one pretty tough guy to have his head "slammed ... into the sidewalk several times” and yet been able to shoot his assailant. Oh wait, T managed to strike Z once, “sending him reeling to the ground.” So T was the tough guy…I say “was” because he’s dead now.

How did Z manage to get caught off guard, getting punched in the nose? This is a guy who wants to be a cop? A guy who was following someone he suspected was up to no good? I’d love to see a reenactment of those last moments, since I’m having trouble seeing where the gun was and how Z managed (with T on top of him, slamming his head) to shoot T in the chest. Did the cops even take a picture of Z’s head wound, or were they too busy pulling out their rubber stamp?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Heads up, people. When martial law is declared, if you don’t move along as fast as the troops think you should, you’ll get Trayvonned just as easily.”


[Traveler-Ang replied to THIRTEEN above by posting: “Hey Idiot .. how do you know he has a gun .. I know your sitting on top of him beating his fact in like the dead guy ..” My response follows.]

@ Traveler – Angst,

For someone calling someone else an idiot, you’re sure a terrible speller. But I digress…the main point is, we still don’t have a clear picture of those last few minutes of Trayvon’s life. It’s entirely possible Zimmerman either showed his gun or Trayvon saw it. That might have caused Trayvon, fearing for his life, to take a chance and punch Z in the nose with all he had. And then he might have tried to wrestle that gun away from Z (for reasons of self-defense, of course – to disarm a potential shooter). As far as T was concerned, a stranger was stalking him for no good reason.

As for T being on top of Z and pounding his head into the sidewalk, I’m trying to visualize how Z managed to shoot T in the chest. Too many unanswered questions, which too many bad spellers on Yahoo don’t even have cross their minds.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Next time, ask someone to proofread before you post. Just saying.”


“At the heart of the debate was whether the Constitution's so-called ‘Commerce Clause’…makes the Affordable Care Act constitutional.”  I disagree. There’s something even more fundamental involved here, if the Court would bother to read the part of Section 8, Article 1 of the Constitution that precedes the Commerce Clause by all of 23 words:

“The Congress shall have power to…provide for the…general welfare of the United States…”

If millions of people are allowed to be uninsured and therefore put at risk, that sounds like a threat to the “general welfare” to me.  What more needs to be said?

However, there is also this to consider: What if our auto industry (millions of jobs) were to be so threatened by foreign competition, Congress passed a law saying Americans couldn’t buy an imported car?  On the one hand, consumers don’t like to be dictated to. On the other, millions of jobs and the threat to our “general welfare.” This is an important question that needs careful consideration. What it doesn’t need is Scalia showing off his highly accomplished degree of idiocy (again).  For what good would it do for the government to “make people buy broccoli” without also mandating that people eat the stuff?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"If elected, I will personally ask for Scalia to tender his resignation – in the interests of justice and to keep him from continually embarrassing himself.”


[Brian J, challenged my post (FIFTEEN, above): “Illegal aliens ALSO threaten the 'general welfare'.....does that mean you support deportation?” My response follows.]

Your assumption about illegals threatening the general welfare is incorrect. For decades, our government intentionally looked the other way allowing for millions of the undocumented to settle here. And that was no accident – that was a matter of public policy.

Think of it this way: If we hadn’t allowed those millions to cross the border, Mexico and several Central American countries would have suffered revolution and become full-fledged Marxist states. Tell me, Brian J, do you think that might have threatened the “general welfare?” Sometimes the real issue is to decide, which is the lesser threat and go with that.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Nice try, Brian J, but no cigar.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Hey, citizens of Backpack Nation, if you would only apply as much time and energy in politics (albeit in your own small individual ways) as you do playing video games, we could truly usher in a new era of peace and justice.”

Contact me at

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