Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yahoo News Periodic Updates, March 24, 2012

On occasion, I consolidate comments I’d attempted to post in response to articles appearing recently on Yahoo News. I share my comments with you here hoping to reach an audience immune from Yahoo’s periodic attempts to block or censor. My posts are written as if I actually were the US President. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all twelve of these mini-essays.

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[This was in response to a Romney aide’s remark about resetting the campaign for the presidency, once the primaries are over, in much the same way Etch-A-Sketch images are “deleted” and replaced.]

Did you hear about Etch-A-Sketch.1? No matter what you sketch, it morphs into Mitt Romney - and you don't even have to shake it up.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Even funnier? If Romney had bought stock in Etch-A-Sketch knowing in advance what his aide was going to say. With planning like that, maybe we should elect Romney."


[This was in response to French police killing Mohammed Merah.]

Let’s see…300 specially-trained masked men (lot of guys in “law” enforcement seem to be wearing masks these days) are needed to “secure” one guy. Sounds like over-kill to me…not to mention what paying these guys for 32 hours must have cost the French government. Another kind of overkill (overtime pay). And for what? They managed to create a martyr who went out with guns blazing.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“This is a classic case of government with too much money on its hands but not a lot of ‘intelligence’ to go with it.”


[My comment, below, is to the article entitled, “Santorum suggests that re-electing Obama would be better than a Romney presidency.” Turns out, Santorum is now trying to say, that’s not what he meant at all.]

Santorum sounds like the kind of guy who wants to have things both ways, which easily morphs into “I want to have my cake and eat it too.” Sadly, a lot of his fellow Americans feel exactly the same way. Reality, however, doesn’t work like that. Decisions have to be made now, or there will be a piper to be paid later - and he'll look an awful lot like Death.

As for Romney saying any of the Pubbers running would be better than Obama, would he really, actively support Ron Paul? Maybe even make a (gasp!) donation to his cause? Naw, didn’t think so.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Look my way, people. I’m hands-down better than any of the Dem/Pubber wannabes.”


[There’s a law in Florida called Stand Your Ground, which gives broad latitude to people shooting other people in the name of self-defense. The context is the recent killing of unarmed Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch captain.]

Stand your ground, eh. Does that mean we get to shoot the cops/military who storm into our house claiming NWO authority to seize our property? If you won't roll over and play dead for them, they'll surely make you dead for real. Sounds like a good case for self-defense to me.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The more stuff like this I read, the more I’m convinced we’re incapable of self-rule.”


“…the Church was ready to help [Cuba] find new ways…" Dear Pope R.A.T. Zinger, Catholicism can’t help “find new ways,” since the Church itself is in such desperate need of same. New ways? Catholic? You’ve got to be kidding.

The Church should have a garage sale and sell everything it owns, giving it to charity. Heck, turn the Pope’s residence into a homeless shelter – which would be a far better use of that facility.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“NOTE: R.A.T. Zinger stands for “Royal Anti-christian Theologian Zinger,’ a reference to the Pope’s former name. I think it fits quite well, don’t you?


[The following is an exchange between me and MadMax.]

Peace time martial law? There has never been peace. We're at war with Eurasia; we've always been at war with Eurasia. With any kind of luck, we'll always be at war with...

MadMax: Are you quoting Orwell?

MadMax, There is only one Orwell, and that’s the River Orwell in England. All written references to any other Orwellian entity have long since disappeared down the memory hole. However, there are still vague rumors of a young man named Eric Blair who had "drowned" himself there long ago, emerging as something quite different. It is written.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Hang on to your books for dear life; don’t let them become ‘kindle-ing.’”


[In response to the controversy concerning US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein’s Armed Forces Tea Party Facebook page.]

How many of you Yahoo posters actually bothered to go to the website in question? Prominently displayed is this quote from George Washington: “When we assumed the soldier we did not lay aside the citizen.” I applaud this Marine who does not want to be dumbed down, who doesn’t believe that the US Constitution means exclusively what a majority of the 9-member (politically-appointed and inconsistent) Supreme Court says it means.

Military commanders are a bunch of guys trying so hard not to make any waves, they’ve been cowed into submission. And they’re sworn to uphold the Constitution; but so few of them know anything about it.  For instance, few of them are aware that West Virginia and Maine were not constitutionally admitted to the union (no new state may be made from the territory of an existing state – though from two or more states would be permissible).

Sgt. Stein isn’t perfect; I disagree with his position on Obamacare. But I don’t question his right to express that opinion, since he made clear he wasn’t expressing himself officially as a Marine.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If I should become your next president, I would care very much what each individual serviceman thinks.”


“Republicans need a plan B." I know! How about spreading the truth about how Obama is really a Muslim who isn’t really a US citizen? As for Illinois, yeah Romney won but he didn’t even get half of the votes. More people didn’t want him than wanted him. The GOP brass know they’re going to lose big time in November, so they’re gearing up for 2016. So much for the one-term president. Although, if the GOP manages to win the House and the Senate, Obama might turn out to be a de facto one-termer even if he wins by a landslide (which he will, BTW).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Here we go again, more gridlock.”


Fellow Yahoo posters: Don't be too surprised if Yahoo has already alerted Homeland Security about your real identities. [Gasp!] Suspecting this is one reason I always sign my posts using my real name. I figure, let come what may, knowing karma will sort things out. However, that's not just another way of saying, "Roll over and play dead." If you're going to fight back, be intelligent about it. Remember: The NWO has a lot of people on staff, being paid with your tax dollars, thinking of ways to take your freedom away. The least you can do is start mentally preparing now.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"As soon as candidate Obama emerged on the national stage, I smelled a rat. And that smell is only getting rattier."


“‘I do want to say … on behalf of my wife and on behalf of Karen Santorum and on behalf of Ann Romney…’ said Newt Gingrich…” Somehow, I don’t think Knute had bothered to ask either Karen or Ann (or even his own wife) if he could speak on their behalf. Why isn’t Knute denouncing the “Don’t Re-Nig in 2012” bumper sticker? Haven’t heard a peep about that.

I thought De Niro’s comment was funny, though I tend to cut a lot of slack when anyone tries to be funny (you know how hard it is to make people laugh?). When he asked, “Now do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?” – that could be taken as “Of course it’s ready, since we’ve had them for so long. But we won’t be that ready again for (say) four more years.”

De Niro didn’t have to apologize, the White House shouldn’t have weighed in, and Knute was dead wrong to claim Obama has to say anything one way or the other. Obama’s a busy man, in case Knute hasn’t noticed. If Gettin’-Rich is elected, how often will he bog himself down with such petty minutiae? I thought he was the man with all the big ideas - NOT!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“No, Knute, such a remark doesn’t divide the country; it’s simply a mark of your desperation for you to say it does.”


“…warning signal to Israel not to go it alone or risk harming relations with the United States.” Ha! Israel didn’t worry that intentionally attacking the USS Liberty (killing 34 US sailors) would risk “harming relations with the United States.” Israel will act with impunity whenever it wants to, and will still end up with US politicians fawning all over their sorry asses.

“Iran retaliating by striking a U.S. ‘Navy warship in the Persian Gulf, killing about 200 Americans,’ thus drawing the United States into the war…” Come on, Sheeple. This isn’t rocket science. Simply pull our warships out of the Persian Gulf. If they're close-by in the Indian Ocean, but out of harrm's way, that will be good enough.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Why is it that such obvious things actually need to be said? And why is it that I am the only presidential candidate saying them?”


Consider this possibility: Staff Sgt. Bales was under mind control when he killed those [17] Afghan civilians.

I find the timing of his deed to be most curious. This is an election year, and the Powers-that-Be might have planned this rampage to help redefine our Afghan Occupation. The idea is, We-the-Sheeple like simplicity when dealing with complex issues, so why not reduce this 11-year conflict to this one incident? This would cover a lot of bases: Reinforce the increasing sentiment to leave Afghanistan because so many of our troops may well have similar issues due to the stress of multiple deployments, reduce this complex struggle to one man with a boy-next-door face and demeanor, and show the Afghans what our justice system looks like.

Ah, that last. I’m sure how we deal with a killer of Afghan children will be compared to how we deal with one of our own who killed 13 of his fellow servicemen. That of course would be Major Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, scheduled to go on trial June 12 – a trial in which the death penalty will be sought. Imagine! Two high profile trials showcasing the US justice system – close to election time. What a coincidence! It would be interesting if both men were to receive life sentences – thereby showing the Afghans that we can show mercy even to those who kill our soldiers. I, BTW, oppose the death penalty under all circumstances.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“A friend of mine says Bales will commit ‘suicide’ as part of his programming; I disagree, thinking he’s more useful to the PTB alive than dead.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“The world described in Hunger Games won’t come to pass if Backpack Nation decides to wake up and stop it.”

Contact me at

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