Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yahoo News Periodic Updates

On occasion, I consolidate comments I’d attempted to post to articles appearing recently on Yahoo News. I share my comments with you here hoping to reach an audience immune from Yahoo’s periodic attempts to block or censor. My posts are written as if I actually were the US President. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.
I hope you enjoy all twelve of these mini-essays.

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“…to preserve the minority's right to filibuster…” Uh, huh…and Snowe wonders why there’s legislative gridlock? What a snow job she turned out to be, managing to even snow herself into denying any personal responsibility. Good riddance to someone who, like all of her fellow senators, is part of the problem.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There is no right to filibuster, except in the minds of the arrogant senators who wish to thwart the principle of one-man, one-vote.”


"I come here [to your church] as a citizen who has had a life that at times has fallen short of the glory of God” – so sayeth Knute Gettin’-Rich.

What does he mean by saying he’s had a life “that at times has fallen short of the glory of God?” Knute dared to utter such blasphemy in a church? For blasphemy it surely is, for all of us in this life – always – fall short of the glory of God. How is it that those Georgia crackers didn’t boo this clown down?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe Knute meant to say, ‘I’ve had a life that has MANY times fallen short of the expectations of God.’ You know? I’m getting a little tired of fixing the utterances of GOP prez wannabes.”


“Breitbart [conservative activist] claimed he had damning videos of Barack Obama”…Please remember the word “damning” as you consider the very next sentence [in the article]: “[We] are going to vet [Obama]from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008.” Exactly how is this “damning?”

Now this would be damning: If proof was offered showing Obama really is a Muslim and/or isn’t a natural-born citizen (his long-form birth certificate being a forgery).

As for Breitbart’s claim about racial division and class warfare, he can’t mean that we don’t have racial and class divisions in this country. They do exist and won’t go away, no matter how much people like Breitbart think it’s divisive to even mention them. As for sinking Obama’s candidacy…please. When push comes to shove and the GOP finally unleashes its standard bearer (after, most likely, a brokered convention), people will re-elect Obama by a landslide.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Good riddance to Mr. Breitbart – not that I’d even heard of him before the announcement of his demise.”

[This was in response to an article about a wealthy banker who feels he can’t make ends meet.]
This is what terrifies the 1% - backsliding down to lesser means. That translates to this: They’re so terrified of losing their power over the 99%, they are more than willing to lie, cheat, steal, bribe politicians, start wars, finance self-serving propaganda, and undermine any and all potential reform movements. Sad, for in the final analysis, they will end up only undermining themselves.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Mirror, mirror on the wall…”


Governor McDonnell? Isn’t he the one who was posted on YouTube having a back alley conversation with Rick Santorum about how the feds should pass a law forcing any woman leaving the US to have a pregnancy test? The other part: If pregnant when leaving, when returning making sure she’s either still pregnant or has delivered her baby? And if she had an abortion overseas, arresting her for murder?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Come on, fellers! If you’re going to run women’s lives, include the rich ones as well.”


“…the process has not been kind to his standing with the American electorate…” Really? Does it matter?

The American electorate has a notoriously short memory. So once Romney gets nominated, the other contenders will be quickly forgotten - who remembers Bachman and Cain? . Also to be forgotten, what a long slog this “process” has been. That's only served to numb us down.

The only fly in the ointment: If sore losers misbehave on national TV during the GOP’s convention proceedings, thereby poisoning Romney’s chances in the womb, so to speak. Newt? Santy? You will behave yourselves, won’t you? Ron Paul? You won’t try a third party run, will you?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The pink elephant in the living room that everyone’s ignoring: No one man – not even the best POTUS – can save us now.”

“… shortly after the Vietnam War was over, …Peter Braestrup …suggested media reporting on the Tet … contributed to [the US loss in Vietnam].” I’ve heard this over and over again for decades, and it’s nothing more than an attempt to rewrite history. While it’s true that our media beat up [Lyndon] Johnson pretty badly about Tet, Johnson was more than capable of countering his detractors.

Oh, wait…Johnson had been proven to be a liar so often, no one would believe him any longer. So as Cronkite was known as the most trusted man in America, Johnson lived at the opposite end of that spectrum. As for Nixon, his honesty was never believed by anybody from day one. These bastards were duly elected, so we got exactly what we deserved in terms of losing that war. And no amount of blaming one man (Cronkite, who was clearly only offering his opinion) can erase that fact.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Besides, the point was never to win that war, it was to prolong it so we and the Russians could test our weapons and tactics. Too bad most people haven’t figured that out yet, but you betcha they know what the Kardashians are up to.”

“Mr. Santorum’s brand of Catholicism…(though theologically different).” Hey, it’s only “theology,” right? And nobody cares about that, right? It’s all too obvious that many on the Religious/Fascist Right don’t.

“Many voters, in fact, mistake Santorum for a conservative evangelical.” That’s because they’re stupid. And, no, I won’t be politically correct by saying, “misguided,” or “intellectually challenged.” They’re just plain stupid. Some of them? Stupid enough to still believe Obama’s a Muslim. [Isn’t faith a wonderful thing?]

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Stupid is as stupid does – and it looks like a lot of it will go Sans-Scrotum’s way.”

“‘[Obama] said if he [sic] could turn the economy around in 3 years he would be looking at a one term proposition, well we're here to collect,’ Romney…”

What I meant by [sic]: Romney meant to say ‘couldn’t,” instead of “could.” But I won’t hold Romney’s word against him – at least not this one minor glitch. I’m more interested in another word he used – “collect.” Whether the GOP “collects” will be up to the voters, the same voters who won’t be too keen to reward the Party of No for its obvious and salivating obstructionism.

Besides, Romney et al should take due note that Obama said “one term proposition” – not “one term presidency.” That is, conventional wisdom “proposes” that a bad economy doesn’t favor the incumbent. [sigh] I shouldn't have to explain these things to my learned opponents.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Come on, puppies. If you’re going to oust Obama, you’re going to have to do way better than this.”

[This is in response to an article about a marathon winner denied victory because he hadn’t signed up for the race.]

Scott Downard was the fastest man on the course that day. But some will say, “Rules are rules, so Scott was appropriately denied his victory.”

Let's explore this rules fetish a bit: Some lawyer might claim (or sue) that the winner-according-to-the-rules ("my client") suffered undue mental anguish by seeing Scotty “win” by more than 3-minutes. If the rule’s winner (Kolin) had tried so hard to catch up to Scott that he had hurt himself (say) by stumbling across the finish line in the desperation of his attempt, Kolin’s lawyer could also sue for physical injury. Maybe Scott’s friend should be arrested for fraud, since he was the one who loaned Scott his bib.

If the race organizers couldn’t have prevented Scott from running, due to not having registered, they in effect had an unenforceable rule on their hands. So I say, give the victory to Scott. As for Kolin Styles, who said, “I’ll take it,” I offer this comment: “You’re ‘taking it’ alright, but that doesn’t show much ‘style’ on your part. Live up to your last name, dude.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Some might sigh and mutter that Scott won the moral victory, but…there’s not much room for morality in American any more…but there’s a lot of room for people more than willing to ‘take it.’”

All Romney has to do is take a deep breath to relax, and have a little faith. Even though I’m a Buddhist, I can still say, “I believe in the God of Mitt Romney more than the god of Rick Santorum.” Rick’s god is also Herman Cain’s god, which is not God at all. Remember Herman, who had said that “God” told him to run for president? That wasn’t God who spoke to Cain about running, nor is it God who guides Rick Santorum.

Both Cain and Santorum, in the last analysis, are mere Lilliputians. Mitt, I might not agree with you but don’t let the Lilliputians gnaw you down. We seem too eager to engage in our national sport of belittling those who are larger than ourselves.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Romney can weather this storm with an extra dose of humor and by praying for a little serenity.”


“If he just can't win [in Michigan], with all the advantages and strengths he has, how does he make the argument better or more convincingly elsewhere?” – Cullen.

It would be bad for Romney if he lost outright or even if he only barely beat Santorum. However, to answer Cullen’s question: “Did it ever occur to you that cross-over Democratic voters might try to intentionally screw things up in Michigan by voting for Sans-Scrotum? All Romney has to do is use his considerable resources to try to win in other states and/or ‘whisper’ the message that Dems might have a lot to gain by supporting Santy in a cross-over effort.”

If this convention turns out to be a brokered affair, that ‘whisper’ plus the ‘whisper’ that Santy would ultimately be unelectable would give Romney the nomination. Bottom line? The GOP brass, who would command a brokered convention, want to win. The real issue: Would Santy take his loss like a man and support Romney, or would he make a cry-baby arse out of himself by publicly refusing to back the duly-elected standard-bearer?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’m guessing we’ll see the arse that will help, with his bad behavior, to elect the [Democratic] donkey.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party
“I oppose the cult of personality, whether it takes the form of an overly-glorified Jesus, a rock group like the Beatles, or the Kardashians – nothing good can come of this.”
Contact me at

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