Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yahoo News Periodic Updates

On occasion, I consolidate comments I’d posted to articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all forty of these mini-essays.


"Many countries have approached us to discuss their efforts to reduce purchases of Iranian crude which, by statute, could [sic] except them from sanctions…” Let me rephrase that: “Many countries have come to us, hat in hand, to beg from us (the policeman of the world) the privilege (no longer, the ‘right’) to conduct business under the terms of OUR statutes.” Sounds like a pretty good example of encroaching One World Order to me.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Ironically, it won’t take long for people to realize that an Iran with a nuclear weapons program was far preferable to a far more dangerous One World Order under the control of our Elite.”


“Santorum said, ‘I believe in good and evil.’” You can’t believe in (that is, have faith in) both.

[sigh] Sans-Scrotum meant to say, “I believe in the existence of good and evil, though I personally believe in good.” And this guy’s a lawyer? Doesn’t sound like his chops involve much in the way of finesse. As for Satan not being relevant in 2012, that sounds like something that might come from the mouth of the Father of Lies himself. Suddenly, I'm seeing Santy in an entirely new light.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“For a Republican, Sans-Scrotum sure comes off as a real donkey, doesn’t he?”


“Can West prevent descent into more violence?” It is not our place to do so – at least, not the US’s place. We wring our hands and go “shame, shame” when we hear about the 5,000 estimated civilian dead at the hands of Assad’s army. It’s should be up to that same army, whose rank-and-file are from the same tribe as those who oppose Assad. If the army won’t defy its commanders (who are from Assad’s minority tribe), then who are we in the West to say what should or should not be over there?

Besides, if the US Army was ever ordered to open fire on (say) some Occupy group, they wouldn’t hesitate to do so even if the fatalities would run into the hundreds of thousands. Orders are orders, the world over. Just saying.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“That’s one thing I would work on as Commander in Chief – making sure our troops know when it’s OK to disobey orders (even my orders, as CINC). That’s how much I respect our grunts.”


[In response to one of my unnamed respondents:]

Nice try at deflection, but Money[R]’s “Mormon problem” won’t be overcome by – what was that shrill quote in the first sentence? – “Obama’s ‘senseless war on Catholics.’”

Let me say it again for those of you who are a little slow to catch on: “The Jesus Christ who Money[R] believes in is not the same Jesus Christ the Catholics and Evangelicals believe in. And Money[R] will not survive the constant stream of reminders about that, which will pour forth from Obama’s Super Pacs.”

This JC issue is what will doom Money[R], even if he manages to create cheap energy from Cold Fusion.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If anyone says he doubts this, he’s just blowing smoke.”


“…the question we'll all be asking is: Why can't he sew this thing up?” Uh huh…and the conclusion “we” all had reached after Florida was: It’s all over, folks; the Money[R] bandwagon rolls on.”

The only thing the press cares about is a story. The editors are telling their copy writers: “Sex this thing up, make it interesting so the rubes will be drooling for more.” The contempt felt for you by the press is not much less than that felt by the pols.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Santorum should go on the Letterman Show with Dan Savage in tow proclaiming (tongue in cheek, as it were), ‘Meet my running mate!’ That would show Santy as having a sense of humor. Seriously, I could vote for a man who pokes fun at himself.”


[Referring to the controversial inscription on the Martin Luther King Jr. statue:]

About that last sentence: “And all of the other shallow things will not matter.” By saying “other shallow things,” MLK was (by using the word “other”) saying that justice, peace, and righteousness are also “shallow things.” Perhaps this would have been better: “And all of the other things – shallow in comparison – will not matter.”

Oh, there is one other problem:  Why is the King statue carved out of WHITE stone?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If you’re going to do something, do it well and do it right.”


"This attack by the federal government on religious freedom in our country cannot stand, and will not stand," Boehner said.

OK, Mr. Speaker, let’s make a deal: In exchange for Obama standing down on “this attack,” the churches must yield their tax-exempt status and pay full-freight like everybody else. You know, separation of church and state…rock on! Go ahead, I want to see you introduce a bill in the House to tax the churches. You game, Mr. Speaker?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I can’t wait for the day when Americans wake up to what a scam organized religion is, and simply stay home on Sundays and stop supporting these parasites.”


Congress passed this law in the first place [concerning insurers covering birth control]. If the Pubbers had objections, they should have voiced them at that point. Besides, what’s the diff? Even if the House passes this bill [to overturn the current law], the Senate won’t – though if it did, Obama would simply veto it (end of story, nothing happening here, move on).

Boner is merely grandstanding for the “values voters.” Speaking of “values,” why doesn’t Boner act to strip all churches of all tax exemptions? What they don’t pay in taxes, we non-churchgoers make up the difference (ever hear of “Thou shalt not steal?”).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Mr. Boner would be well-advised to stop taking those 3 a.m. calls from Pope R.A.T. (Rad Anti-Christian Theologian) Zinger.”


“‘… This is a violation of conscience,’ Romney told a crowd…”

Ah, Money[R] is pandering to the “values voters,” is he? The Catholics and Evangelicals don’t want to be told what their insurance must provide, eh? Why doesn’t Mittens talk about another “violation of conscience” – the violation that occurs every tax day when churches claim their tax exempt status, making me (a non church-goer) make up the difference in my taxes? These “values people” suck – and so does Mittens.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If elected, I will push for churches to pay Caesar what is owed Caesar – no more, no less…just their fair share.”


“It's riddled with constitutional problems,’ McConnell said…” Okay, Mac, then bring it to court and let the justices decide [about the propriety of insurers being mandated to provide birth control]. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind contributing some of your own personal funds in support of any legal challenge. Or, hey, you’re a lawyer. How about donating some free lawyering? Or would you rather just go on yapping about how Obama is attacking our religious freedom? You suck!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Under what rock did the voters of Kentucky find this guy?”


Dear clueless,

If you had even the faintest of desires to find out “who Searle is,” you could simply have googled my name – though googling “Steven Searle US President 2012” will give you more hits. That would take about as much effort as you expended when typing “No clue who Searle is.”

As for why I wrote what I did, that should be fairly obvious, but I’ll spell it out: It’s dangerous to let morons like McConnell have the last word lest they think they’re right. Their more obvious outrages need to be countered vigorously, frequently, by many, and with whatever means at our disposal. Silence would be our deadliest enemy.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I don’t have any PACs or Super PACs at my disposal. So if you want to know ‘who Searle is’ – or (more profoundly) ‘what he offers,’ you’ve got to meet me more than half way.”


I nominate Simony Simon the Parsimonious to be the next Pope, to replace Pope R.A.T. [Royal Anti-Christian Theologian] Zinger. Too bad the US Catholic hierarchy is playing directly into Obama’s hands via opposition to birth control to be provided by insurers. Since most US Catholics violate Church teaching in this area, Obama will only succeed in driving a wedge between them and their leaders, thereby neutralizing the Church. Bravo, Mr. President.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“You may call me anti-Catholic if you wish, but more accurate would be – anti-corruption.”


“Santorum also insisted that Satan has cheapened American pop culture.” Let me reword that: “Searle [for President] insists that Satan has cheapened American political culture by giving us Santorum.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Actually, I’ll take that back and replace it with this: ‘Searle insists that we Americans have no one to blame but ourselves [basic Karma 101] for our decline, though in our current state of denial we’ll point the finger at Satan. So much easier to blame someone else, eh?”


The concern about Willard Money[R]: “…whether he can generate the intensity required to beat the Democratic incumbent.”  It won’t require intensity to beat Obama, it will require votes. And the GOP won’t get them no matter who their nominee is or how intensely the base gets fired up. The things that fire up the base are the very things that turn off the rest of us. So I say, “If the base wants to get fired up to the point of self-immolation, won’t be the first time.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The GOP would love to nominate someone who speaks in tongues. Oh wait, does speaking with a forked tongue count?”


Well, Ardnas, sounds to me like you’re talking cost/benefit analysis. Somehow, given the sordid and greedy history of organized Western religion (I’m a Buddhist, by the way), I have grave doubts as to how much society gains from church charity as opposed to, say, what that money could do if churches paid their fair share of taxes. And I’m not talking “millions” of dollars, I’m talking about tens of billions.

And it’s entirely speculative on your part when you write about the “right kind of help to people in need.” I think society abdicates its role of protecting the general welfare of the people when it relies on churches to determine what the “right kind of help” is.

As for “there is a God,” actually – there are tens of trillions of them (and not one of them created a universe that didn’t need creating because it’s always been and always will be). All of these Gods are practicing Buddhism so they may attain the highest, most exalted state – that of a fully-enlightened Buddha – of which there are also tens of trillions.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Think about this: It was the heartland of Western organized religions (Europe) that gave the world two world wars. And yet, people put so much faith in them.”


[On Rick Santorum clarifying his boneheaded pontifications:]

Sounds like Sans-scrotum is waffling. If he gets to be POTUS, he better not put himself in the position of having to say, “Last night, when I said ‘the US hereby declares war on North Korea,’ I was just ratcheting up the rhetoric. Hey, everybody knows only the Congress can declare war, right?”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Um…maybe the North Koreans don’t know that.”


Constitutional amendment, eh? [To define marriage as between one man and one woman.] Of course, it will be a monumental task for President Money[R] to get two-thirds of the Senate and House to support such an amendment. Then there’s the problem of how such an amendment would be worded – for instance, what to do about the thousands of same-sex couples who are already married.

I’m sure our new president won’t have any problem reigniting the Culture Wars thereby increasing our divisiveness exponentially. But, hey, gotta please the base enough to get elected and sweat the details later.

I, however, worry about details because the Pubbers generally don’t. They tend to paint in very broad strokes and kick the can down the road when it comes to the sticking points. Well, to be fair, the Dems are good at can-kicking too. All the more reason to vote independent and get these mossbacks out of Congress.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Can anyone appreciate the irony of a Mormon proposing an amendment defining marriage as between ONE man and ONE woman?”


“The Maine vote totals [showed]… 5,600 Republicans voting out of 258,000 registered.” I hope this trend – a whopping 2% turnout – doesn’t continue. If it does, the GOP runs the risk of boring itself out of existence. Or, even worse, invites cross-over Democrats to declare themselves as Republicans to sabotage the GOP primaries – a strategy I’ve supported for over five years.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Or, maybe even worst of all, Maine’s GOP voters have figured out that our participatory democracy is such a scam, it’s not even worth the trouble to get out of bed to vote.”


“Vice Adm. Mark Fox, commander of the 5th Fleet, told reporters … that the Navy … is ‘ready today’ to confront any hostile action by Tehran.”

Why is this clown talking to reporters? Any words from the Vice should be for Obama’s ears only or for those up the chain of command – in private. What is to be gained by Fox posturing for the press? All his words can do is add fuel to the fire – though perhaps that was his intention (as ordered by his superiors). If he wasn’t under orders to speak this way, then I have to liken him to the “activist judges” whom US Cons are so fond of denouncing.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Fox would do well to remember: ‘Loose lips sink ships.’”


Worst case scenario: Israel will attack Iran, but most people will fail to realize how that will play into Iran’s long-range plan. The mullahs want to be attacked. THEN…and here’s the irony…Iran will pull out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty citing threats to its security, as evidenced by Israel’s attack and the West’s economic boycott.

Ninety days after withdrawing from NPT, Iran will have the internationally-recognized legal right to openly seek nuclear weapons (look it up – Article X of the NPT). The mullahs might even opt to start digging in the heart of heavily-populated areas in order to bury their nuke bomb facilities, daring anyone to illegally attack those facilities and kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. The whole Third World will be watching to see if the West would so blatantly violate its own standards of international law.

Russia and China might even get into the act by declaring, “Anyone who attacks Iran’s [now legal] nuclear weapons program will have to answer to us.” Any questions?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There are too many yahoos out there saying we should bomb Iran back to the Stone Age, while failing to realize the Iranians might have such a long-range plan in place.”


Santorum says about Obama:"He is imposing his values on the Christian church.” There is no “Christian church” – as in THE Christian church. In case Sans-Scrotum somehow missed out on those classes when he was in school, Catholic dominance and corruption were effectively challenged by the Protestants.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Rick Santorum for Prez and Dan Savage for VP in 2012!”


“Muslims consider the Koran to be the literal word of God and treat each copy with deep reverence [oh, that is to say that they “idolize” it? I thought idolatry was a major Islamic no-no].  Desecration is considered one of the worst forms of blasphemy."  Another form of Islamic blasphemy – even worse – is murder, especially the murdering of a Muslim by another Muslim. And yet, the ensuing riots have killed far more Muslims than non-Muslims.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Our presence in that country has warped its citizens’ better judgment, not to mention the better judgment of our own citizens.”


I never understood this prohibition against “insulting the Prophet Muhammad.” Muhammad is claimed to be the Perfect Man – yeah, I’ll capitalize that. And yet, Muhammad is a common name given to baby boys in the Islamic world. Shouldn’t it be less commonly used, if used at all? Worst case scenario: If a woman named her son Muhammad, though it turned out he was retarded, should she seek to legally change his name lest she be deemed as having insulted the Prophet?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“My personal view? If all of the Abrahamists – Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims – would convert to Buddhism, peace on earth would have a far great chance.”


First of all, make no mistake about this: Our attempt to burn the Quran was intentional. I simply can’t buy, after more than 10 years in that country and knowing how the Afghans feel about their holy book, that we had a bunch of Qurans lying around, shoveled them into a heap, and lit some matches. If our military expects us to buy that story, they have as much contempt for us as they do for the Afghans.

Second point, I don’t understand (though I will respect their wishes) why Muslims feel so strongly about the physical object which is the book called the Quran. That feeling seems to border on idolatry. Isn’t Allah alone worthy of worship? In fact, Muslims (unlike Christians) can’t even swear an oath upon their holy book; the only valid oath is one sworn in Allah’s name.

As for the “holiness” of physical objects: Didn’t Moses destroy the tablets upon which God Himself had written the Ten Commandments? What of that? Hmm…that might explain a lot about how the nation of Israel went wrong.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“My religion is ‘doing right by others,’ my country is the world.”


This paragraph is quoted straight from the Yahoo News article: “SWIFT said in a statement on its web site Friday that it will comply with expected instructions from the EU to cut off Iranian banks. SWIFT has previously brushed off international efforts to use its network to target countries or companies, telling enforcers that it does not judge the merits of the transactions passing through the portal.”

“SWIFT has previously brushed off international efforts to use its network to target countries or companies…” Now that SWIFT no longer brushes off such efforts, we are now one step closer to the New World Order. Quickly, now, tell me this – who’s in charge? It won’t be too much longer until you won’t even be able to guess.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“To paraphrase an old Three Stooges routine: ‘SWIFTly he turned, step by step, inch by inch…VIAGRA FALLS!’”


The easiest way to beat Santorum, is to beat him over the head with his own words (especially, those from his own website). For instance, on that site is this little gem (reading is believing!):

“Coming from Pennsylvania, a state with a rich heritage of hunting and fishing, Senator Santorum understands firsthand the importance of preserving our constitutionally protected rights found in the 2nd Amendment.”

By deconstructing that, you can conclude that it’s the “rich heritage of hunting and fishing” that is the basis of his understanding of the importance of the 2nd amendment. [Huh?]

Try this one on for size (also from his website):

“[If elected, I will] call on Congress to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.”

That’s just plain stupid, for that totally removes one of twelve appeals courts from the federal system. To whom would the district courts, currently covered by this Court, appeal should this Court be abolished? Obviously, Santy doesn’t like the decisions coming from that Appellate Court. But instead of being bold enough to call on Congress to impeach errant judges for making bad decisions, he wants to abort the whole thing.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Demagogues like Santorum are easy to refute – since they’re (really) so stupid in their knavery.”


[REF: VatiLeaks, the leaking of sensitive, private communications between high-ranking members of the Catholic Church.]

"The Catholic Church should see the current image crisis as a chance to purify itself.” The only way the Church can “purify itself” is to purge itself of leaders who are “certainly not boy scouts.” However, that would more than decimate its ranks, which would be a step in the right direction. It’s about time we got rid of an institution which is corrupt, very fallible, and pretends to represent God on earth. Why can’t the Church simply give up the ghost and fade into oblivion?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The Catholic Church gives the word ‘faith’ a bad name.”


The Tea Party is a fabrication – a useful tool of the money men behind the costumed characters wearing tri-cornered hats. A new political party (or parties) isn’t going to do the trick. They can all be undermined, co-opted, or bought off by billionaires in the market for a useful front.
Only by electing non-party affiliated independents will we get the Congress we need. Start by voting out all incumbents. The next (or actually a concurrent) step – ironically enough, support a new political party. One that is a party in name only – for more info google: Independent Contractors’ Party Searle.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“ICP is a virtual party, without a street address, leaders, hierarchy…but bursting with ideas.”


“The president's apology suggests …that the U.S. did something wrong ‘in the sense of doing a deliberate act,’ Santorum said.” Sans-Scrotum is wrong on two counts:

ONE: Those troops deliberately burned those Qurans. We’ve been in that country for over ten years and we know full well how the Afghans feel about Quran desecration. Therefore, for our troops to have unknowingly (as is claimed) burned those holy books is simply unbelievable. And if you happen to believe this was an innocent mistake (even though command routinely trains its troops on how to treat the Quran), you’re a prime candidate for the Tea Party or the Pubber Base.

TWO: Being Sans-Scrotum means never having to say you’re sorry – even though he might not mean it. Obama apologizing – even if he didn’t mean it – was intended to save American lives. But I guess Santy could never lower himself to apologize for that sake.

Santy was right by saying, “Killing Americans in uniform is not a mistake.” But why should Karzai apologize for the actions of one soldier, who was obviously a traitor? Do we apologize for the actions of our traitors? Besides, if we hadn’t burned those Qurans, our troops would still be alive. So I think those who did the burning, and those in command who should have properly trained them, should be punished. They knew better, but their actions caused the death of US troops.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Yo! You out there, the rabble who Sans-Scrotum is trying to rouse. Are you roused yet?”


"’I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute,’ Santorum…"

By his use of the word "church," Sans-Scrotum is admitting he doesn’t completely support the First amendment. Maybe he meant to say (but too bad he didn’t), “I don't believe in an America where the separation of RELIGION [or even “faith” or “spirituality”] and state is even an issue.”

There is a world of difference between “an establishment of religion” (which is really what a church is – an establishment) and “religion” itself (which doesn’t have to be in the form of an institution). The word “establishment” is key here, for the First Amendment doesn’t say, “Congress shall make no law respecting [or disrespecting] religion…” It says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

As for Santy saying, “The First Amendment means…bringing people and their faith into the public square” – no, it doesn’t. The word “bringing” implies that the First is actively promoting something. The First states its position as a negative – that is, saying what Congress can’t do, rather than saying what it should be doing or “bringing” into being. The First states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Sans-Scrotum is a lawyer, so I’m amazed he’d misspeak himself on something this important.”


So Obama apologized because he was “worried about the safety of American troops and civilian workers…” A real apology would have involved sorrow for the act of burning the Quran in the first place. Obama’s act was nothing more than a self-serving apology.

As for Knute Gettin’-Rich saying, “…I haven’t seen the president demand that the government of Afghanistan apologize for the killing of two young Americans” – they were killed as a result of the burning of the Quran. If that hadn’t happened, they would still be alive. Newt is nothing but a rabble rouser trying to cash in on any perceived misstep by Obama. That rabble rousing stuff might stoke the GOP base (a bunch of stupids if ever there was one) but it won’t play on the national stage.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Memo to Knute: Pay more attention to cause and effect relationships before shooting off your big bazoo.”


@ Sassman,

You say, “Obama was wrong to apologize.” Even if his doing so ends up saving American lives? With “friends” like you, our troops don’t need enemies.

@ Wait,

I happen to agree with your third sentence, though I wouldn’t call them (as you did) “idiots.” The “reaction” you speak of cost the lives of 30 people – mostly Muslims. How can the value of even one human life be compared to even a hundred desecrated Qurans? Isn’t it supposed to be un-Islamic to engage in idolatry – which is what the worship of the material object which is the Quran is?

I understand Muslims revere Moses, but didn’t he end up smashing the original ten commandments as an angry response to Jewish debauchery? And that original was in God’s own handwriting! Come to think of it, neither Christians nor Jews hold that against Moses. Hey, that must mean they have something in common.

@ James,

Oh, you must mean my reference to Dick Sans-Scrotum. I might not be “smart enough to be civil,” but I am smart enough to have come up with a pretty good pun name – one that actually fits. “Dick Sans-Scrotum” means: “A guy who’s all dick and no balls [“sans” being French for “without."]” Santy is nothing more than a cheap demagogue who deserves all the scorn that can be heaped upon him. BTW, how do you know I’m from the “far left?” I’m too pragmatic for labels such as left or right. But if you want to call me a leftist, I don’t care. Whatever floats your boat.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“It won’t matter who the Pubbers put up against Obama – the President will wipe the floor with him.”


"… the message from our candidates will be a simple one — if you want a check-and-balance on the Obama agenda…”

If (no, I mean, “when”) Obama gets re-elected, the only reason the GOP will want control of the Senate has nothing to do with checks-and-balances. They just want to continue being the Party of No. And sore losers (to Obama) that they’ll be, they won’t even pretend to work with him. They’ll be holding their breath (and blocking all legislation) until the 2016 election, when they think they’ll take over.

The sad news? It will be too late by then – the entire game will be over (or at least our leading role as a player in it). If GOP wins in 2016, they’ll be in charge of a Banana Republic – a shell of its former self. Though to be sure, Republicans will continue to bleat about how great we are and how much God loves us. And he saddest thing? They'll actually believe this.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“God has an amazing sense of humor, which is why He's a Buddhist!”


[NOTE: General Martin Dempsey is chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff]

“…Dempsey said, noting he had not yet been asked to provide US military options on Syria.” I can see why Dempsey hasn’t been asked. Seems to me like he’d be shooting his big mouth off, giving hints about what those options might be. If I were Obama, I would immediately sack Dempsey – I’d even be tempted to bring him up on charges of treason.

How dare he overstep his role and speak so openly to the press! We have become such a militarized culture, no one even thinks it odd that our brass should be so publicly outspoken. I guess we all know who’s in charge, right? It ain’t the civilians!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Make no mistake about this much: Even though Dempsey hasn’t been asked to ‘provide US military options on Syria,’ Obama has indeed been provided with those options.”


From another article: “Romney conceded that he agreed with Santorum over giving the president line-item veto powers…”

It’s bad enough that one of our three branches of government is a One-Man Branch, by intentional design of the Founding Fathers. It’s been getting steadily worse: That One-Man Branch has managed for decades, with the complicity of Congress, to seize more power for itself (actually, for himself). However, our Constitution lists Congress as #1 in hierarchy (Article I), whereas the Presidency follows as # 2.

And, no, we were never intended to have three equal branches of government. The fact that Congress can impeach members of the other two branches but not be impeached itself makes that perfectly clear. Not to mention: impeachment can be for any reason (Congress defines what is an impeachable offense) and Congress’s decision is final.

Our policy problems won’t be solved by giving the President more power. What have we become, needing a strongman form of government? Only by electing independent (non Dem/Pub) Congressman will we get our house in order (pun intended). To start that process, vote all incumbents out of office. There is no other way.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There is no other way.”


I wonder what would happen if all but the wealthiest Greeks permanently left their country. That would leave the plutocrats holding the bag, wouldn't it? Or, maybe, under the New World Order, Interpol would seek out those self-exiles and present them with a bill.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Soon enough, there won't be anywhere for anybody to hide."


Some people speculate Russia could use one of its subs to send a warhead (not necessarily a nuke) to destroy the Dimona reactor. But there are a lot of other ways Russia could make its displeasure known. One would be to provide state-of-the-art guidance systems to Israel’s enemies who have their own missiles which have notoriously bad targeting mechanisms. We often read about how the occasional rocket launched into Israel falls harmlessly distant from its target. That could change.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Instead of bellicose rhetoric, Israel would do far better to try to actually win some friends among its neighbors and truly learn what it means to be a light among nations.”


Romney “listed ‘pro-life’ as the first credential he would look for.” I was hoping Money[R] would have said, “I don’t have any first credential; instead, I want someone who would be immediately ready in all regards to step up and serve as president.”

This “pro-life” comment could be taken to mean: “I am so pro-life, I will never commit the US to a war without a declaration of war from Congress.” To me, THAT’S a pro-life VP. The other version of pro-life is man trying to dictate to woman. What on earth does that have to do with VP qualifications – first credential or second or…?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Does Money[R] stay up nights thinking of these kinds of stupid things to say?”


@ Jekyl,

The unborn child isn’t a US citizen but the woman who might decide to bear that child is. The unborn don’t have any constitutional rights – only US citizens do – and that’s an important distinction to keep in mind. The rights of non-citizens don’t trump the rights of citizens. You might not like it, but that’s the way it is. Change the Constitution if you don’t like it but you can’t use your “core beliefs” to counter it.

Actually, the Ninth Amendment* could be held to prohibit late-term abortions, but other than that, you have no legal legs to stand on if you wish to “dictate to women.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As for opposing YOUR core beliefs as a reason to bar someone from the veep list, don’t go there – for you seem to be overlooking the core beliefs of your fellow Americans. Unless you really don’t care about them.”

the Ninth Amendment* - here’s a clarification I didn’t post:

The Ninth basically says, just because certain rights are not listed in the Constitution doesn’t serve to deny those rights to the people. I suggest it would be so repugnant to most people to (for instance) abort the day before birth, the unlisted “right of reasonable expectation” (community standards, anyone?) could be invoked to prevent that.


Memo to Santorum Supporters: Do you want to end up voting for a candidate who’s “like you,” or do you want a candidate who can beat Obama? Time to get your priorities straight.

Memo to Gary Henson (last paragraph): The reason you like his demeanor and his personality is BECAUSE you don’t know a lot about him. Not to worry…RomneyPac will tell everybody all we need to know about Sans-Scrotum.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe it’s time for Herman Cain to jump back in the race; he’s lain low long enough and no new scandal has emerged.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“When I ran against Obama in 2008, I presented myself as the voters’ last, best hope. I am running again now, hoping I was wrong about that ‘last’ part.”

Contact me at

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