Tuesday, February 21, 2012

US Long-Range Strategy concerning Iran

My last post on this blog (scroll down) was entitled, “Iran’s long-range strategy.” Before I speculate on the US long-range strategy, I cite my opening statement from that earlier post:


My personal opinion is that Iran’s leadership wants to be attacked, and it doesn’t really matter to them by whom – be it Israel, the US; alone or in concert with others. I’m not sure to what degree Iran would seek to retaliate beyond some kind of token response. But that’s not the point. Iran is not seeking, this early in the game, to attack US interests or even make a serious attempt to bloody Israel.

My last post laid out the bottom line as to why the Iranian leadership wants to be attacked: They can then withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, claiming to be a wrongfully attacked party, and then (legally) declare and start working on building nuclear weapons.

So why would the US go along?

The US might give Israel the green light to bomb Iran’s nuke “research” facilities or the US might decide to go it alone – to spare Israel from bearing the brunt of Islamic wrath.

In response to any Iranian declaration that they, after being attacked, must acquire nuclear weapons, the US could take the bold step of saying (in these or similar words): “The United States will never allow Iran, or any other currently non-nuclear armed nation, to acquire nuclear weapons.”

If the United States makes such a declaration, it will in effect be saying: “Welcome to the New World Order, of which we are in charge, and you may bid the UN farewell.” By the way, don't bother looking up the UN charter or the NPT. When it comes time for the US to seize power, it will not engage in legal niceties by citing chapters and verses. US Elite will basically say, "We'll be doing it this way from now on...because we say so."

I can’t explain current US behavior toward Iran any other way. There’s no reason for US ships to pass through the Strait of Hormuz; keeping our naval forces nearby in the Indian Ocean would be sufficient. There’s no reason for the US to respond to every statement from Tehran with its own statements; sometimes silence is golden. There’s no reason to commit an act of war against Iran by attempting an economic strangulation that harms its people; unless the intention is to goad Iran into striking the first blow. Or to set up a pretext under which it appears Iran strikes the first blow.

Given the wobbly nature of the EU’s financial condition (for example, the bailout of the Greek economy), and given the wobbly nature of the US’s financial recovery, the Western powers see economic growth and expansion as the only way out. And for that reason, they won’t tolerate any competition from a nation not in the club.

[Side Comment: Any time the capitalist economies are on the ropes and need to expand, African countries in particular should ask, “At whose expense?”]

A Power Grab by the US?

You bet it’s a power grab. Our Elite sense a decline in US power and worry about our own indebtedness. Plus, they’re looking for a way to unify the country against a common and (carefully) demonized enemy. US plutocrats might see an attempt to impose our will on Iran as a golden opportunity to assert exclusive US dominance. This will formalize our empire. They might even see this as our last chance to assert our supremacy. Our Elite certainly dislikes being told what to do by any international body and would love to undercut the UN which it can’t sufficiently control.

If Iran declares, as I’d posted below, that it will build nuke weapons facilities in highly-populated areas, the US could say, “Oh no you don’t.”  To back that up, the US could target the assets of the wealthiest clerics, and show how much we’ve learned in the way of efficiently targeting our drones. You don’t really think Obama increased drone activity in Afghanistan just to hunt down insurgents, do you? That was done in the name of R&D.

Even though the US publicly applauds the Arab Spring, deep down inside we worry about competition – especially in the form of any possible union of Islamic states (dare we utter the word “Caliphate?”). Our Elite sees this as the perfect time to use Iran as the doormat to enter a New World Order under its own leadership.

Is there anybody left who can resist? China and Russia might sense our ulterior motives, so it will be interesting to see how they’d react. My sense is, their reactions will be tempered by the fact they couldn’t really do anything to help Iran militarily. And in the case of China (though perhaps Russia as well), they too might welcome the chance to prevent the rise of a potential competitor in the world’s economy.

The US common man’s response

As for freedom loving US citizens who oppose their Elite’s imperial designs, the only real option is to try to whip up a grassroots movement to elect independents to Congress. My post, linked below, explains how there’s really only way to do this:

TITLE:  The only viable U.S. reform strategy:

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“We are not entirely without resources but we don’t have a lot of time left.”

Contact me at bpa_cinc@yahoo.com

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