Sunday, May 29, 2011

US President’s weekly Yahoo! News updates

[NOTE: No, I am not really the US President. However, by acting the way I think he should act and saying the things I think he should say, perhaps that could change.]

Once per week, I share comments I’d posted to articles appearing on Yahoo News. These were posted between May 22 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

Posted on Yahoo! News


“I wish Jeb Bush had a different last name. He’d be fantastic,” said Henry Barbour...

Not so fast...Maybe being a Bush is an asset. Obama followed in Bush's footsteps to such a profound degree, he basically rehabilitated the name. I even wrote a blog about Obama adding Dubya's head (that is, a sculpted version thereof) to Mount Rushmore. Blogging can be such fun!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Wouldn't it be amazing if Obama, who magically took away much of Dubya's stigma, lost the election to Jeb...for precisely that reason!?"


[This was my response to an article about a search warrant executed in the California home of a 91-year-old woman who sold suicide kits.]

...but said he could not comment on the contents of the warrant..." Could not or would not? Sounds like the feds were acting way beyond the bounds of what the warrant authorized. Unless they found a judge who gave them a blank check (not supposed to do that).

“…and spent the next 10 hours packing up ‘boxes and boxes and boxes’ of stuff and leaving a mess.”  If these invaders can spend 10 hours executing a blank-check warrant, they can spend an hour, under the strict guidance of the homeowner, to clean up. What’s wrong with people? Doesn't Obama's terrorist squad have anything better to do? Remember, people, you're paying for this.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“(sigh) This is just another instance of the feds trying to make an example out of someone.”


"...reconsider the deadline for the sake of the country's security."

No extension of deadline will enhance Iraq's security. Only pulling out those troops will give the better chance of long-term success. But...we don't anticipate long-term very well.

Five years ago, I predicted that the "real" War in Iraq will begin once our troops were significantly drawn down. Reassertion: We should never have gone there in the first place, and should have left way before now. But Obama won the election and decided to maintain the Bush Doctrine. Fool! And fool on us for going for the Change rap.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"The more things 'Change,' the more they remain the same."

FOUR [I wish some reporter would actually ask this question.]

Reporter to Romney after he announces prez run: "Mr. Romney, if you're elected, will you take the oath of office with your hand on the Bible or on the Book of Mormon [which, as an article of faith, you claim to be superior to the Bible]?"

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"This is not a 'religious test' question, it's a question of consistency of values. FYI, were I to be sworn in, my hand will be on the Lotus Sutra. Nothing less will do. [I don't have a problem with such questions.]"

FIVE [On the proposed introduction of NATO helicopters in Libya]:

Well, looks like we're trying to pick a winner in Libya. Be careful what you ask for. As soon as an RPG brings down one of those choppers, the din of cheering from the EU will turn to stone silence. Even worse? If one of those choppers has to land due to mechanical problems and the locals decide to take the crew, skin them alive, and post that on the internet.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"These kinds of decisions make me wonder about the effects of inbreeding among the leadership."


The 12,000 police officers securing the seaside town of Deauville…spent most of their time checking entry badges.”

If those 12,000 officers are tied down to petty duty in Deauville, that means there are security gaps where those officers would normally otherwise be. French authorities worried about Islamic militants have just made it that much easier for militants to attack the unguarded places.

The basic principle of judo: When facing a bigger, stronger opponent, just look for the places where he’s vulnerable (that is, where his forces are absent). It doesn’t get any simpler than that. No wonder these guys can’t take out Gadhaffi.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The most telling part of this story is that the police found it necessary to take away the [Buddhist] monk’s banner. What on earth are these people afraid of?”


Let’s get one thing straight: The people of these Middle Eastern nations aren’t necessarily clamoring for democracy. What they oppose are their crushing autocratic regimes, and lack of opportunity to live decent lives. They would accept a benevolent king if one could be found. Problem is: Corruption and cronyism. Which are problems found everywhere the world over – even in democracies.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As a Buddhist, I don’t support democracy simply because it can’t work (all pretensions to the contrary); I support either a benevolent kingship (example: rule by Jesus) or a pure democracy – without the thwarting mechanisms we find near and dear (like the filibuster, for example).”

EIGHT [My reply to another blogger’s observations]:

What do you mean "as long as?" Even if all of these negatives you cite magically disappeared, Israel still would not allow for an independent Palestinian nation to arise. The Zionists within Israel are too strong and they think they're entitled (by God, no less) to keep permanent possession of all of the West Bank. And a lot more than that, truth be told, but that's another story.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"When God told the Israelites He was 'giving' them that land, he was only testing them. And they've failed that test miserably."


[Huntsman] must strike a balance between emphasizing the fiscally conservative policies likely to attract GOP primary voters and explaining others certain to repel them.”

“Explaining” will turn out to be quite easy. All Huntsman will have to do is simply tell the GOP base the facts of life, “You can’t nominate the dream candidate who adheres to all of your positions with any hope he’d actually win the presidency. Those things that repel you might attract votes from those who otherwise wouldn’t vote for me. That’s how elections are won.”

If elected, though, I’m afraid we’ll all find out much sooner than later what Huntsman himself must already know: “What I did as governor for the state of Utah cannot be replicated as President of the United States.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“No matter who the GOP nominates, Obama’s going to be reelected – so that’s that. And the GOP knows this, which is why they’re really aiming for election 2016.”


Canada will back Israel whatever the cost."

Hey, wait a minute, I thought that was the job our leaders foisted on us.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"I guess everybody missed the part PM Harper mumbled under his breath. Here's the full quote, 'Canada will back Israel whatever the cost to the ideals of human decency, honor, and fair play."


"We are not trying to physically target individuals in Gaddafi's inner circle on whom he relies but we are certainly sending them increasingly loud messages," British Defense Secretary Liam Fox said in a statement.

The UN mandate was for a no-fly zone and to protect civilians. How do bunker-buster bombs protect civilians? Where in the mandate does it say Britain gets to send them "increasingly loud messages?" Sounds rather indiscriminate to me.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Without the rule of law, we are no better than terrorists."


Consider these two statements side-by-side:

“NATO spokesman Maj. Tim James … didn't confirm the airstrike and provided no details about it...” [and]

“President Karzai blamed “American troops for airstrikes that killed the 14…”

Looks like NATO doesn’t have to bother to confirm that strike because Karzai already did so. Isn’t coordination among allies a wonder to behold? Although…it seems a lack of coordination caused those 14 deaths in the first place.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If I’d been elected instead of Obama, we’d have been out of Afghanistan long ago and those 14 wouldn’t have died. Now that’s a change I can believe in!”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“I amazed that even someone as low down on the social totem pole as I can read the heavily censored/controlled news issued by an outlet such as Yahoo, and can still punch holes in their mainstreamed propagandized narrative.”

Contract me a

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