Monday, May 2, 2011

How to deal with Obama in 2012

QUESTION:  How should progressives within the Democratic Party and independents react toward Obama’s reelection campaign?

The Problem: Even though our president has disappointed large numbers of his most enthusiastic supporters, he can cynically proceed with his reelection by asking: “What else are you going to do? Vote for the Republican?”

The Answer: Yes, vote for the Republican. But before you roll your eyes and stop reading, be patient as I explain.

My recommendations:

Do not donate one single dime to Obama’s reelection campaign. Shock the hell out of him and start the pundits’ tongues wagging. As election 2012 approaches, if his loss of campaign donations, especially from those millions of small donors who had rallied to his cause in 2008, were to become painfully noticeable, he could no longer claim to be the people’s choice. He would lose credibility.

Don’t worry, though. He would still clinch the Democratic Party’s nomination but he would be wounded and a message would be sent to party HQ – “We-the-People don’t appreciate being lied to.” And that’s exactly what Obama did:

He – lied – to – us… shamelessly and unforgivably.

Since Obama won’t be opposed in the primaries, the next logical step would be for independents and rank-and-file Democrats to vote in the GOP primaries.

I’ll say it again: Democrats should hijack the GOP presidential primaries and vote for the Republican they would like to see in the Oval Office. If you think about it, this would have to happen sooner or later. And how sweet it would be to stick it to the GOP – after they so had so callously stuck it to us for so long.

There isn’t any law preventing someone who had previously voted Democratic from asking for a Republican ballot. And why not? If you support Obama and know he’ll win his party’s nomination, why not vote in the other guy’s primary? The only true obstacle you have to overcome is your own conditioning. I know, I know…there have been mighty forces at work to set you up to behave in certain ways. But if you react contrary to your training, that would really make them sit up and take notice.

No, I’ll say it this way instead: It would shock the shit out of them.

Why on earth should we be so predictable? That just makes it easier for them to put us in their pockets.

The worst case scenario

If the GOP wins both houses of Congress and takes the presidency in 2012, many would fear a return to a cultural dark ages. However, I ask, how would that be so different from what we’ve got now? Obama had no problem continuing Bush’s policies in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention his own incursion into Libya. As for diminishing our civil liberties, Obama will do whatever he thinks “national security” requires – same as Bush would have done.

As for lifestyle choices, it’s conceivable that gays and others who live nonconformist lives might have to circle the wagons (or be more discreet). But this would be for only four years, so we should be able to sit tight that long. For if the Democrats would lose the White House in 2012, I predict the time will be ripe for independent candidates to make the scene. Losing the presidency would be so demoralizing to the Democrats, it might well spell the demise of their party. To which I’d say, “Good riddance.”

Their loss would be our gain, for they were never all that friendly to our cause in the first place. Time and time again, liberals and progressives find themselves supporting a Democrat who they think will end up being their guy. Only to find him moving to the center (or right) after he’s elected.

Join the New American Revolution:

Declare your independence by voting for independents.

There you have it. That’s a battle cry worth rallying around. Obama had his chance and betrayed us. He’s acting like any other imperial president. Even his vaunted health care plan is fatally flawed – that is, not being a true universal health care package and not even having a public option (which he jettisoned early on). The health care industry remains unregulated. And it sure looks like the big financials couldn’t have a better friend.

On a more fundamental level:

·         We still have the Senate filibuster rule which Obama’s Justice Department could have attacked as unconstitutional – but didn’t (choosing instead to go for business as usual). [REF: ]

·         We have as much political polarization now as we ever had – and that will continue until we replace all of the Dem/Pubs with independents – up to and including the president.

·         Our nuclear attack forces are still on hair trigger alert – that doesn’t get talked about at all in the lamestream media press.

·         Talk about reigning in the deficit will prove to be nothing more than talk – the regular party members are addicted to unlimited borrowing whereas independent congressmen would keep an open mind about where to cut back. Translation? No sacred cows to protect for the sake of lobbying interests. [I would start by closing down all of our overseas military bases – all of them.]

·         Our economy is still in a shambles, with Obama’s people embracing trickle-down and hoping their big company bailouts will translate into benefits for the middle class and small businesses. So how is that different from the GOP’s approach?

·         We’re no closer to a Two State solution than before – with Israel continuing to build settlements in the Occupied Territories knowing they have nothing to fear from Obama.

·         We have not yet decided how to deal with nuclear waste – again, not an issue mentioned by lamestream media. However, not to worry – tiny Finland has taken the lead by building the world’s first permanent underground nuclear waste storage facility. And if you don’t think that matters, see

·         NATO’s debacle in Libya shows glaring weaknesses which the EU will have to correct if they are ever to stand on their own as a bulwark. And this is an area Obama has totally ignored.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“If not now, when? If not by our hand, then by whose?”

Contact me at

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