Friday, March 18, 2011

Yahoo postings from the Next US President

I’m one of those fools who bother to post comments to various news articles appearing on Yahoo! News. I offer the following to give you an idea of how I would handle the US Presidency, if elected in 2012. My usual style is to open with a quote from the news article itself and go from there. Here goes:

ONE: On March 18, I posted:

“President Barack Obama said those responsible must be held accountable..."

Um...Mr. President, among "those responsible" is "that one in particular who is most responsible" - the man "we're" supporting - President [of Yemen] Saleh. So, Barack, how "must" we hold Saleh responsible? Send in Black Ops to kidnap and spirit him away to Gitmo? Got any other ideas? Let's hear them.

Oh, and while I'm at it, I'd like to remind you why "we" decided to get involved in Libya - Saleh (I mean, Gadhafi) was killing civilians. Oh, that's right, Saleh is killing civilians, too. Welllll......? Ball's in your court, Mr. President.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "As your next president, I would pull out all aid from Yemen and let the (very wealthy) Saudis worry about how to deal with their (very poor) next door neighbors in Yemen. And let the Yeminis take care of Saleh."

TWO: On March 17, I posted:

"The U.N. vote paved the way for possible international air strikes on Gadhafi's advancing military..."

Hmm...if Gadhafi's forces stand down, hold their positions, and take no hostile action - thereby honoring the resolution's "immediate establishment of a cease-fire" - could/should Gadhafi's forces be subjected to "international air strikes?" Also, since there is now a No Fly Zone and a cease fire in effect, does that mean the rebels can't even fly recon and that they, too, must cease hostilities? With a cease fire in place, this now-stalemated conflict could drag on for years.

There is a very good reason the Arab League states don't want to take the lead in militarily opposing Gadhafi. He'll find a way to get even. For instance - in the case of Egypt - he might well decide to bomb the Aswan High Dam.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "There's way more here than meets the eye - please note Germany's abstention. Things are going to get a whole lot more complicated."

THREE: On March 17, I posted:

[In response to Hilary Clinton asserting that a No Fly Zone must involve pre-emptive bombing of Gadhafi’s air defenses:]

No it doesn't. A No-Fly Zone doesn't have to be an absolute clamp. If (and this is a big IF) the US is going to do this, simply announce: Any of Gadhafi's forces that take to the air will incur consequences. That doesn't have to mean that those particular airborne craft will have to be met by scrambling our own. Clinton is speaking about bombing to reduce, in advance, any possible threat to our pilots. But...drones and long-range missiles (for instance, to blow up runways or jets parked on those runways) could do the job without risk to our pilots.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "I still say the Arab League should be the sole enforcer of any No-Fly Zone."

FOUR: On March 17, I posted:

[In response to this posted by another commenter:] “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny”  - Thomas Jefferson

It's interesting that Jefferson said that, since there wasn't a whole of "experience" in his day with "best forms of government." There were damn few models to choose from, and those that considered any form of "rights" were few and far between. I'm not saying his conclusion is wrong, but...he just didn't really have much "experience" upon which to base his statement.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "Besides, the guy owned slaves so, in my view, that profoundly diminishes anything he said about 'tyranny.' Just saying..."

FIVE: On March 17, I posted:

Just say No... by voting for me. I'm the only presidential candidate who is refusing to accept campaign contributions at all...period. My approach is: If a certain critical mass of people like my message, and they in turn spread the word (this used to be called a "whispering campaign"), I hope to underwhelm the Big Money Boys. [That's right, "underwhelm."]

We don't have to continue buying into "more is better." Our whole way of life has been polluted by the "more is better" ideology, and look what it's doing to us. The race for more campaign $$ is just another way of saying, "The more $$ collected, the less of a voice the little guy will have." Maybe that's the idea, yes?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "The billion $$ 'needed' to campaign for the presidency in this era of diminishing resources would be money better spent for (practically) any other purpose."

SIX: On March 16, I posted:

The worst news for Sarah Palin? If the computer-generated image of what she'd look look like after being President for four years ever gets out, nobody would vote for her. The irony? That image looks exactly like Nancy Pelosi.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "Yeah, I've seen my own compu image and it looks pretty bad but...I never expected anybody to vote for me because of my looks...unlike some candidates out there."

SEVEN: On March 16, I posted:

Okay, everybody, time to sober up. Looks like Gadafi's going to win this thing - even with a No Fly Zone. The real work starts after he wins - that is, how will the World Community treat him in particular and Libya in general. Do "we" boycott their oil? Well...problem with that is, the Western companies that have contracts are about to have their contracts redirected to Russia, China and India. Boycotting would hurt those countries if they would try to sell that oil in Europe.

The real challenge: How do we "soft power" Gadafi (and his sons) out of power after "hard power" fails? Not to mention: How will the Arab League choose to interact with this "socialist," pretend Muslim dictator?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "The easiest way is by means of a war of words - that is, if learned and respected Islamic scholars were to issue an avalanche of fatwas denouncing Gadafi as a traitor to the spirit of Islam, that could do more to influence him than anything the rebels have tried."

EIGHT: On March 16, I posted:

There are better ways than nuke plants for power generation. I’ll offer one off the top of my head: Geo-thermal.

Basically, the deeper into the earth you go, the hotter it gets. Drill down, pump water (even salt water would be OK) to take advantage of that heat to create steam, which can run turbines to create power. Not sure of cost/benefit analysis but…at least we won’t risk what’s happening in Japan (and that would save a couple of bucks, no?).

Also, don’t be too sure there aren’t other power gen methods already under patent but intentionally kept off the market. In the name of the public good, these must be accessed and that info disseminated. Of course, the people who profit from nuke plants won’t like that. Too bad.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “Why does it always take a catastrophe for people to start looking for alts?”

NINE: On March 15, I posted:

[In response to market skittishness caused by the situation in Japan (tsunami & nuke power plant instability):]

"It's a situation where you sell first and ask questions later," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at New York-based brokerage house Avalon Partners....

Oh? And this guy is a chief market economist? He's just blowing smoke for his more knowledgeable clients, who will buy low from those who followed Peter's "advice." Everybody knows disasters make for good growth opportunities (RE: Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctine"). Sure, a lot of people have suffered in this disaster and more will suffer. But...even after the devastation of WWII, it didn't take long for Europe (and, more to the point, Japan) to rebound mightily, far exceeding their pre-war powers.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "Tsk, tsk, Peter. You aren't an emperor but you surely have no clothes on at this particular time."

TEN: On March 15, I posted:

"French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe suggested that the fighting in Libya had already outpaced diplomatic efforts." I heard a rumor that a couple of French jets got into a dog fight with Gadhafi's air force. But no, there were no French jets in the sky - there were only Mirages.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "France has a rather large Muslim population that is keenly interested in how much more than words France is willing to use."

ELEVEN: On March 15, I posted:

"...keeping him in solitary confinement for 23 hours while forcing him to be naked every night. The Pentagon has defended Manning's treatment as necessary to prevent the WikiLeaks suspect from attempting suicide."

Why don't they add another "security" measure - immobilize him by strapping him onto a gurney. That way, he couldn't try to bash his head in by running into a wall.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "Why is this prisoner in Gitmo, anyway? Wasn't Obammer going to shut that down?"

TWELVE: On March 15, I posted:

"...we need a declaration of war.” – [in order to act in Libya, according to Senator Richard Lugar].

"No we don't. Obama as CINC can, under the parameters of the War Powers Act, respond militarily - essentially at his own discretion. And that response doesn't have to be of the Shock and Awe type. At this point, even a token response would have drastic impact.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "If I were President, though, I would still do nothing unless Congress (by a two-thirds majority) resolved that I should."

THIRTEEN: On March 15, I posted:

Gadhafi warned rebels: "There are only two possibilities: Surrender or run away."

See? That shows Gadhafi isn't a genuine Muslim, since he fails to add a third possibility: "...or martyr yourselves."

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "Sometimes, it's what a person doesn't say that turns out to be the most telling."

FOURTEEN: On March 15, I posted:

"Even without prior evidence, if the ship's captain gave permission for the Israeli navy to board, the action is legal, David added."

And what do you suppose would have happened had the captain not acquiesed - er, I meant, given his "permission." And why did David have to "add" anything. If martime law is really on Israel's side on this one, there wasn't any need to "add" anything else, was there? Unless, maybe, David wasn't that sure about his martime law claim or his evidence claim.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Doesn't matter, anyway. It's only a matter of time."

FIFTEEN: On March 14, I posted:

"Both Democrats and Republicans are accusing each other of not showing flexibility…[regarding the current impasse on federal budget legislation]"

Well that's true...they're not because they can't. If John Q. Public, because he's stuck in his ways, won't start voting for independents, then JQP will end up with Dem/Pubs who are stuck in their ways. Sounds like a lose-lose to me.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     "Obama could have changed history by immediately going after the Senate filibuster rule...but he didn't. Another lose-lose."

SIXTEEN: On March 12, I posted:

By the time the “world community” – whatever that is – decides to impose a No-Fly Zone, it will be too late. Perhaps that’s the idea, yes? “Diplomacy” favors established governments – be they good ones or bad. If Gadhafi prevails, it will be interesting to see how he’ll manage to reingratiate himself (it was always about him, yes?) into the good graces of the WC. In his favor: Time heals all wounds (though most people don’t fully appreciate the karmic meaning of that truism).

The Arab League let a golden opportunity slip through its fingers. It asks the UN to impose a No-Fly Zone, but it could have taken action on its own. I don’t know who else the Arab League represents – other than its Arabic-speaking, Islamic-posturing oil barons – but it surely does not represent the Muslim man in the street. In fact, the AL is deathly afraid of that common but very numerous “man.”

The AL could have declared an NFZ on its own, basically saying, “Screw the United Nations, which has done little over the decades for the Arab/Muslim cause. We will deal with Gadhafi ourselves.” With that, only a token NFZ would be needed. You know, an occasional strike by an occasional (Saudi Arabian?) bomber against a solitary Libyan jet sitting on its runway. The NFZ doesn’t have to be absolute – since any action following such a declaration by the AL would have monstrously huge ripple effects.

And these ripples could give rise to the Pan-Islamic Union (or Caliphate, to use an ancient expression) many Muslim idealists have dreamt about for centuries. If only Arab/Muslim leaders would wake up and decide to act on their won.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “And I would have no problem, as president, dealing with such an Islamic Union, since I – unlike most Western leaders and diplomats – am not afraid of the unknown” – Steve.

SEVENTEEN: On March 10, I posted:

France on Thursday became the first country to formally recognize Libya's opposition National Council as the country's legitimate representative.”

Barack Obama, acting entirely on his own, can immediately pull diplomatic recognition from Gadhafi and grant it to the National Council. And he wouldn’t need the advice and consent of the Senate. He can do this entirely on his own. That single act would do more to rally the international community into action than anything else. And even if the revolution failed, he could continue to recognize that Council as a government in exile. And for this, he would actually deserve the Nobel Peace Prize (this time).

“Jones said, adding: ‘He's a key figure in this and very adept at using the Arab League.’”

Hmm…Jones should have said, “…and very adept at ENGAGING the Arab League.” I don’t think the AL would ever like thinking of itself as being “used.”

Suppose Iran decided to get involved by doing some off-shore shelling. That would certainly alter the equation, now wouldn’t it?

What “should” probably happen: Let Gadhafi crush the rebellion, while the US and EU do nothing, which will motivate the Muslim man in the street to ask, “How can we avenge these martyrs who died while the Arab League sat by and did nothing?”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

EIGHTEEN: On March 9, I posted:

“The nation hasn't figured out how to accommodate a sizable and long-established religious minority…”

What you mean by “the nation,” white man? This “minority” is surely part of that nation, as are that minority’s friends and allies among its fellow Americans.

If Rep. King were more honest and efficient in his efforts to get to the bottom of this issue, he wouldn’t be holding congressional hearings. What he needs to know can be learned by other more discreet, less incendiary means…isn’t that what we have intel services for? All King will succeed in doing with his grandstanding is “further stoking them fires.” But I guess that’s the point, isn’t it?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “I guess the Pubbers need some kind of issue to blow hard about…guess this will do till something else comes along…which it will…always does.”

NINETEEN: On March 9, I posted:

Hal…well, well, well...out of 9 thumbs down, you are the one and only reader who bothered to post a reply. So I guess I have to set you straight.

First of all, you don’t speak for all Americans, so I’m not sure I know what you mean by “our way of life.” Believe, me…without even having met you, I can assure you that my way of life (as a Buddhist) is quite from yours. And how do I know that? Simple: No Buddhist worth his wisdom would write as you do.

You say, “This hearing is long overdue…” Actually, “this hearing” will be a waste of taxpayers’ money, just as surely as it was a waste of my Congressman’s time to take turns reading the Constitution on the House floor (you can thank Speaker Boner for that one). Time is money, let’s get cracking.

As I said, this hearing will not answer any questions. The answers you’re looking for are best obtained by intel, not by some grandstanding congressman.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “As for who’s been blowing us up for 30 years, to an appreciable extent we have to look in the mirror to answer that one.”

TWENTY: On March 3, I posted:

“A no-fly zone begins with an attack on Libya to destroy the air defenses," Gates told a congressional panel.

Gates used the word “begins.” Why? It should be a simple matter of simply declaring a no-fly zone. Then violations would be cause for further response. Spy-in-the-sky satellites or AWACS could easily detect, and prove to the world community, if Gadhafi violates any no-fly rule. One possible response: Flatten every single Libyan jet on the ground or (more kindly) bomb the runways. Or for every infraction, “You lose a jet.” People, this is way too easy. And Gates cannot see any of this? Fire the SOB.

I’m more worried about Obama basically telling Gadhafi he has 24-hours to get out of town. Sound familiar? Bush to Saddam? But…it didn’t take me long to see Obama as an incarnation of Bush, so that’s that.

Remember: Only Congress has power to declare war. Though of course the War Powers Act nibbles at that authority. Congress should pass a Resolution against intervention of any type in Libya. Or it should quickly say it gives Obama a free hand (just like Bush). Either way, Congress should (er) “participate” in any decision instead of rolling over and playing dead.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “Why do we insist on leaving such momentous decisions in the hands of one man? Is that reflex a product of Abrahamist faith or other such partriarchal nonsense?” – Steve.

TWENTYONE: On March 3, I posted:


It's not a matter of whether I know more. I'll admit I don't. I'm more concerned as to why Gates is deliberately lying to Congress about where we have to "begin." Also, why didn't any of those Congressmen challenge him? Believe me, Gates isn't that intimidating - he's just got connections, that's all.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"If elected, I promise you this much: No more Gates's."

TWENTYTWO: On March 2, I posted:

@ John: I didn’t “blame everything on Bush.” I blamed Bush for recognizing Kosovo after encouraging them to declare their independence. Reread my post. No, on second thought, don’t. I doubt it would do any good.

@ Van The Man: My hero, Clinton? Okay…for the record, I think Clinton was (and still is) scum. He should have resigned the presidency after being found “not guilty) at his impeachment trial. Where did you get that Clinton is my hero?

@ Abe Paul: No, YOU really are dumb. “First, it was Clinton, not Bush!” (???) Define what you mean by “first.” My post criticized Bush for granting diplomatic recognition to Kosovo. Only the President can do that, and only Bush did that…and that violated international law in the process. As for “he was a Kosovo citizen”…we don’t know the full story yet as to his citizenship or loyalties. As I’d written, “Maybe, just maybe, this Kosovo citizen is really a Serbian.” Dude, reread those first three words.

@PatrickB: You, sir, with all due respect, are a joke. Everything I wrote was either factual or preceded with “maybe.” Go ahead, tell me how I’ve created “facts.” Can you identify even one instance? You have “experienced first hand the love for Clinton that the people exhibit?” Pray tell, which “people” are you talking about? Not all of them. The Serbs? I doubt it. You can lol all you want, but frankly, I’m counting on support from people with a lot more intelligence than you show – people who don’t lol quite so easily or foolishly, I might add.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “Hello, out there in Yahooland. Too many yahoos who can’t post a decent reply.”

TWENTYTHREE: On March 2, I posted:

“but [the Pope] explains how with a thorough, Gospel-by-Gospel analysis [why the Jews weren’t to blame for the death of Jesus]...”(???)

Oh he does, does he? And this is something which centuries of Popedom couldn't have managed long before now? I'm starting to have grave doubts about this papal infallibility stuff.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "Who cares what Pope R.A.T. [Royal Anti-christian Theologian] Zinger thinks, anyway? He's just another misguided Abrahamist."

TWENTYFOUR: On March 2, I posted:

Richard, I occasionally indulge in understatement along with the occasional acronym.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "The reason our Founding Fathers messed up (e.g., the issue of slavery) is they didn't have access to the Buddhist scripture known as the Lotus Sutra, which was translated into a European language only after our Revolution. Had they known of this scripture, we would have avoided a whole lot of Abrahamist nonsense which ensued" - Steve.

TWENTYFIVE: On February 22, I posted:

" well as the powerful military have all profited richly from the corrupt system." You might include US arms manufacturers as beneficiaries of this corruption.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "The Camp David Peace Accords = Jimmy Carter's cheap attempt to buy peace."

Bobo responded to the above by writing, “30 years of peace and stability is not cheap. Better then Steven Searle ever done.”

[To which, I reply:] Ah, Bobo, you need to take a more careful look. While it's true that Egypt and Israel stopped gunning it out, our hard-earned taxpayer dollars have done a lot more harm than good. For one thing, our cash helped Mubarak suppress his own people. Tell me, how stable is the Egyptian situation right now? [We bought and paid for that!]

Also, our cash pumps up the Israeli war machine which really hasn’t needed our help in decades. Did our cash buy us any consideration from the Zionists or do they feel emboldened to continue West Bank settlement expansion? Does the man in the street in the Middle East appreciate how much we’ve propped up Israel and autocratic regimes across the entire region?

Naw..didn’t think so. Not to mention, our cash could have been better used here at home.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       “Besides, after getting bloodied by Israel, Egypt would have sooner or later opted for non-belligerency. And that wouldn’t have cost us a dime.”

TWENTYSIX: On February 22, I posted:

(sigh) The biggest threat facing Israel has nothing to do with incoming ballistic missiles. It has everything to do with how it sold out against its religion in favor of its tribalism.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
       "As part of my campaign for the presidency, I won't be going to Israel to kowtow by putting a yarmulke on my head and swearing eternal fidelity to the Union of 12 Tribes" - Steve.

Steven Searle for U.S. President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

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