Thursday, March 10, 2011

More thoughts on Libya

I successfully posted this as a comment to a Yahoo News article just now:


France on Thursday became the first country to formally recognize Libya's opposition National Council as the country's legitimate representative.”

Barack Obama, acting entirely on his own, can immediately pull diplomatic recognition from Gaddafi and grant it to the National Council. And he wouldn’t need the advice and consent of the Senate. He can do this entirely on his own. That single act would do more to rally the international community into action than anything else. And even if the revolution failed, he could continue to recognize that Council as a government in exile. And for this, he would actually deserve the Nobel Peace Prize (this time).

“Jones said, adding: ‘He's a key figure in this and very adept at using the Arab League.’”

Hmm…Jones should have said, “…and very adept at ENGAGING the Arab League.” I don’t think the AL would ever like thinking of itself as being “used.”

Suppose Iran decided to get involved by doing some off-shore shelling. That would certainly alter the equation, now wouldn’t it?

What “should” probably happen: Let Gaddafi crush the rebellion, while the US and EU do nothing, which will motivate the Muslim man in the street to ask, “How can we avenge these martyrs who died while the Arab League sat by and did nothing?”


An observation:

Since I believe that a Pan-Islamic Union will eventually come into being, leaders like Gaddafi will prove to be obsolete. How could a devout Muslim embrace a country named (by Gaddafi himself) the “Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab State of the Masses?”

My position

As a candidate for US president, hoping to unseat Barack Obama, I offer this much:

If I were president right now, I would propose that Congress pass a bill transferring US diplomatic recognition of Libya as I’d described above – from Gaddafi to the rebels. Even though the US Constitution gives this power entirely to the US President, I would relinquish that power – permanently.
That being said, I would make three exceptions before relinquishing:

·         Remove US diplomatic recognition from Israel;

·         Grant that recognition to Palestine;

·         Remove it from Kosovo, since President Bush had acted illegally by granting it in the first place.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Some revolutions have to be permitted to fail, so that they can arise again more powerfully.”

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