Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Adventures in Yahoo! Land

Here are some of my recent posts (or attempts to post) on Yahoo! News. These are my responses to certain events over the past few days:

Post # 1:

"...Obama has authorized the use of covert forces in Libya..."

Uh, huh. And if Gadhafi's troops capture any of these guys, just how will Obama react when pictures of their hacked up corpses hit the living color...or (maybe) in the process of being hacked up? Covert operatives have no rights under the Geneva convention and can't be treated as POWs.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Obama is a fool for having ventured into this."

Post # 2:

Why should Gadhafi quit? He's winning!

If he manages to pull off the upset of the year, we'll have hell to pay for decades (from now on... permanently?) in Africa. That continent might end up coalescing around Gadhafi's leadership if he ends up successfully humiliating the White Man's air power. Remember, it was Gadhafi who tried to bring about meaningful African unity - at least in the eyes of his many Black admirers.

So, what will the EU and the US end up gaining if Gadhafi wins? A whole continent turned against them.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Listen up, Barack Obama - there is no such thing as a little war and I don't care if your advisers told you otherwise."

Post # 3:

Senator Marcus “Rubix” Cubio can’t possibly realize what he’s saying. He says he won’t vote “yes” to raise the debt ceiling unless (first!) we have a “balanced-budget amendment” in place? As in, amendment to the Constitution? [Hey, Marcus, any idea how long it takes to pass an amendment or any of the other items you’ve listed?]

Not to mention: His vote “yes” must be accompanied by a plan for [among other landmark-type legislative proposals] fundamental tax reform. Especially cute: He won’t vote “yes” unless “it is the last [increase in the debt limit] we ever authorize.” How can this Congress pass such a law and make it binding on future Congresses?

Take a look at the photo accompanying this article. I swear, if you put a moron in front of enough microphones, he’ll say any fool thing that comes to mind.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“If Cubio wasn’t so stupid, he’d be dangerous. Oh wait a minute, that’s exactly why he’s so dangerous...not to mention, he's got a legion of airhead followers.”

Post # 4 [NOTE: This post was censored by Yahoo!]:

There was a far more effective (and intelligent) way for [Donald] Trump to have gone Birther. He could have refused to weigh in on Obama in particular, while saying, "I think each of the 50 states should enact rules to deny access to the ballot for any presidential candidate who doesn't provide his original, full-form birth certificate in advance of the primary in that state."

He could have gone on to say: "Don't take this as my opinion concerning Obama's birth-right legitimacy. However, in the upcoming 2012 election cycle, even he should be blocked from the ballot for failure to comply with any such (new) more stringent rules. I think it's a travesty to allow anyone access to the ballot who has not complied to the greatest degree possible to dispell any lingering uncertainty as to natural born citizenship."

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"But no-o-o...Trump didn't say any of that, so to Trump I will say this: 'You're fired!' [You can't believe how good it felt to type those two words.]

Post # 5:

"Russia criticized the Western intervention that has turned the tide in the conflict, saying it amounted to taking sides in a civil war and breached the terms of a United Nations Security Council resolution."

Russia, this time, happens to be right. But surely Russia had to have seen this coming - that is, direct "allied" military support of the rebels. Which is probably why they abstained when the UN rez came to a vote. They didn't want to make it look like they were choosing sides.

They were probably wise to remain neutral, and not (say) encourage the League of Arab States to take a leadership role. The last thing Russia would want (or the West for that matter) is for that League to find its voice and assert leadership. However, not to worry -- as long as a group could even conceive of calling itself the League of ARAB States, all will be well under control. If, though, that name changed to the League of Islamic States, watch out. That could well be a game-changer.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Bottom line: No one among the Western powers wants to see the emergence of Islamic unity in the form of a caliphate -- or actually in any form at all."

Post # 6:

"Israel considering annexing West Bank settlements."

Come on, Israel is going to do that regardless of what the Palestinians do. Not unless the US sets up a No Fly Zone to stop them. That's about what it would take to stop this thinly-disguised Zionist land grab. I'm still in favor of voiding US diplomatic recognition of Israel and canceling our $3B annual welfare dole to that (so-called) "ally's" military. By the way, Israel is no ally and has no friend in the entire world other than itself. In moments of candor, the Zionist will agree with that statement - but not in public.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"I would dearly love to see the Zionist go back to practicing Judaism - it couldn't hurt."

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party
“It’s sad that Yahoo! chooses to censor some of my stuff but that’s life.”

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