Monday, February 28, 2011

Steven Searle steals New Hampshire

Help me steal the 2012 New Hampshire primary. Hell, let’s be bold enough to try stealing both primaries – the Democrats’ and the Republicans’. Now would be the perfect time to start making our move.

New Hampshire is legendary for its independent streak, and for its unpredictable presidential primaries. All we have to do is persuade local independents to declare themselves as Dems or Pubs (just for this primary) and write-in my name. It would also be nice to persuade genuine rank-and-file Dems/Pubs to vote for me, since they too might be willing to join us in making a statement.

Imagine the electrifying effect my winning both primaries would have! How’s this for a declaration of war against the political establishment:

"We, the voters of New Hampshire, are sending a loud and clear message to all presidential hopefuls: Steven Searle is right when he says we deserve candidates who are willing to provide bold, independent leadership. We need to purge all Democrats and Republicans from Congress, replacing them with Independents. We want candidates who are willing, like Mr. Searle, to present their campaign promises in the form of a written contract. We applaud this candidate’s enforceable contractual mandate to surrender his office should he violate any of the terms of his written contract.

“We, the voters of New Hampshire, deserve:

·         a vastly reduced military budget that won’t suck the life out of our economy;

·         complete withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of the “conditions on the ground;”

·         a vigorous system of regulatory agencies headed by independents (instead of industry sympathizers) that enforces our laws, incapable of political corruption;

·         Single Payer universal health care, which can be paid for by closing all of our overseas military bases;

·         Personal credit card interest rates capped at 18% - since any higher rate should be considered usurious;

·         An end to the Senate’s unconstitutional filibuster option – an option which President Searle vows to challenge with a two-pronged attack: (1) via the court system, and (2) by refusing to allow any bill to become law by means of his affirmative action unless the Senate permanently repudiates the filibuster and acknowledges its unconstitutionality;

·         A reformed Congress that dismantles its unconstitutional seniority system and top-down management style that denies the effective input and equal participation of all (including the most junior) legislators;

·         Access to the judicial system that would allow the most indigent citizen to challenge the interests of the wealthiest citizens on an equal footing;

·         A judiciary in which justices don’t get lifetime appointments but instead are limited by contract to renewable five-year terms (this is constitutional, by the way).”

But what about Obama?

Some will argue that my proposal would undermine Obama’s campaign. And that might allow the GOP’s candidate to squeak into the White House. Frankly, I don’t think Obama deserves a second term – no more than he deserved to be elected (or even nominated) in the first place.

As for those who think he’s so great, ask yourself if he was really what you thought he was when you’d voted for him. Did you figure he’d dig us deeper in Afghanistan? Did you figure he’d mess up health care reform so badly – for example, by excluding the public option? Are we any closer to a lasting peace in the Middle East or are we still busy kissing Israel’s ass? How about broad-based income tax reform?

Has Obama made any moves whatsoever to level the playing field? Or has he rededicated himself, after realizing bipartisanship didn’t work, to improving the fortunes of his party? He talks of a recovery which may or may not ever take place – and if it does, it will have nothing to do with his leadership. He speaks of reasserting America’s world leadership, but fails to realize we can’t be the policeman of the world.

Obama serves the established “business-as-usual” order. And that was his intention from the very beginning. I never had any doubt about that. He’s just another Party-animal incapable of thinking outside the box.

We have a decision to make – a question to answer: Are we going to decide here and now that we must rid ourselves of the scourge of Democrats and Republicans once and for all, or are we going to find some excuse at the approach of every election to stick with the current system – train wreck that it surely is becoming?

Let’s have a little fun, why don’t we?

As I’ve said in earlier blogs, I’m hoping to base my campaign on a David vs. Goliath motif. And that will involve a generous overdosing on YouTube of a wide variety of (in effect) political commercials. I challenge the more creative of you to whip up a little something based on “stealing New Hampshire.” If I could actually win both the GOP and the Democratic primaries in that state, you’d better believe the head honchos of both groups would shit their pants. I’m not suggesting that you literally show that but…on second thought, I’ll leave that up to you.

Steven Searle for U.S. President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

I am the only candidate with a contract: "You wouldn't sell your house without a contract; why give your vote away?"

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