Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obama to the Egyptian People

[NOTE: Barack Obama would never even consider saying any of what follows.]

President Obama should be making an overture to the Egyptian people. If I were in his shoes, I would be saying:

“I propose to the US Congress that all US military aid to the Egyptian government cease at the earliest, lawful moment. A new aid package should take its place, but only with provisions that directly benefit the Egyptian people. Not the wealthiest and most connected few. But to those who have not benefited from that current administration’s democracy. That is to say, to the many. And that type of aid should be our model from now on.

“In addition, I propose to the US Congress that all aid to Israel – both military and non-military – be permanently canceled. That aid should be redirected to Egypt’s people.”

The United States has funneled billions of dollars per year, since the Carter administration’s famous Camp David accords went into effect. This was nothing more than a cheap attempt to buy peace…no, make that a “transparent attempt” because there was never anything “cheap” about it. And peace was not purchased. A certain status quo was obtained, favorable to Israeli and US interests. And to the interests of local tyrants propped up by the United States.

And now change is in the wind. And Israel is worried about an “extremist” Islamic government taking over in Egypt. Israel is concerned that Egypt might not continue to honor President Carter’s peace treaty. Israel never cared for the poor, suppressed Muslim man in the street in Gaza City, Cairo, Jerusalem, or in the various refugee camps in Lebanon or the West Bank. Israel never even cared for the Muslim citizens within its own borders – not even those who are Israeli citizens. So much for “loving the stranger” – one of the tenets of Judaism.

And change is in the wind. And Hilary Clinton is worried. So is Obama. And the heads of the various European states. The unspoken “change” is that Muslims might not only establish individual Islamic societies within their own borders; the absolutely gut-wrenching horror is that a new transnational Caliphate might emerge. And we certainly couldn’t have that, now could we? For such a power might want nuclear weapons. And, as we all know, only White “civilized” men are to be trusted with that kind of power. For as we all “know,” a Muslim is a crazy who is not to be trusted.

It’s not like the White man, with his overkill nuking capability, had ever threatened world peace. No sir. We did not seek to terrorize our enemies but instead had established world peace through Mutual Assured Destruction. And, as we all know, White men could never have accidentally plunged the world into a nuclear war. We’re simply too smart to let that happen. But, hey, we don’t know how “smart” would be the leadership of any emerging Caliphate.

My faith in you

To the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan (to name but a few), I say I have faith in you. If it comes to pass that you wish to bypass an all-too-corruptible democracy, I say, “More power to you, and my best wishes.” If you wish to establish Islamic republics or even Islamic monarchies, that is your privilege and I will respect your wishes. Some of my countrymen believe you to be barbarians who wish to turn back the hands of time. For my own part, I don’t think modernity is all it’s cracked up to be. And as for you being “barbarians,” we in my own country have had shameful episodes in that regard.

And as for “democracy,” it’s a mixed blessing at best. But, unfortunately, it has been hopelessly perverted in my own country by the partisans of special interests and by a citizenry that doesn’t seem able to rise to the challenge of self-improvement. As a Buddhist, I have learned that the rule of a sage-king is the ideal. The “world” is urging Muslims to embrace democracy, so that Israel will not be the only democracy in the Middle East. What the “world” conveniently overlooks: Israel is not a democracy; it is a virtual theocracy. But…you already know that.

I have been impressed by the Muslims I’ve met throughout my life. For the most part, I’ve sensed a wish on their part to be treated fairly and decently. And I’ve sensed the beauty of faith in their personal lives. So when my peers cower in fear of a militant, retribution-seeking Caliphate, I don’t share their prejudice. I feel you want to establish a society of values and that you are not hateful people. Although I understand what makes you angry: Foreign intervention and exploitation.

After the uncertainty passes and the dust settles, I think you’ll surprise the world with your nobility of spirit. I invite you: Show us what an unfettered, unoppressed Islamic society can do.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“We all knew this day was coming – the day of a general uprising in the Middle East. I hope and pray we all make the best of it” – Steve.

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