Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chicago’s Blacks elect Jewish mayor

If Rahm Emanuel becomes the next mayor of Chicago, our newspapers should run this headline: “Chicago’s Blacks elect Jewish mayor.”

For the only way Rahm can become the next mayor of Chicago will be if Chicago’s Black voters elect him.

And why should Blacks elect Emanuel?

Conventional wisdom has it that a “vote for Rahm” will somehow benefit President Obama. That’s the real gist of the matter – the real argument. But is this argument valid?

No, it is not. The money machine that Obama will need for his reelection is already in place. Rahm’s input will not be necessary in this regard. Whether Obama secures his party’s nomination for a second term will not depend on Emanuel becoming Chicago’s mayor. It will depend on Obama, and as of this writing – Obama has his destiny firmly in hand. At least in terms of any potential challenge from within his own party.

As for a GOP challenger? Again, Rahm won’t have any influence in that regard. Chicago will vote Democratic in the next presidential election, baring any earthshaking blunder on Obama’s part – which isn’t likely.

So there is no truth to the argument that “a vote for Rahm is a vote for Obama.” There’s simply no longer any connection between those two men.

Why Blacks shouldn’t vote for…

Voting for Rahm will not change Chicago’s status as the nation’s most racially-polarized city. When Whitey speaks of Rahm as a man who can “get things done,” he’s talking about getting things done for Whitey.

Voting for Carol, Gery, or Miguel will only be a vote for the regular Democratic “business-as-usual” Party. Translation? Business-as-usual means, the politically connected insiders will continue to profit as the schools and the rest of the city’s infrastructure (especially in the bad neighborhoods) will continue to disintegrate.

William “Dock” Walls III, the only Black male running for mayor, is a somewhat shadowy character. Dock’s days of glory were as an aide to Chicago’s first and only Black mayor, Harold Washington. Since then, he has campaigned for a number of public offices – quite unconvincingly, I might add. I was unable to determine exactly how this man earns his daily bread – he’s not a lawyer (though is a graduate from law school) and he touts himself as the director of the Committee for a Better Chicago. About which I was unable to garner any specifics.

Moreover, exactly why does he call himself “Dock?” If that’s supposed to be short for “doctor,” then shouldn’t he call himself “doc?” What’s up “Dock?”

But why vote for Watkins?

Patricia Watkins is exactly the kind of role model the Black community needs, one who deserves their wholehearted support. She has a Ph.D. in Management and is a Certified Public Accountant. Her work as a community activist is of long duration, successful, and well-documented. And she is an Independent political outsider who won’t be obligated to put the fortunes of the Democratic Party before those of Chicago’s ordinary citizens.

Patricia came from an impoverished background, and she overcame. She admitted she had been a drug user over 30 years ago, but she overcame. Patricia’s name has not even been listed on opinion polls attempting to gauge the public’s interest in the various mayoral candidates. I sincerely hope she will overcome that.

Isn’t this what the Black empowerment struggle is supposed to be all about – overcoming? As in, “We shall overcome?” And yet, the pundits would have you believe that Chicago’s Black community will snub Dr. Patricia Van Pelt Watkins. Those are the same pundits who have treated Carol Moseley Braun as a serious, major candidate. Even though her personal finances are a train wreck and she had the nerve to call Watkins a crack addict (she later apologized for this blatant inaccuracy).

If, however, Chicago’s Black community helps elect Rahm Emanuel, they will have only themselves to blame for what will surely follow. Chicago will remain the most racially-segregated city in the US, with disproportionate attention paid to its minority citizens.

Some day in the future, a young teenage Black kid will ask his dad, “Why do Jews, who are a minority just like us Blacks, seem to have so much power and influence? How did a manipulative Jew like Rahm Emanuel ever get elected mayor in a city with a white minority?”

I hope the answer isn’t, “Well, son, we were decisive in electing Rahm because we thought, somehow, that would help President Obama. Now we know we were conned against voting for our own best interests. We should have voted for the only highly-qualified Black candidate on the ballot. But then, Jews have always been better than Blacks at supporting their own. And they’ve always been better at getting support from constituencies other than their own.

“That seems to just be the way things are.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“The rich will continue to get richer, only as long as the poor continue to believe that should be the natural order of things” – Steve.

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