Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yahoo Periodic News Updates, June 16, 2012

On occasion, I consolidate comments I’d attempted to post in response to articles appearing recently on Yahoo News. I share my comments with you here hoping to reach an audience immune from Yahoo’s periodic attempts to block or censor. My posts are written as if I actually were the US President. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.
I hope you enjoy all 20 of these mini-essays.
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Wouldn't it be amazing if Romney asked [Wisconsin Governor] Walker to be his running mate? Even more amazing - if Walker accepted. Then the recall would have worked in a de facto kind of way.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"This could really electrify Romney's campaign."


“Yet, whoever wins, the [Egyptian] army retains the upper hand.” But this doesn’t mean “the army” holds all of the cards. For instance, tourists and foreign investors can let their displeasure be known by boycotting Egypt. Or, to put a finer point on it, a WikiLeaks type could publish the business connections and investments of the ruling clique of generals…and boycott those in particular.

Or the Egyptian people could engage in passive resistance. If enough people refuse to support the state, then the generals would quickly discover they can’t run a country by ruling over the army – and only the army. For our part, the US should immediately stop its annual welfare payment to the Egyptian military (and to Israel, as well), which has been in effect for over thirty years. At billions of dollars, per year.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There’s more than one way to win a revolution.”


My original post:

Boycott all products Made in Israel, and stop investing there. If enough people do this, Bibi will listen.

Michael from Tn replies:

announce more settlements,,maybe that will get the Pale to the table and work out a peace agreement.

My response to Michael:

That won’t work simply because the Palestinians know Israel wants to annex the entire West Bank and, truth be told, then some (that will come later, but first things first). Israel is counting on four more years of Obama and eight years of President Rahm Emanuel to do the deed. The Zionists are very good long-term planners. So we might as well roll up our sleeves and tell anyone who will listen: “The only way to stop the Zionists is in the pocketbook, so do whatever you can and speak to whomever will listen about boycotting Israel and anybody who does business with Israel.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Any hint of peace talks from the Zionists is just smoke and mirrors.”


As for Obama’s failures in the green area, Money[R] himself wasn’t graced with immediate success in his early years of running Bain Capital. And he didn’t venture into new technology, trying instead to restart existing companies which he thought had the potential to make money. In fact, Bain under Willard had only a 50% rate of success with its investments. But those successes were, no doubt about it, whoppers (no pun intended on a Bain acquisition – Burger King – which happened after Willard left). Obama might have failed with his green initiatives but I give him credit for trying his best in this risky area.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“A man shouldn’t be judged solely by his successes but also by the courage it took to engage in his failures.”


“Will [Israel] launch an attack against Iran before November 6?” No, simply because Obama will by Labor Day (my best guess). And he’ll tell the Israelis (privately, of course) that they can stand down. That way, they won’t have to take any flak (PR or otherwise) for having joined us. And of course the GOP base will love it that Obama (suspected by some of being a closet Muslim) smacked down the Ayatollahs. And Mitt Romney will be on the sidelines going, “Duh,” as he joins in applauding the president.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“And some of Obama’s bombs will be directed at the persons and the properties of the Ayatollahs themselves.”

[RE: The part highlighted above: The irony of course is: Obama could still be a closet Muslim and have no problem striking against Shia Iran…if he himself is a Sunni. That irony would be lost on the simpletons who think Obama’s a closet Muslim in the first place.]


[This is my response to an article entitled, “Live Rocket-Propelled Grenade Removed from Marine’s Leg.”]

"Each of us on the aircraft [scheduled to medevac that Marine to a hospital] had to agree to take the patient on…” And suppose any one of those four would have said, “No, we can’t risk four lives, not to mention our helicopter, for the sake of one man.” Or how about this: Suppose the wounded Marine himself would have said, “Don’t put me on that helicopter. I refuse to risk the lives of four to save my own.”

Of course, this story could have ended badly. Since it didn’t, though, the simpler among us will assume God is on our side. God (or Karma) may well have been on the side of those involved, but that doesn’t translate to God being on our side. But too many of us would rather not even contemplate the possibility of God not being on our side – and why He wouldn’t be.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Of course God is on our side, right? Right? Maybe not?”


Rasmussen also reports (as of June 4) that Romney leads Obama by 46% to 45%. That’s well within the poll’s margin of error and leaves 9% uncommitted. It’s way too early to write off Obama, so I really doubt Mark Whittington’s claim that “the Democratic establishment is starting [to do so]…” I suppose Whittington’s entitled to his right to spin. But he and Mitt’s other supporters will end up being just as disappointed when Obama wins as the Dems were when Dubya got his second term.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Oh, I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth now.”


[I don’t think my attempt to post this got past Yahoo’s censors.]

@ George,

For one thing, I’m not voting for Obama. I myself am a candidate opposing both Money[R] and Obama. A large part of the reason for Obama’s failures has been an ongoing campaign by the Party of No, from practically Day One, to ensure Obama would be only a one-term president. And they weren’t even very subtle about it.

I think Money[R] is too hawkish and won’t be able to resist pressure from GOP conservatives to do things their way. He doesn't have enough spine to resist.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“After Obama orders the bombing of Iran’s nuke facilities (I’m guessing, around Labor Day), that will leave Willard speechless and irrelevant.”


Compare these two statements:

It doesn’t matter who votes for whom, it matters who counts the votes.

It doesn’t matter if the Libyans institute sharia, it matters who the sitting judges are and how they’ll interpret it.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Be careful what you ask for.”


“…60 percent say [federal] justices should not be appointed for life.” They’re not appointed for life. The Constitution says, “The judges…shall hold their offices during good behavior…” There are fools who read pop-up books who think that means “lifetime appointment.” But that is simply not so.

For instance, if I am elected in 2012 (NOTE: I am an independent candidate), I will not nominate anyone to the Court unless they sign a letter of understanding, including this statement:

“I will serve for only five years and I, under oath, hereby promise to resign after that; should I fail to resign, I agree in advance that that failure will constitute the impeachable offense of behaving badly – that is, having violated an oath saying I’d resign.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Lifetime appointment? Not necessarily so. Problem solved.”


[I couldn’t resist punning the name of Preacher Creflo Dollar, in the news for having (allegedly) assaulted his daughter.]

Actually, his name is short for "Cre(ate a) flo(w) (of) dollar(s)" to my coffers. That man is clever!


Obama’s opponents might outspend him 10 to 1, but he’ll still win. Especially soon after Labor Day (my prediction) when he unleashes our military to smite Iran. Even the GOP base will cheer that move. And the sweetener? This will be a quick strike, including such targets as the Ayatollah’s personal assets (and persons!), which won’t involve US ground troops. That last will immunize Obama from any charges of sucking us into another long, drawn-out war. This will not be long nor drawn-out.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Mark your calendars…Labor Day.”


Why are the French in Afghanistan? They used to be more independent-minded than to blindly support US causes. As for the French being part of NATO – the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization – Afghanistan is pretty far from the North Atlantic, wouldn’t you say? And that country poses absolutely no threat to France. And yet…

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Messieurs, I don’t think you’d thought this thing out very carefully.”


Wait a minute. What does Iran’s Supreme Leader (Ali Khamenei) have to say about this? I mean, above and beyond the fatwa he issued saying the production, stockpiling and use of nukes is forbidden under Islam? Oh wait, Forghani didn’t say anything about “production, stockpiling and use,” he said, “[Iran] must HAVE nuclear weapons.” So I guess having such weapons doesn’t violate the fatwa, although what good does it do to have them if your enemy knows you can never use them (without violating the fatwa).

I suspect Forghani has no intention of using them, and that he’s only blowing smoke (as it were). Otherwise, why quote where the Quran talks about he who sells “the life of this world for the hereafter?” Sounds like he’s preparing the troops to die, which they most certainly will.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I hope the mullahs aren’t counting on Allah Himself to smite the foe – it doesn’t work that way.”


“The…Circuit Court … ruled the challengers did not have legal standing to file the lawsuit [challenging President Obama’s status as a natural born citizen].” Shouldn’t any US citizen have legal standing in a case like this? Just exactly who does have such standing, in the eyes of the Court? This whole “legal standing” concept has been used by the Court for a long time to avoid actually addressing awkward issues. And it’s high time they stop doing that and do their jobs instead.

BTW, I am not a birther. And even if Obama turns out to be a fraud, I wouldn’t care.  Karmically speaking, countries as well as people get exactly what they deserve.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I’m amazed at how many people could read an article like this and not even think about this so-called lack of legal standing as the fraud it is.”


[This is my response to BobB, who posted a reply to my post immediately above.]


It’s interesting that the Feds accepted a certification [of Obama’s birth in Hawaii] after the election, but didn’t insist on this before. It’s downright fascinating that a man running for the presidency can’t be compelled to produce a true and verified copy of his original birth certificate in order to get on the ballot in the first place. The fact of the matter is, we don’t have any national standards [read: “legislation”] in this area of concern.

As for your claim about Constitutionality, I cite the Ninth Amendment concerning non-enumerated rights. One of those rights must surely include the right of a citizen (any citizen) to be as sure as humanly possible, leaving no stone unturned should there be any doubt whatsoever, that a candidate seeking the presidency be 100% certified for eligibility to be on the ballot. It is true that, in the absence of legislation detailing exactly how that is to be done, the Court would have difficulty proceeding without adopting the role of Special Prosecutor.

However, I believe a Court could have responded to a legal challenge presented to any Secretary of State before inclusion on that State’s ballot to force the revelation of any and all pertinent information possessed by the State of Hawaii (citing the Ninth Amendment), instead of allowing that State to claim it couldn’t act without Obama’s permission.

Bottom line? Any USA citizen should have standing in this matter, but not at this late date. Again, I cite the Ninth; in this case, the right of Reasonable Expectation. That is, the general public at this late date has a reasonable expectation that the man having occupied the presidency for the past three years is really their president, in spite of sporadic doubts held by some to the contrary.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Obama himself should have immediately put this issue to rest before the [2008] election for the sake of national unity by waiving his right to deny access to his records. But he didn't, which says an awful lot about Obama, now doesn’t it?”


Cyber weapons in the hands of anarchists could bring down the entire New World Order. And not everybody would mourn that demise.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“When your ox gets gored, who you gonna blame?”


[This is my reply to someone who had posted these words of Mark Twain: “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”]

The world is being run by smart people who really mean it, but they (1) are not as smart as they think they are; (2) are not as smart as the task demands; and (3) work at cross-purposes with other smart people who are just as amoral as they are. Which makes it appear that the world is being run by imbeciles.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Best thing Twain ever wrote, by his own admission, was his book on Joan of Arc…simply fabulous.”


When H.W. [former President George H.W. Bush] passes away, I won’t miss the SOB. He was what he was, and he always knew what he was and was glad of it – a tool of the Elite. H.W. thinks aging is better than the alternative, but there’s an even better alternative – having lived honestly and honorably, which he didn’t.

Before his presidential nomination, I thought, “There’s no way the GOP would be stupid enough to nominate a former head of the CIA.” But, yes, they were that stupid…and still are. As for that bit about his being a war hero, I have grave doubts about that, too. Read my lips, HW, “You suck.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There’s a special place in Hell for people like HW, same place his dad Preston currently occupies.”


[This is my response to an article by George Stephanopoulos in which he mentions speeches in Ohio about to be given by Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, at different locations.]

You can’t have a “decisive debate” unless there’s a debate. A debate consists of at least two opponents meeting face-to-face. Each gets a turn to talk without interruption, then each gets a chance at rebuttal.

What will be decisive will not come out in a debate. It will take the form of shock-and-awe (remember that?) when Obama (around Labor Day) orders a series of surgical strikes against Iranian nuke facilities. At that point, the GOP will be left going “duh” as they applaud this decisive action by a president most had thought of as indecisive. Team Obama will calculate this attack to be galvanizing, especially since it won’t involve ground troops at all – let alone them getting bogged down for a decade.

As for the economy, most people feel there is no magic wand that can be waved by one man to fix it. Too much depends on other (especially foreign) players, including a POS Congress. Maybe Romney can promise a secret plan to save the economy, which he’ll only reveal once he’s elected. Who knows? Maybe we’ve become stupid enough to believe that.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“George Stephanopoulos is irrelevant to what’s about to go down.”

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party
“The choices for President in the US are similar to the choices faced in Egypt for their leader – not much there to inspire confidence.”
Contact me at

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