Saturday, June 9, 2012

US President issues call: Boycott Israel

Wouldn’t it amaze and astonish if a US President actually called for a boycott of products made in Israel? If I am elected in 2012, beating the sell-out Obama and the flip-flopping Money[R], I intend to do just that.

Background leading up to now

Back in 2006, I was the only candidate in the history of the USA to offer a binding, written contract to the voters in exchange for the presidency. My contract listed only the campaign promises I could keep on my own – without the support of Congress. To give you a sense of this document, I now quote the first two of its 47 points:

ONE:  If I violate any of the terms of this contract, I will be removed from office by means of impeachment. I hereby affirm, in advance, that I will not defend myself nor authorize any other party to defend me against any impeachment activity in the House or trial by the Senate. I further agree to a speedy trial - within less than 10 minutes, if deemed necessary by the Senate.

TWO: Within 90 days of my inauguration, all U.S. military forces will be completely withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of the "situation on the ground." This withdrawal also applies to any covert operatives currently operating in Iran.

I am running again since Obama and Money[R] offer nothing new on a lot of fronts – including the USA’s relationship with Israel. My new contract features this provision:

Immediately upon my assumption of office, I will withdraw US diplomatic recognition of Israel and instead grant it to Palestine. [NOTE: The US President can do this on his own – without Congressional approval.]

I was going to let it go at that, but I came to feel (over the past year or so) that the deteriorating situation in the West Bank called for more drastic action in the form of this provision:

I urge my fellow Americans to follow my personal lead by boycotting, to the greatest extent possible, all products made in Israel and all US companies which deal with Israel.

Explaining my personal boycott

I will not call for Congressional legislative action in support of my personal boycott. I will not bother with this since I believe there to be no point – Congress is too heavily influenced by the pro-Israeli lobby. However, I will of course welcome the support of brave and patriotic individual Congressmen unafraid of Zionist backlash, though I won’t even bother trying to solicit that.

Another reason for not trying to legislate a boycott: I believe such boycotts are de facto acts of war. And I want to make it clear that the US is not declaring war on Israel; only that I (personally), and as many of my fellow Americans as I can convince to join me, do not approve of Israel’s long-standing intransigence concerning the creation of a Palestinian state totally free of illegal Israeli settlements.

Since our elected officials are too heavily influenced by the Zionists’ lobby, I feel I have to call for grassroots action by We-the-People against Israel as a step in taking back our government.

Casting a wider net

I wish to draw attention to the activities of AIPAC – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee – which is the Zionists’ lobby on American soil. I took grave offense when I read this:

Former executive director of AIPAC, Tom Dine, was quoted as saying, "All the Jews in America, from coast to coast, gathered to oust [former Illinois senator Charles] Percy. And the American politicians - those who hold public positions now, and those who aspire - got the message.”

I am sure Tom Dine was exaggerating when he claimed “all the Jews in America” had joined in this effort. However, there are Zionists who fervently embrace his last sentence: “And the American politicians…got the message.” Well, I have a message for them:

I hereby declare war against anybody who would support AIPAC’s efforts to control our Congress for the benefit of Israel. Some might protest by asking: “You would declare war against American citizens?” And I would answer: “Yes, against those who give allegiance to a foreign power to the detriment of our national interests.”

I urge my fellow citizens to boycott the businesses owned by AIPAC’s officers and major supporters. This information is easily obtained on the internet, but I will offer this much:

AIPAC’s Current officers:

Executive Director: Howard Kohr
Managing Director: Richard Fishman
President: Lee Rosenberg
Chief Financial Officer: Chrystal Kern

In addition, AIPAC’s National Board has approximately 50 members. These people have names and business interests; find out who they are and boycott accordingly.

This boycott should extend to members of Congress who accept AIPAC money. Among them are these top recipients:


In the House of Representatives

Mary Landrieu $291,609
Frank Lautenberg $260,333
Robert Menendez $219,135
Daniel Inouye $197,750
Harry Reid $179,640
Sheldon Whitehouse $170,421

In the Senate

Joseph Lieberman $1,226,956
John McCain $750,368
Benjamin Cardin $487,572
Mitch McConnell $415,710
Richard Durbin $376,387
Carl Levin $366,378
Arlen Specter $338,080

:UNQUOTE: [source at end of this article]

What you can do

A lot of us feel powerless to make a difference, but there are ways and it doesn’t take much research to find them. For instance, I came across this:


Howard Schultz, the founder, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Starbucks who also owns 31.6 million shares of Starbucks stock (worth around $1.4 billion in Nov 2011) is an active zionist.

Looking a bit further, I learned that Howard Schultz  received the Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel.” That’s all I needed to know in order to decide to take my coffee drinking business elsewhere.  When you decide where you’ll go for your latte, keep the title of Schultz’s book in mind:

Pour Your Heart Into It:
How Starbucks Built a Company
One Cup at a Time

Then think of an anti-thesis –  a book with this (possible) title:

How and why Starbucks lost its Influence
One Cup at a Time
at the Hands of a Pissed-Off Public

That’s the key…One cup at a time. A gradual loss of business over time will wake up any corporate enterprise. And that applies not only to Starbucks and not only to corporations, but also to individuals who support Israel at the expense of US interests and the cause of peace in the Middle East.

This is a gradual process that will take time. But consider:

·       How many decades have the Palestinians waited for their freedom?

·       As each day passes, AIPAC only gets stronger and stronger.

·       Just because you can’t wave a magic wand and cure the world’s evils doesn’t give you a pass to do nothing at all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Think B4 U drink.”

Contact me at

Source for list of Congressmen cited above who received AIPAC money: [Dated June 4, 2010... “Time to Look at AIPAC Contributions and Take American Foreign Policy Back.”]

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