Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Internet Censorship and CIA Collaboration

The long title of this article is:

Internet Censorship and CIA Collaboration: Yahoo!, MySpace, Facebook, and Daily Kos?

CIA Collaboration

I was rather amused when I heard about Facebook’s violations of user privacy (all quite “unintended” – wink, wink). However, I’m sure the problem runs deeper than merely selling our personal info to advertisers. I have absolutely no doubt that Yahoo!, MySpace, Facebook, etc. funnel all of our posts to the CIA, complete with our real names. I don’t have any proof of this, but keeping in mind the history of our intel agencies, I have to ask: How could they pass up the opportunity to lean on these web sites to sell us out?

I wasn’t surprised to learn that Daily Kos founder (and “owner” – let’s call a spade a spade, here) Markos Moulitsas had all kinds of good things to say about the CIA. He had even applied to become an agent but claims he decided instead to “kinda join the Howard Dean campaign.” Thesis: It’s entirely possible that Moulitsas was able to set up and finance the Daily Kos website with the support of the CIA. Of course, that kind of support doesn’t come free. There’s a price to pay [words to this effect]: “We’ll make you a very wealthy man, but we want the names of your subscribers.”

I took due note when Daily Kos blocked me from continuing to post on their site. They were not alone in this: MySpace also blocked me (also without notification). An amazing thought occurred to me: Both sites wanted to eliminate any possible threat to the Obama candidacy. Barack preached “change.” I did more than preach; I posted a written contract saying what I’d do if elected. My threat was slim to non-existent but I’m sure the Obama campaign decided to leave nothing to chance. I mean, what if major media caught wind of what I was posting and decided to run an “underdog candidate” human interest story?

Translation? There was no way the Obama campaign or complicit media would allow for anything to detract from the Obama “phenomenon.” [Early in the primary season, I had even e-mailed candidate Obama (and Clinton and Edwards) suggesting they follow my lead by posting at least some of  their campaign promises in the form of a written contract, stipulating loss of office should they violate those promises.]

On to Yahoo!

I have posted comments to various news articles on Yahoo! But I’ve noticed they exercise a degree of censorship. I mean, if I tried to post, as many people do, “Obama sucks” or “f**k Obama” [fully spelling out the F-word], no problem. Yahoo permits this type of posting. But I’ve noticed they seem to have a sensitivity to postings critical of the Tea Party. Again, are we seeing media trying to protect a source of good copy or even engage in unethical promotion?

Here’s an example of what I tried to post today:


Dear Archie,

It's the rank and file of [Tea Party] supporters who don't understand the TP. Just like it was the rank and file Obamaniacs who didn't really understand he'd just dig us deeper in Afghanistan. The rank and file is always the last to wake up and smell the coffee.

The fat cats who have been financing and promoting the TP don't care about:

·       American history (BTW, we have a lot of innocent blood on our historical hands)

·       our Constitution (which, BTW, is only selectively interpreted by backers of various agenda AND desperately needs to be replaced)

·       our forefathers (“the dead you’ve left behind, they will not follow you” – Bob Dylan)

·       our Christian roots (the flinty old bastards who underwrite the TP are really atheistic, self-worshippers to the max).

The TP is about private business, alright – the private business of Daddy Warbucks types who want to deregulate everything so they can make all the rules.

The TP isn’t about the republic – it’s about protecting the interests of GOP types (another kind of “Republican”).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“A lot of people confuse socialism with fascism. Maybe the confusion started when Hitler called his movement 'National Socialism' instead of the more accurate 'National Fascism.'"


A Closing Comment concerning the Gaia website:

For over four years, I was able to post to a blog, which was part of the Gaia website. That blog was the main vehicle of my campaign for the US presidency. But even after the 2008 campaign was over, I kept posting – mostly to compare Obama’s performance to what I would have done if elected in his place. My first post was dated 9/28/06; my last, 3/22/10. In other words, my 4.5 years of posting was only a bit shorter than Gaia’s entire lifespan.

I couldn’t help wondering why Gaia went out of business. The owner didn’t sell the website – she simply closed it down after about a month’s notice. So of course all of my posted material, critical of Obama, is no longer available on the internet. Those postings would have been equal to a 500-page book, if published in hard cover. That was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Lost forever to the general web surfer.

I can’t help but wonder.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“After a while, you have to stop using the word coincidence.”

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