Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My realistic campaign for the US presidency

“Are you really running for president?” – that’s what I was asked six years ago by a woman to whom I’d just said [you guessed it], “I’m running for President in 2008.” I shouldn’t have been too surprised by her doubt, for how often do you run into a run-of-the-mill guy like me making such a claim?

On occasion, during that last campaign, a polite listener or two would hear me out as I’d rattle off some of my campaign points. But I didn’t usually hold their attention for long. Case in point: I was speaking to another woman, a secretary for over 30 years in a law office. When I told her I was the only candidate to offer a written contract in exchange for votes, she cut me off, saying, “Candidates can’t offer contracts that are legally enforceable; and I’m a secretary for a law firm, so I ought to know.” Then she turned and walked away.

If she had lingered a moment, I would have told her:


I’m using the word “contract” in a very broad but also a very enforceable sense. It’s true that no court would hear a case involving such a contract. But my version has a built-in, self-enforcing mechanism: If I were to violate any of the promises listed in my contract, I would lose my office due to impeachment. In fact, the very first of the 47 points listed in that document promises this:

If I violate any of the terms of this contract, I will be removed from office by means of impeachment. I hereby affirm, in advance, that I will not defend myself nor authorize any other party to defend me against any impeachment activity in the House or trial by the Senate. I further agree to a speedy trial - within less than 10 minutes, if deemed necessary by the Senate.

In other words, if (for instance) I would have failed to fulfill this part of my contract, I would have lost my office:

Within 90 days of my inauguration, all U.S. military forces will be completely withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of the "situation on the ground." This withdrawal also applies to any covert operatives currently operating in Iran.

My contract is enforceable for the simple reason that I could be impeached for failure to uphold its terms. And, believe me, a Dem/Pub Congress would be very eager to impeach an independent president, especially one who would make it so easy for them to do so.


But I didn’t get to say any of this; she had walked away, smug in the certainty of her 30 years of having worked in a law office.

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That was during the last election. And, I’m forced to report, the level of disbelief has not subsided this time around. Nor has the level of support increased. Here are some details of my campaign, which might serve to explain:

·       During the 2008 campaign, I made about six political speeches. For this current campaign, I haven’t made any.

·       No campaign contributions have come my way – but this time, I made it clear I wasn’t soliciting or accepting any.

·       As in the last campaign, I haven’t made any efforts to have my name added to the ballot in any of the 50 states; mine is now and was then a write-in campaign.

·       I don’t have paid or unpaid staff working for me; this campaign has been conducted entirely by me.

·       I haven’t been interviewed by any members of the media nor has my campaign been mentioned in any outlets.

·       I haven’t advertised at all this time, though in the 2008 campaign I had paid for a few ads in print media.

·       My only means of campaigning over the past (almost) two years has been this blog site, which has been hit on 7,455 times. Only half of those hits came from the US. Interestingly enough, 1072 came from Russia [“Thanks, Russia!”].

·       Even though I end all my blog posts with contact info, not one person has sent me an email. I did, however, manage to attract a total of 12 comments on a few of the more than 300 essays I’d posted. They ranged from one word in length (“rubbish”) to three intelligent questions from one commenter. To his three questions, I posted three separate essays in answer.

So, am I “really” running for the presidency?

My short answer? Yes!

As of today, there are 90 days left until ballots are cast. That means, I don’t have much time left for my campaign to catch fire. But should it, for whatever odd reason or other, I would be hard put to explain my sudden attractiveness. But I do believe in miracles, and also in the persistence of effort. Therefore, I soldier on.

Over the next 10 days or so, I will be finalizing my written contract. So I will post that soon after for your consideration. And I will continue to post essays here on a variety of topics as inspiration smiles upon me.
My immediate goal is to finish out this campaign. Should I lose, I will try to promote the variety of reforms I’d developed on this blog. But will I try yet a third time to run as a candidate - for the 2016 cycle? No, I will not, for the simple reason that, by then, it will be too late for me as president to stop the Elite from pursuing their man-made End of Days plans.

As I had written during the 2008 campaign, “I am your last, best hope.” I still believe that. And, no, I didn’t say that out of any inflated sense of ego. But neither do I believe in false modesty. I simply said it as a truth in which I happen to believe.

As for me? I learned a great deal while wearing the mantle of presidential candidate over the past six years. If I lose this election, I can console myself with this:  Perhaps at some time in the not-too-distant future (after the Apocalypse) some survivors might be gathered around a lonely fire near the remains of some blasted-out city speaking favorably about what might have been had I been elected president instead of Barack Obama. Such reminiscence might be of small comfort to those survivors. But I will be happy to offer them that much. And happier still if I happen to be seated among them.

As for my Labor Day prediction

I have frequently blogged my prediction that Obama will unleash an attack around Labor Day (26 days from now) against Iran’s nuclear facilities. I will stand by that prediction, though I desperately hope I turn out to be wrong. However, the cynical might well point out: “If you happen to be right about this, do you think that would give your campaign a tremendous boost?” And the even more cynical might point out: “If this attack takes place according to your prediction, you’ll have to be eliminated.”

To both cynics, I reply: “If I’m right about this, the major media will not say a word about me having called it. Therefore, only those few who read my blog would be aware of my prediction at all. So I don’t really have anything to fear for having been so bold.”

And if I am wrong about Obama's Iranian intentions, it remains to be seen how wrong, for how long, and in what ways.

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Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“I, for one, have no regrets.”

Contact me at

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