Sunday, December 11, 2011

US President’s Weekly Yahoo News Updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between Dec. 4 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I’ve noticed an uptick in Yahoo’s attempts to censor my posts. Each censored post below is marked: CENSORED by Yahoo. And those are only the posts I can confirm were censored. Why bother to censor a nobody like me? It’s not who I am but what I’m saying (and how often I’m saying it) that scares them. Yahoo, like any other corporate media, wishes to control the dialogue. There is an election at stake, you know. Since I’m able to post some of my stuff, it seems Yahoo employs a strategy of random censorship in order to discourage any particular poster from developing a following.

I hope you enjoy all 21 of these mini-essays/comments.


If you’re referring to the “God particle,” I beat them to it already. I have an old Polaroid taped above my kitchen sink showing a Higgs Boson that looks exactly like an angry old white man in a flowing beard. I’ve had that pic for years.

[NOTE: I didn’t sign off with my usual “Steven Searle for US President in 2012.”]


Knute Gettin’-Rich would soar in my estimation if he were to decline Cain’s endorsement. If I were Knute, I wouldn’t be pleasant in my rejection, saying, “How dare you have sullied the GOP with your ham-handedness and arrogance? You knew what you knew way in advance, which shows a total lack of mature judgment to have dragged the whole nation into your sordidness. Who on earth would want an endorsement from such a miserable dog?”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“You might want to think about how easily the GOP candidates let Cain off the hook. As you well know, most of the Pubbers can be pretty scathing when they want to be.”

THREE: Censored by Yahoo

It doesn't much matter if the Palestinians were an invented people [as claimed by Newt Gingrich earlier this week]. They have forged a unity over these last decades that has transcended any concern regarding origin. And which has made them a force to be reckoned with.

Italy was once fragmented into very self-conscious and distinct fiefs. After unification, one of their leaders said (and I paraphrase), “We’ve succeeded in inventing Italy, now all we have to do is invent Italians.” And that’s what leaders do – even in the USA – they stoke the fires of nationalism. Even the Jews of Israel are a people undergoing an invention process, since there are very profound differences among those tribesmen. The diversity within modern Judaism is far more pronounced that that of the late 1800s. Check out the book Jew vs. Jew for a clue.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The problem with Knute Gettin’-Rich is, he’s so steeped in history and self-righteousness, he’ll do anything to go down in history by trying to rewrite it his way.”

FOUR:  Censored by Yahoo

As for Romney's [$10,000 offer to Rick Perry of a] bet, it's his money. Why begrudge him that? And he was very quick to defend his position by putting his money where his mouth is. And take due note: Perry sure backed down quickly, didn't he?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"For the record: I am not jealous of Romney's money. However, I am interested in leveling the playing field, possibly at Romney's expense."

FIVE:  Censored by Yahoo

Oh, stop. Who are they trying to kid? Our guys (the good guys) already figured out how to mutate H5N1 well over a year ago (simply because we can). And so have the Chinese and Russians (simply because they can). And all three have already stockpiled a small supply (“just in case,” “you never know”).

This Dutch lab story is meant to be a lightning rod. When (I don’t mean “if,” I mean “when”) H5N1-H (“H” for human) is intentionally released, people will remember this story and think terrorists got ahold of the Dutch results.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“When push comes to shove, we can out-terrorist the terrorists. Problem is, we’re so thin-skinned sensitive, it doesn’t take much for push to come to shove.”

SIX:  Censored by Yahoo

“Does not look like the condition of an aircraft [a US drone] that lost control.” Maybe it didn’t lose control. Two possibilities I can think of: The Iranians overrode our control, or the CIA intentionally handed it over to the Iranians.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Maybe CIA isn’t making enough by selling drugs these days.”

SEVEN:  Censored by Yahoo

“Ashley [who killed a police officer] appears to have acted alone and didn't know the slain officer: ‘At this time we have no connection between the two of them…’” Oh, Ashley knew that officer, alright; and there was a connection. Maybe not in this lifetime, though.

That’s the challenge karma presents to those who think there really are such things as random acts. Wrong! Everything happens for a reason. Just because we can’t see that reason doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We Westerners believe in (worship) the bottom line but only the bottom line which accounts for factors we can readily identify (those within the closed box we insist holds all relevant phenomenon).

Those events which happen before and after this lifetime scare us since they’re “outside the box”), therefore we deny the impact these invisible “unaccountables” have on our daily lives. So, we call such flare-ups “random acts of violence.” Fine, whatever floats your boat. But consider at least the possibility: There’s more than meets the eye.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“The biggest failing of the American Revolution: it occurred before the Lotus Sutra was translated. Those who don’t understand that will always chalk one more up to ‘random acts of violence.’”


McCain was low down in the polls, too, just like Gingrich was. And McCain went on to become the GOP’s standard bearer, just like Gingrich might. If so, then Gingrich will lose just as badly as McCain did.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Oh well, at least Knute will be able to brag that he was a presidential candidate. That and a dollar will get you a dollar cup of coffee.”

NINE:  Censored by Yahoo

Firm grip on the issues, eh? Knute is a guy who believes it would only take three low-yield nukes launched from a barge in the Gulf of Mexico to pump out enough EMP to immobilize the entire lower-48. He also says he’ll move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which will not improve our relations with the Zionist state one iota but will further deteriorate our standing in the rest of that part of the world.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“I don’t mind that Gettin’-Rich converted to Catholicism; just that he’s a faux convert.”

TEN:  Censored by Yahoo

“It's called loyalty. How do you do that? It's amazing to me." – That’s Trump criticizing Bachmann for not doing his debate. However, the very next sentence in the article goes on to say:  “Trump has said he might endorse a Republican but could make a third-party run himself.” And this jackal talks about loyalty?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“As Rome burns, the Neros start coming out of the woodwork, violining away.”

ELEVEN:  Censored by Yahoo

Knute Gettin'-Rich (All American) could very well win the GOP nod over Romney, If so, Romney should run as an independent. And why not? If the GOP should turn him down a second time (this time, in favor of a faux Catholic blowhard), it would be obvious Romney has no future in the GOP. So why should he even pay lip service to their cause?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"If such a three-man race would develop, Obama shouldn't automatically win due to a split GOP vote. Gettin'-Rich should drop out, thus making it a two man race."

[Upon further reflection: I didn’t post the following sentence as part of ELEVEN, but I will add it here: “I wonder how much (and I don’t necessarily mean ‘how much money’) Romney could blackmail the GOP for to entice him not to run as a third partier.”]

TWELVE:  Censored by Yahoo

This could be worse than it looks. Somehow, the Iranians were able to take control of this drone and land it safely in their country without a scratch. If they can do that, they might be able to take control of one of our manned jet bombers and land it in their country. Or, even worse, crash it into some of our ground forces. Then what?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Oh, well. Back to the drawing board. How about going to another drawing board – the one for peace in our lifetime?”


“The 50-48 vote fell 10 votes short of the 60 needed.” So, once again, the great, big, pink elephant in the living room doesn’t get talked about – the unconstitutional filibuster. No one, from either party and certainly not the president, seeks to rid our nation of this blatantly illegal device.

Mr. President, if you were to accomplish nothing else in your 8 years of office (yeah, you’ll get 4 more), you’d go down in history as a great liberator should you initiate a lawsuit that rid us of this evil.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“And why doesn’t Ron Paul or the Tea Party squawk about this issue?”

FOURTEEN:  Censored by Yahoo

So Romney has failed to meet with Iowans and answer their tough questions, eh? They can’t be very tough questioners if they can manage to overlook so much that’s wrong with Knute Gettin’-Rich (All American). However, that’s what campaigns are for: to remind the voters of a past they seem to have forgotten. I’m amazed that the good Christians of Iowa seem so enamored of the faux Catholic convert so shamelessly pandering to them.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“(sigh) If Knute becomes our next president, that will only show how stupid we’ve become.”


I love how Knute Gettin’-Rich All American’s candidacy is shaping up in sharp contrast to my own. I offer a written contract to the voters with teeth (that is, an enforcement mechanism for non-performance). Knute’s contract will offer promises galore but, like his original Contract with America, will have no teeth. Knute is bending over backwards to kiss Israel’s butttt; if elected, I will void our diplomatic recognition of Israel and grant it, instead, to Palestine (recognizing part of – and only part of – Jerusalem as Palestine’s capital if that would be their wish).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Instead of Bolton as Secretary of State, I’d strongly consider asking Ron Paul.”



[Ron] Paul may have better relations in Congress than any of the other candidates, but that’s not really saying much. Rather than “better relations” (as you claim), what he really has is grudging respect. But that won’t be enough to convince a Congress, heavily influenced by lobbyists, to enact Paul’s agenda. Elite-friendly media will insure that Paul is isolated (branded as too radical), thereby insuring his ineffectiveness. Paul may be a nice guy, but that won’t get the job done.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“You really think Ron Paul will (1) get elected and (2) survive his scheduled assassination? And I don’t have a clue?”


What will the media do “when” Ron Paul wins? That’s easy. They’ll have a field day either covering his immediate assassination by the CIA (yes, I’m giving it away) or explaining, “The reason POTUS Paul can’t get anything done is Congress won’t cooperate.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Ron Paul’s real political mission in life was to lead the way (via the Libertarian Party) for third party or independent legislators to get elected. Since he abdicated that mission, he as POTUS will reap what he didn’t sow.”


This is exactly why I quit my denomination – nothing sexual; simply a matter of doctrinal dispute. I am a Buddhist who is a member of a sect that has exactly one member (me) and no leaders – and, no, I’m not looking to grow my numbers. Each of us can be his own spiritual leader, so I have just one word of advice: NIKE (that is, “just do it”).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Even though a Buddhist, I ponder the truths of other faiths, such as why the Ninth Commandment doesn’t say ‘Thou Shalt not lie.’ Google: Steven Searle ninth commandment.”

NINETEEN:  Censored by Yahoo

[NOTE: This was an interesting bit of censorship by Yahoo. For they allowed this to be posted but did not allow others to comment on it. My take? I don’t think it was posted at all. I think Yahoo faked the 32 thumbs-up and 11 thumbs-down audience reaction, in effect quaranteening this post. Subject: 8-year-old kid vs. Michelle Bachmann.]

This whole article was an embarrassment. Starting with the headline – there was no “vs.” involved; this was an ambush by a pushy mom. “Versus” implies a sustained back-and-forth between two opponents; that didn’t happen. The kid wasn’t a “protester” – again, he was pushed by his mom into saying something he didn’t want to say. The candidate didn’t meet “her match” and she didn’t “bolt back up.” And Bachmann, in this encounter, didn’t face a challenge “to her stand on gay rights from the younger set.” If nothing, I thought Bachmann showed remarkable warmth and patience in trying to coax the kid to speak his piece, and graciousness in her reaction. How can so much untruth be packed into so few words? Simply astounding!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Yahoo should be sternly censored for allowing this bit of real-life pornography (and that’s the perfect word for this) to fly under its banner.”


Knute Gettin’-Rich, All American, was a Speaker of the House and is a lifelong professional politician (aka LPP). Given how Americans of all political stripes despise Congress, how can Knute survive that rap?
Given how Knute converted to Catholicism only because his (third) wife is a lifelong Catholic, how can he deny being the worst of the worst of flip-floppers – adopting a new faith only as an expedient to assure (his own) domestic tranquility? [Please, people, there was no other reason – check it out.]

How can Knute deny he believes in “supermajority rule,” when his signature Contract with America promised to “require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase?” [Whatever happened to “majority rules?”]

How can Knute claim any savvy with defense-related issues when he endorsed the science behind a novel (One Second After) which claims all it would take to fry all the circuits in the country would be three low-level nukes launched from a barge in the Gulf of Mexico?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“All Romney has to do in order to properly handle Knute is to use his step-by-step, methodical businessman’s approach to use Knute’s massive baggage against him – kind of like jiu jitsu. This will be a slam dunk.”

TWENTY-ONE:  Censored by Yahoo

Pookie responded to my post about the necessity of an independent congress, in which I refer to We-the-Sheeple, by writing:

“Honestly, I thought about it for a milli-second! Nothing has changed! – [posted by TJ’s Brother Pookie]”

Well, Pookie, if you’d thought about “it” for more than a millisecond, you might have come up with something like this: “Why don’t I google these words: Steven Searle US President 2012?” Since I’m a candidate for president, one might logically assume I’ve got a website. Or one might assume I’d posted position statements in support of my own campaign, which a google search would easily access.

The bottom line? The opportunities to realize the reforms which we all – liberal or conservative – know are vital won’t just fall into our laps. We have to roll up our sleeves are look for viable strategies and policies. However, if all you’re willing to invest is “a milli-second,” you’re approaching this crisis way too robotically. If you can’t rise above that, then you will reap the fate you so richly deserve.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Yes, I’m a bit harsh in my wording, but the crisis we’re in can’t allow for politically correct niceties.”  

[I’ll add this here, though not originally posted: “Yes, I’m a bit harsh in my wording (an “asshole,” some might say)…]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“I still maintain, as I’ve posted before, that we don’t really need a president. In fact, having that One Man Branch of Government, which casts such a huge shadow over the other two, will eventually prove our undoing.”

Contact me at

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