Sunday, July 10, 2011

US President’s weekly Yahoo News updates

US President’s weekly Yahoo News updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between July 4 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 23 of these mini-essays/comments.

Posted on Yahoo! News


“[IMF President Lagarde] added that a default ‘would be a real shock, and it would be bad news for the US economy.’”

But don’t you see? A “real shock” is exactly what is needed to wake up US voters to the true magnitude of our situation. Without that “shock,” we’ll just keep borrowing while making some token spending cuts. And then, within a decade, our situation will have deteriorated so badly, it won’t matter if we want to increase our debt limit. Why? Nobody’s going to want to buy those worthless bonds.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “A little, voluntary, momentary default now is a small price to pay to avoid a huge, involuntary, and longer-lasting default later. And, frankly, I don’t care how Lagarde feels about this.”


Obama "promoting" Petraeus out of the army was brilliant. Can't afford to have someone that savvy in command of troops. No, I'm not thinking about the troops in Afghanistan. I'm thinking of the troops here. Can you say coup d'etat?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"An ounce of prevention is worth..."


"This really makes me lose all faith in our justice system. No justice for Caylee."

Justice for Caylee has nothing to do with our justice system. Without weighing in on who-done-it, I can only say that justice for Caylee, for the jurors, for the mom, for…all of us…is a product of our karma. Nothing happens without karmic retribution or reward, though its manifestation might not happen as quickly as our tastes might demand. Maybe, just maybe, the prosecution didn’t prove its case. But, in the long run (the very long run, going into past and future lives), that won’t matter.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Did anyone ever stop to think that (maybe) Caylee suffered an early death because of her (long-delayed-but-inevitable) karmic retribution?”


"Let's acknowledge that if Strauss-Kahn decides to come back as a candidate on our side, no one will try to oppose him using some calendar”…

Hey, wait a minute. If this Dommy misses the deadline, he should be out. And that should be that. The French are fond of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. How about showing us some of that “Equality?” Rules are rules and are meant to be applied to everybody – equally. Isn’t that what the French Revolution was all about? Or did some of the hoity-toities escape the guillotine, their descendants keeping special privileges alive to this day?

I remember reading something rather disturbing years ago, before the last French presidential election. It went something like, “Not just anybody can run for the presidency in France.” It seems there’s some kind of a farm system, or caste system if you will. Since DMK is part of this aristocratic club, most likely the rules don’t apply to him. And that’s well-known by all of the “people who matter.” Too bad French politics couldn’t accommodate independents. That might help mitigate some of the arrogance.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “We could use more independent blood in the US as well…just saying.”


[Yahoo decided to censor this post.]

Not only did I cancel my credit cards, but I told them I wasn’t going to pay them what I “owed” them. Discover Card took me to court – and lost. Tah, dah! $7,700 in credit card debt wiped out, only costing me $200 in court fees. Oh, BTW, I didn’t hire a lawyer; I was my own counsel (even though I have no legal training whatsoever).

As for my Visa ($4,400 “owed”), when I told them why it would be a terrible idea to take me to court, they decided not to. Come on, people. There are ways to skin these cats – Lord knows, they’ve been skinning us long enough. As for handling our national debt, well...I've got some ideas in that realm as well. Vote for me and I'll get the job done.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“For details, google these words: Steven Searle President 2012.”


[From an article about Luis Palau preaching in Marseille, France]

“…[southern France] …has resisted open proclamation of the Gospel for hundreds of years…”

Well, there’s a reason for that. Just ask the Cathars. If you grab a handful of French soil and squeeze hard enough, drops of blood from murdered “heretics” will fall to the ground. Not to pick on the French in particular, but I'm just saying...

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Be careful of this statist, who once called on Bolivians to ‘obey their government because it was ordained by God.’”


“Reports in the New York Times criticizing the Pakistan army and the powerful intelligence agency [are] a ‘direct attack’ on Pakistan's security…”

If we felt that anything was a “direct attack” on US security, the bombs would be a falling a pretty quickly. Hasn’t Pakistan learned anything from us? It’s not good enough to merely say that one thing or another is a “direct attack.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Wait a minute. Maybe Pakistan has learned a thing or two from us. Which means…the NY Times might want to hire some Blackwater security to protect itself.”


 “…whether she did it or not?” Wouldn't it be sad to treat an innocent person with such scorn?

“Even the person she walks by on the street?” Not me…someone once said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” And you claim a preacher said these things about Casey Anthony? Shouldn’t preachers be talking about asking for forgiveness and salvation, rather than jumping on hate-filled bandwagons?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “The jury chose a ‘not guilty’ verdict; I am not in a position to second-guess that – neither are you.”


It won't matter who the Pubbers nominate. Obama by a landslide in 2012.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     "It pains me to write 'Obama by a landslide,' since I should win in a landslide. And I would, if people weren't so fixated on voting Dem/Pub without even considering what 'fringe' candidates have to say."


“[Pakistan’s military and ISI] which many Western analysts regard as a state-within-a-state.”

Oh, you mean like our CIA which, for good reason, JFK wanted to get rid of? Deep down inside, most Americans know what I’m talking about, but are willing to deal with the devil if it means greater security. But when push comes to shove – and it will – who’s going to protect you from a devil who only wants more power and actually hates and belittles you?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “I can only laugh with bitter tears when I think of how too many Americans cheer the exploits of that above-the-law operative Jack Bauer.”


"People won't vote based on the unemployment rate, they're going to vote based on: 'How do I feel about my own situation?...’”

The unemployment rate isn’t a stat that just stands out in right field by itself. It has ripple effects. The employed know someone within their circle who lost their job. Maybe they themselves are suffering from reduced hours or cut backs in sales.

However, Obama is still going to win…by a landslide yet. In spite of how insensitive Plouffe’s remarks were, the GOP has had foot-in-mouth moments of its own. As for Gov. Perry, he just shot himself in the foot with an ill-considered execution. And the beat goes on as we lemmings march ever closer to tumbling over that cliff into the sea.

Steven Searle for President in 2012
     “Why can’t a nation of 300M come up with better candidates? Time to ditch the Dem/Pubs.”


Asked whether a tank sale to Saudi Arabia was a way to keep Iran in check, [Israeli] Ayalon said: "No, it's to supress any Saudi citizen who would dare to revolt against their monarch." Well, maybe he didn't say that, but he might as well.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Germany's motive for selling these tanks? $$$$."


[RE: The preceding post]

Markv asks, “Who thinks that they [Iran] will show (sic) restrain and be civilized enough not to pull the [nuclear] trigger?”

My two word answer: “Hiroshima, Nagasaki.” Besides, who’s to say Saudi Arabia should be trusted? Many of the guys we’re fighting received their religious training from Saudi’s Wahhabi extremists.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Tanks a lot, Germany!”


… Fogh [of War] Rasmussen warned that Gadhafi's forces remain a threat. "Without NATO there would be a massacre…”

The only thing being massacred is the truth. Thanks a lot, Fog!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Why wasn’t Fog leading his fellow Danes to prevent the massacres in Darfur and Rwanda?"


Communism is dead in "Red" China. The only ones in denial are the Mandarins of the Chinese Communist Party, who find it useful to maintain the pretense.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     "If Chinese peasants ever decided to revolt, the CCP couldn't really be shocked."


[RE: Story of Greek holocaust survivors denied compensation by international court, since the German courts had already ruled.]

The money doesn’t matter; the negative karma does. Hans Frank, executed Nazi, said it best, “A thousand years will pass and still Germany 's guilt will not have been erased.” NOTE: The thousand years haven’t passed yet!

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “We in the US had better watch ourselves, for that little bit of Nazi that’s in all elites – nations as well as individuals can accumulate bad karma.”


“… investigating how bin Laden managed to hide in Abbottabad for so long…”

They might want to start by interviewing staff at that elite military academy. I heard bin Laden routinely led the cadets in the exercise yard, counting out cadence for push-ups. The trainees even told him, “Wow, you look an awful lot like…” To which he smiled in reply, “After I finish training you, you too will be masters of disguise – passing for Obama if you’d like.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “An even more audacious move? Bin Laden was a waiter at Obama's state dinner. Sen. McCain drunkenly walked up and said, ‘Wow, you look an awful lot like…’”


“British Prime Minister David Cameron urged the Taliban Tuesday to … join the political process to end the Afghan war.”

Why should they? They’re winning and it won’t be long before they have Karzai dangling at the end of a rope.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Besides, who among any of the loyal sons of Afghanistan cares what Cameron has to say?”


"All that work for what? To be six feet under."

Sooner or later, we all end up six feet under anyway – regardless of how much work we’ve done or dodged. Unless our cremated remains end up on a mantle. Then we’d be six feet over.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…and Spring.”


"Our aim is to build a moral minority and get the countries that count, the Western democracies, to vote against the Palestinians…” – an Israeli spokesman.

“The countries that count?” They ALL count, and you'd know that if you read your scriptures a bit more carefully (or even bother to read them at all).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Are such statements examples of how Israel is to be a light unto all nations? Or only the nations that count?”


… “[DSK] has always said that the incident described by Ms. Banon since 2007 is imaginary."

“Imaginary?” That’s a rather odd choice of words. Maybe it’s DSK himself who dwells in the world of the imagination. A rather shaky home-away-from-home for a man who would be king.

“… no longer the slightest doubt about the false nature of the accusations against him in the United States ”…whoa, slow down hoss. Those charges haven’t been dropped. And even if they are, a new one (solicitation for prostitution) could be filed. The sticking point in the investigation could well be how much the hotel’s management knew of any ongoing illicit activity. Maybe there isn’t the “slightest doubt” in DSK’s imagination, but the real world is a far bigger place than that.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “This arrogant pig needs to repent, if for nothing else, his attitude.”


“… U.S. case against Strauss-Kahn on charges of attempted rape and sexual assault of a hotel maid seems close to collapse…”

Um…wait a minute…suppose that case does “collapse.” What about a possible charge of soliciting for prostitution? DSK’s team of lawyers hinted they’d try to argue the sex was consensual. Consensual? $100 (or whatever the amount was) can buy a certain amount of consent though he probably got carried away and tried a little overreach. Not unusual for a politician, I must say.  I can’t believe a poverty-stricken maid would “engage” this man for free.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     “Both Dommy and the maid have questionable backgrounds and motives…but frankly, I’d bet on the maid.”



You seem a bit confused or maybe I am. Yes, I have read allegations concerning this maid's past. However, she does not, as you've posted, have a "lengthy criminal record." One cannot have a record unless one has been found guilty in a court of law. And I've read no reports indicating that. What say you?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
     "You're right about one thing: Con artists do have their limits. I wonder what DSK's are."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“Declare your independence by voting for Independents.”

Contact me at

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