Sunday, September 19, 2010

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

I’m running for President in 2012 as an independent, while declaring that I won’t accept any campaign contributions or endorsements. Further declaring that I am running on the basis of a written contract, which lists my campaign promises. I violate any of these, I lose my office.

I won’t head any campaign of volunteers or employ any staff. Anyone who wants to work “for” me does so on their own (without my approval), by simply promoting the idea of running on a contractual basis and promoting particular elements of my contract. [I’m saying, “Start the whispering campaign now.”]

Sample elements of my contract for 2012:

ONE:  I will veto any bill presented to me by Congress which has any provision for tax increase or for increased government spending.

TWO: If we’re still in Iraq or Afghanistan, in any combat or non-combat capacity, I will order all personnel out of those countries within 90 days of my inauguration.

THREE: Whenever I sign bills into law, I won’t make any “signing statements.”

FOUR: I will not nominate any person to the US Supreme Court who will not sign the following contract in advance: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will serve for only five years, after which I will resign. Failure to resign, I here and now freely stipulate, will constitute a violation of the ‘good behavior’ rule mandated by Article III, section 1 of the Constitution. Such a violation would and should subject me to a well-deserved impeachment and removal from office.”

FIVE: I will void US diplomatic recognition of Israel.

SIX:  I will bestow US diplomatic recognition on Palestine.

SEVEN:  If elected, I will “void” any military draft which might be passed by Congress by ordering all conscripts to follow only one order (from me, as their Commander in Chief): “Carry on with your lives as if you weren’t drafted, which means don’t follow orders from anyone else but me – and this will be my only order to you.” [Conscription is a violation of the 13th Amendment.]

EIGHT: Within 90 days of my inauguration, I will order all US personnel out of all facilities located at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, This will allow Cuba to reoccupy that land, as is its sovereign right.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“I am the only political candidate in US history to have run for office on the basis of a written contract, having done so in 2008. I am doing so again, aiming for 2012.”


  1. I wish to know more. I'd like to ask questions, if I may...I'll keep them in your own numerical order. And thank you for your courtesy.

    1. How do you determine the gathering of financial resources to have the government carry out its obligations?

    5. Why would you ignore the Constitutional duties that the Senate has in Supreme Court selection? Wouldn't the Court simply declare your choice and method unconstitutional?

    7. Please coalesce for me your interpretation of the 13th Amendment, since it seems that the Court would also rule against you here.

    All your other points here are policy-based and would need campaigning to convince, so I'm not concerned with those. I appreciate your attention, and I will keep an eye here for your responses.

  2. I hope to post my reply to your point #5 (which is actually #FOUR in my post) within a day or two. I will post that as a new blog post, instead of as a comment to this post. I’m not sure how I’ll reply to your other questions, but I’ll get back to you about that within a week. Thanks for writing.

    - Steve

  3. UPDATE: Yesterday I posted my response to your questions concerning the Supreme. Today I posted a new essay answering your "financial resources" question.

    - Steve

  4. Earlier today, I posted an essay in answer to your wish to know my interpretation of the 13th amendment. I hope my recent postings answer your questions.

    - Steve
