Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maybe Chicago & the nation are ready for reform


Even though this essay only addresses Chicago’s mayor election process, much here can be applied to other locales and even to the USA in its entirety.

Chicago is undergoing the process of selecting candidates to replace Mayor Daley, who decided against seeking reelection. Each candidate who wants to get on the ballot has to obtain the signatures of 12,500 voters before November 22. And of course, any signatures that are gathered can be challenged before the Chicago Election Board, which is usually done by trained and highly paid professionals. And that takes money. Not to mention the money or clout to have people hit the streets to collect those signatures in the first place.

Naturally, Mayor Daley timed his announcement to give as little time as possible for (say) any independents to gather signatures.

What I’d like to see in Chicago:

If someone wants to run for Mayor, they should pay a fee to have their name listed on a website as a declared candidate. A nominal amount of $1,000 should serve to set the bar high, but not too high. On this website, each candidate may give his pitch. He can list a personal biography and the names of those who endorse him; he can list his platform; he can even list (if he has one) a written contract which (I believe) all candidates should offer. [More info on these contracts had been posted earlier on this blog.]

But there “ought to be a law,” that no other form of campaigning be allowed except personal appearances. Only the material on this website, and not any radio or TV or other media advertising, would be permitted. NET EFFECT: The obscene cost of campaigning goes down, and the elected official doesn’t end up owing favors to deep-pocketed contributors.

Voters could go to their polling places on February 22 or else vote by absentee ballot or even by means of secure electronic voting from their home computers. They could choose from any candidate on the ballot which means, any candidate who had paid the $1,000 self-nomination fee. Actually, they would cast two votes: The first for the candidate they’d prefer, the second for any other candidate should their preferred candidate not win or make the runoff.

If no candidate were to obtain more than 50% of the vote, then there would be a run-off election between the top two on April 5, which is the current law in Chicago.

Electoral Contract Specific to Chicago’s Mayor

Elsewhere on this blog, I detail what a US president’s electoral contract could look like. But this might appear on a mayoral candidate’s contract:

[As for Chicago’s mayor having a contract, there is an alternative enforcement mechanism which could be included in the contract, since impeachment isn’t an option.] “If an opinion poll of registered Chicago voters conducted by the respected polling firm of _______ would ever show my approval rating dipping below 50%, I would have to either resign immediately or forfeit a ‘bond’ in the amount of _____ held in trust by ______,”

Other possible mayoral campaign promises:

ONE: If elected, I would have no part in raising taxes or fees for four years.

TWO: If elected, I would have no part in granting public money for the benefit of privately owned corporations, especially sports franchises, especially in regard to construction of new stadia.

THREE: Discretionary money in TIF accounts, controlled by the mayor, would all be spent as follows: 50% for school improvement (not for any salary increases), 30% for (other) infrastructure improvements, and 20% to hire more police officers.

FOUR:  If the day comes when the city council consists of at least 50% independent aldermen not aligned with any political party, I would seek majority approval by such Council for legislation, that being sufficient for enactment. Also, I would step aside and allow the Council to select its own presiding officer and, in all respects, operate independently of the mayor.

Free Speech Issues

Some might squawk that disallowing paid political advertising violates the free speech rights of corporations and unions (granted by a recent SCOTUS ruling). However, I look to the Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution for salvation here:

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

I maintain that one of those “others retained by the people” must include a right not to have our electoral outcomes go to him whom spends the most. And a right not to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of “free” speech exercised by the wealthy purchasers of air time.

How to force reform

Do you think the established players will allow for reform? That they’ll just give us a level playing field? There are ways to force the issue, but first we have to overcome our sense of powerlessness. We are powerful, but we just have to make up our minds. Locally, in a city like Chicago, we can force reform by (quite easily) determining the financial interests of our elected officials and their backers. And then boycott them

At the national level, I suggest a mass boycott, including withdrawal of savings and checking accounts, from the seven largest US banks. The accounts can be “transferred” to much smaller but equally safe financial institutions. If we can inspire a 10% loss of the Big Banks’ customer base, believe me: The Powers-that-Be will come crawling to us on their hands and knees, asking to be “allowed” to implement the reforms we seek. We will tell them to jump, and they will ask “How high?”

Let’s make this happen.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“Personally? I believe Mayor Daley was TOLD not to seek reelection. But…that’s another story.”

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Promoting the Independent Contractors' Party

URGENTLY NEEDED:  Raw material which can be developed into ads promoting the Independent Contractors’ Party. I’m trying to encourage total strangers (you) to come up with a overkill of ideas from which others may build.

Material could consist of something as simple as slogans. Here’s one I used during the 2008 presidential campaign (yeah, I had run against Obama…very far behind, I might add): “You wouldn’t consider selling your house without a written contract. Why give your vote away?”

The first step: Keep it simple, but keep talking it up

Ideas don’t have to be elaborate, highly polished, or even complete. Sketches, widely distributed, are a good place to start. Posting to YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace could generate feedback and inspire others to post their ideas. But it’s absolutely necessary to keep posting, to keep hacking away; let people know you’re there.

And then what?

Independent groups or individuals might catch wind of these ideas and decide to produce and buy exposure in the appropriate media markets. Remember: The beauty of the Independent Contractors’ Party is, nobody’s in charge. Nobody (least of all me) will pick up the phone or make the rounds trying to line up financial backers. If ICP is to become an effective third party, spontaneity is the name of the game. If a critical mass of public awareness is achieved, those who can make a contribution (without having to be asked) will know what to do. They will step forward on their own – or, more accurately, after having been inspired by what the ICP can do.

And what can the ICP do? Simple: It will stand in such stark comparison to the GOP/Dem combine, candidates will be encouraged to run under its banner and offer written contracts of their own. [Of course, they won’t have to seek permission to do this.]

Types of ads

I would like to go to a movie theater someday (soon!) and be able to see an ICP ad projected on screen. It’s pretty common these days to see such commercial spots before the featured attraction. Before that comes to pass, perhaps short pieces along the lines of experimental film might appear at art house theaters. A lot of creative people could be exposed to and inspired by what they see. Hopefully, they will add their ideas to the mix.

Ads could be based on particular statements in ICP candidates’ contracts. For instance, my pledge to void US diplomatic recognition of Israel while granting US diplomatic recognition to Palestine. Someone with a DVC camcorder could go out on the street and approach “random” citizens for their reactions to such proposals. By “random,” of course, I mean footage of scripted scenes with actors could be included. For instance, one such actor could express his surprise: “Can the President do that? Doesn’t he need the Senate to approve?” [“Yes” and “No,” respectively.]

Just now, I tried posting a comment to a Yahoo news article concerning military service. Quite often I am censored by Yahoo, as I was with this anti-draft post. But since conscription could well become an issue again, this statement from my contract could inspire quite a range of artistic possibilities:

QUOTE: If elected, I will “void” any military draft which might be passed by Congress by ordering all conscripts to follow only one order (from me, as their Commander in Chief): “Carry on with your lives as if you weren’t drafted, which means don’t follow orders from anyone else but me – and this will be my only order to you.” [Conscription is a violation of the 13th Amendment.] :UNQUOTE.

Jaws would drop to the ground upon hearing that. You could actually feel the earth shake.

Other ads could be based on the unique nature of ICP: Imagine a political party that wasn’t controlled by lobbyists, that didn’t seek campaign contributions (in fact, couldn’t accept them because the ICP doesn’t exist – it’s virtual), that didn’t trade future favors for present endorsements. In short, a party that doesn’t conduct business as usual.

Comparing tired old mainstream parties to this breath of fresh air could yield some absolutely inspiring ads. While it’s true that the Dem/Pubs can more easily place candidates on the ballot, if enough people came to see ICP as a viable contender, they would volunteer to obtain enough signatures to place contracted candidates on the ballot. And to canvass on his behalf. If not, at least if not in the beginning, there is still the possibility of conducting write-in campaigns.

However, no contracted candidates will step forward unless they sense a groundswell of movement at the grassroots level. And that won’t happen unless those potential supporters are exposed to the ICP’s commercial messages. Again and again. Which will be necessary because, believe me, the Dem/Pub machine will try its damnedest to flood media markets with their messages.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“You don’t need a billion dollars to campaign for the US presidency. I aim to prove this can be done with substantially less.”

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Zero Party system for US politics

In one sentence: It’s time to establish a Zero Party system by means of creating a third party which is leaderless and without members – in modern parlance, a “virtual party.”

So, what do I mean by a “Zero Party system” and a “virtual party?”

A “Zero Party system”

If we reach a point when only independents are elected to office, then we will have achieved a Zero Party system. This can be done by outlawing political parties altogether or by means of an outside force. Since the majors will never outlaw political parties, an outside force is the only alternative (which I describe in the next section).

The two-party system is destroying the USA. And no amount of grassroots activism will prevent this. The Tea Party, along with various splinter groups which might arise within the Dem/Pub mainstreams, will ultimately be nothing more than flashes in the pan. To be sure, they can cause ripples. But they won’t cause any lasting structural change or replace either of the two major parties.

However, a multiple party system wouldn’t be an improvement. After the election, a coalition would have to be forged in order to obtain a majority that could force passage of its programs. And coalitions tend to be unstable over long periods of time, each partner seeking a more dominant role within the coalition for itself.

A virtual party

Trying to create a traditional political party to compete with the two majors would be a fool’s errand. By “traditional” I mean, an organization with bylaws, members, physical assets, and a hierarchy of officers. However, any such organization can be infiltrated and subverted. And that’s assuming it gains any traction at all.

Introducing: The Independent Contractors’ Party.

Any candidate who offers at least some of his campaign promises in the form of a written contract may be considered an ICP candidate. My recent blogs on this site give examples of what such a contract might contain. However, each candidate would be free to offer his own particulars. And it wouldn’t matter what’s in that contract – it could be as “liberal” or “conservative” as the candidate desires. It’s his contract.

And that’s the point. As long as he’s got a written contract, no one will censor him except (ultimately) voters at the polling place.

In order for this “virtual” party to succeed, several strategies will have to be employed:

  • Spread the word. Word of mouth from friend to friend or by means of a whispering campaign is not only a good start. It’s all we’ve got. No effort at promotion can be considered too small, and that means that every sympathizer must pitch in.

  • Draft sketches for promotional ads and post these on-line. The idea being promoted is simple: Vote only for independent candidates offering written contracts. It’s not enough to merely support independents; quite often they are not. Their “independence” must be asserted by more than merely claiming to be (for example) “a Washington outsider” or “a maverick” or “not one of the good old boys.”

  • Produce and then introduce these ads in various media outlets. Of course, that means money, which would have to come from random, spontaneous, and unsolicited sources. But that doesn’t have to mean a lot of money. How much does it cost to create a YouTube clip? Even from such humble origins, refinements can be added with these ads ending up in more traditional media, thereby reaching a larger audience.

  • [NOTE: Regarding the style and substance of these ads, I will be posting several of my own ideas, which I hope will inspire the genius of strangers.]

In effect, I’m talking about creating a third party by means of spontaneous generation. That is, by means of enough people realizing, “Hey, this is not only a good idea, this is the only idea that can revitalize our politics.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“Don’t waste your time wondering if the Tea Party will work. It won’t, it can’t. We must act now.”

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The GOP's "A Pledge to America"

Looks like the GOP is playing fast and loose with our Declaration of Independence. On the very first page of “A Pledge to America,” released on Sept. 23, 2010, the GOP declares:

“Whenever the agenda of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to institute a new governing agenda and set a different course…[as] proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence…”

However, since I don’t exactly trust the GOP, I looked up the actual wording in the Declaration itself, which says:

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

That’s quite a difference, I dare say.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are way past the point of instituting a new governing agenda and setting a different course, as the GOP is insisting. It’s time to “abolish it, and institute new Government.” And by that I mean, it’s time to establish a Zero Party system by means of creating a third party which is leaderless and without members – in modern parlance, a “virtual party.” I dub this party, the Independent Contractors’ Party. [My next post will provide more info, but for now I just want to whet your curiosity.]

More on “A Pledge to America:”
Out of the 100+ people featured in its 14 pages of photographs, there were at most 3 or 4 Negroes. And they were scarcely distinguishable, being in the background or out of focus. However, those folks who were prominently featured (that is, with large photos) were all White Folk.

Among these photos, we see mostly white faces, a full-page of a cowboy in silhouette, and:

  • a rodeo
  • tree-lined street in a small town or suburb
  • old veterans and young troops barely out of their teens
  • a few community gathering, in the spirit of town hall meetings
  • hints of our small town and rural heritage

These types of photos were not featured:

  • bustling, big cities
  • groups of black people
  • scruffy young people (only clean-cut Republican types allowed)

People who embrace this Pledge are clinging hopelessly to a past which can never be resurrected: Small town America with neighbors who know each other and don’t lock their doors at night. Among them are people who would robotically recite the Pledge of Allegiance without (really) thinking about what they are saying:

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag…”

It doesn’t even occur to them: “I’m pledging my allegiance to a piece of cloth, an idol of sorts.”

To them I would say: “The time has long passed when it’s not necessary to say what you mean. Words are important – let’s start with at least that much.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“Instead of trying to resurrect a past, we should be creating a future. And for that, I need the help of everyone who values their word and thinks about what they say.”

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Written Political Contracts

Back in 2008, I wrote a document with this rather lofty sounding title:
The Electoral Contract of Steven Searle, candidate for US President in 2008
My preamble included this rather bold assertion:

“I will not be shy about claiming this to be an historic document, on a par with the Magna Carta and the U.S. Declaration of Independence. I hope my creation will serve as a model for future candidates (for national and local offices) who wish to follow my lead by offering themselves as alternatives to the Democratic and Republican parties which are ruining this country.”

I am the only presidential candidate in the history of this country to offer a written contract to the voters, declaring: “If you wouldn’t buy a house without a written contract, why would you give your vote away?” In fact, I am probably the only candidate for any elective US office to offer a written contract.

I haven’t yet finalized my contract for the 2012 election. But if you want an idea of what such a revolutionary contract-by-politicians might have to offer, check out these selections from among the 47-points of my 2008 contract:

ONE:  If I violate any of the terms of this contract, I will be removed from office by means of impeachment. I hereby affirm, in advance, that I will not defend myself nor authorize any other party to defend me against any impeachment activity in the House or trial by the Senate. I further agree to a speedy trial - within less than 10 minutes, if deemed necessary by the Senate.

THREE:  I will urge Congress to retroactively raise to $5,000,000 the payment to next-of-kin (or other designees) of all U.S. soldiers (and members of Private Military Companies) killed in Iraq and Afghanistan - and make that tax free. In addition, I will urge Congress to increase disability benefits to $1,000,000 per lost limb, also retroactively and tax free. All this with an apology to our troops who've sacrificed so much: "We - made - a - mistake - and - we're - sorry."

FOUR:  I will veto any bill presented to me by Congress if it has any provision for any type of aid or loan to Israel or Egypt.

  I will veto every single bill from Congress that comes my way until it passes:
  • a Single Payer health care reform package, which will provide medical coverage to all US citizens free of charge - that is, without co-payments, deductibles, or any requirement to pay insurance premiums. This will also establish reasonable medical billing practices and rates.
  • a nationwide cap on personal credit card interest rates of 18%.
SIX:  I will not choose anyone to be my Vice President who is not a woman…

NINE: If we should ever need a lot of new soldiers very quickly, I still would not violate my campaign promise against the draft. Instead, I would resign from office or encourage instantaneous impeachment by the Senate. That way, I would be keeping my campaign promise ("Read my lips: No draft") but allow for my successor to do what she thinks is right.

 Under no circumstances, during my presidency, will the United States militarily intervene (including by means of nuclear weapons) on behalf of any foreign nation without a declaration of war by Congress.

  As long as I am President, the U.S. will not take any military action against Iran, not even if the U.S. Congress declares war against that country for good reason. I would fully expect the Congress to remove me from office and find a Chief Executive willing to wage that war. [NOTE: This policy will not prevent US forces from defending themselves should they ever be attacked anywhere in the world.]

In the event of an Iranian invasion of Iraq: I would make an announcement to the nation acknowledging Iran's incursion, but I would not condemn it. I would continue by saying: "Hopefully, George W. Bush was the last of the Imperial American Presidents. With that in mind, I will not urge this country into war. If Congress wishes to declare war, I will here and now state that this President recognizes that only Congress has that power."

If Iran announced to the world that it was going to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and declare its intention to build an atomic bomb, I would acknowledge its right to do so. I would attempt to visit that country and plead with their leaders not to pursue that course, but I would acknowledge its right to do so.

 I will invite Rabbi Lerner and supporters of his Global Marshall Plan to meet with me to discuss the principles of this Plan and how to implement it.

 I will aggressively seek to completely replace our Constitution by means of establishing a Constitutional Convention, which will (hopefully) consider implementing a system I've created: Cross-Sectional Representation (CSR), which is briefly introduced in the next paragraph.

16a: Cross-Sectional Representation:
The 435 Congressional Districts now in existence share a fatal flaw: they are distinct physical locations. Each district should be replaced with a new unit: the Cross-Section. Every eligible voter in the country should be randomly assigned to one of 435 numerically-equal Cross-Sections. A Congressman would still be elected, but his constituency would consist of voters who, as members of a Cross-Section, are literally scattered all over the country. This way, we avoid having Congressmen trying to please local constituencies at the expense of our broader, national interests. My proposal includes: Abolishing the U.S. Senate, thereby making the House our sole national legislative body, members of which will serve six-year terms.

 I will use the Bully Pulpit to force radical changes in our federal tax laws. There are people serving time in federal prison for various tax-related offenses. Maybe releasing enough of these people from prison might make Congress nervous. Maybe if I granted a blanket pardon to everyone who refuses to pay taxes, that might actually terrify Congress into long overdue reform.

  I will not exercise the "right" of the President to grant/withhold diplomatic recognition to/from any country with two exceptions, which I'll invoke immediately upon becoming President.  After these two exceptions, I will consult with the Senate, seeking advice and consent on such issues. The two exceptions are:
  • Granting diplomatic recognition to Cuba.
  • Withdrawing diplomatic recognition from Kosovo.
TWENTY-FOUR:  I will seek to lift the US embargo against Cuba, since those sanctions are a violation of international law.

  I will undertake the most massive declassification of state secrets in US history.

I will abdicate my "right" to have US Attorneys serve "at the pleasure of the President" - with no such attorney to be dismissed without cause. Should I attempt a dismissal for cause, a right could be invoked to contest dismissal before a voluntary board consisting of eleven randomly-chosen legal professionals from the top eleven law schools in the United States. This board need not necessarily convene in person or hear such cases face-to-face.

 I will end the ban against gays serving openly in the military by means of this Executive Order: "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services."

 I will not make any recess appointments. Also, I will ask for lists of recommendations to ambassadorships from the ten leading universities in the U.S. with programs in international studies. I will submit names to the Senate from those lists.

 By Executive Order, I will (in effect) repeal the unconstitutional Logan Act, which is an affront to our basic rights as American citizens to participate in the marketplace of ideas. This repeal will be effected by my Executive Order authorizing every U.S. citizen to share their ideas and interact with anyone they please, as long as they make it clear they are acting as private citizens and not in the role of U.S. diplomats/negotiators.

 All of our troops will be periodically and anonymously polled to obtain their views in the midst of (as well as prior to) any future military engagements we might venture into. These results will be made public.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Issue of Reparations to the Black Community

About a year ago, I started paying reparations to the Black community, but in a rather unique way:

I informed Barclays Bank, which issued my Visa card, that I will no longer be making monthly payments on my outstanding balance of $4,413.23. Instead, I started sending that money to the United Negro College Fund.

I am a middle class white man in his late fifties who has benefited all my life from our national legacy of slavery. Since the United States Senate and our own President have decided to ignore the issue of reparations, I figured it’s up to me as an ordinary, powerless citizen to take action. And so I did by sending the following letter:

September 8, 2009

Barclays Bank Delaware                                                                   
P.O. Box 8804
Wilmington , DE 19899-8804

RE:      Steven Searle, Chicago, IL 60640

SUBJECT:      Refusal to pay back the outstanding balance on my credit card


I am canceling my credit card with you and will no longer be making payments on my outstanding balance of $4,413.23. My next scheduled payment of $100.42, which is due on Sept. 11, 2009, will not be payable to Barclays but instead to the United Negro College Fund.

I will continue to make monthly payments … to the UNCF until I have “donated” the entire $4,413.23, which I owe you, to their cause. You may consider this to be a payment of reparations to the black community which I am making on your behalf.

I am also disavowing any interest yet-to-be-calculated on my outstanding balance. I will regard the amount of that interest, in effect, to be a payment of my aggravation fee. Since I’m extremely confident your organization will attempt to aggravate the hell out of me to force payment of all principal plus interest, I feel entitled to withhold this interest and consider it to be payment for what I am about to endure at your hands.

I received your recent notice which states, “We are increasing the Annual Percentage Rates (“APRs”) on your account … [to] 30.24%...” That’s an increase of 20%, which is absolutely outrageous, especially given my outstanding credit history. This unconscionable greed on your part inspired me to take action based on a recent article by Naomi Klein:

“Minority Death Match: Jews, blacks, and the ‘post-racial’ presidency,” appearing in Harper’s Magazine, Sept. 2009.

Someone has to take action to atone for the wrongs resulting from the institution of slavery in the United States. And it looks like that “someone” will be me, acting as your agent by making payments to the black community on your behalf. When our government and major corporations won’t Do the Right Thing, that leaves it up to We-the-People.

END OF (letter’s) TEXT 

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“Well, it’s been a year and Barclays (Visa Card) has declined to sue me. And Discover Card made some preliminary noises, but looks like they won’t be suing me either.”

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

I’m running for President in 2012 as an independent, while declaring that I won’t accept any campaign contributions or endorsements. Further declaring that I am running on the basis of a written contract, which lists my campaign promises. I violate any of these, I lose my office.

I won’t head any campaign of volunteers or employ any staff. Anyone who wants to work “for” me does so on their own (without my approval), by simply promoting the idea of running on a contractual basis and promoting particular elements of my contract. [I’m saying, “Start the whispering campaign now.”]

Sample elements of my contract for 2012:

ONE:  I will veto any bill presented to me by Congress which has any provision for tax increase or for increased government spending.

TWO: If we’re still in Iraq or Afghanistan, in any combat or non-combat capacity, I will order all personnel out of those countries within 90 days of my inauguration.

THREE: Whenever I sign bills into law, I won’t make any “signing statements.”

FOUR: I will not nominate any person to the US Supreme Court who will not sign the following contract in advance: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will serve for only five years, after which I will resign. Failure to resign, I here and now freely stipulate, will constitute a violation of the ‘good behavior’ rule mandated by Article III, section 1 of the Constitution. Such a violation would and should subject me to a well-deserved impeachment and removal from office.”

FIVE: I will void US diplomatic recognition of Israel.

SIX:  I will bestow US diplomatic recognition on Palestine.

SEVEN:  If elected, I will “void” any military draft which might be passed by Congress by ordering all conscripts to follow only one order (from me, as their Commander in Chief): “Carry on with your lives as if you weren’t drafted, which means don’t follow orders from anyone else but me – and this will be my only order to you.” [Conscription is a violation of the 13th Amendment.]

EIGHT: Within 90 days of my inauguration, I will order all US personnel out of all facilities located at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, This will allow Cuba to reoccupy that land, as is its sovereign right.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012

“I am the only political candidate in US history to have run for office on the basis of a written contract, having done so in 2008. I am doing so again, aiming for 2012.”