Monday, September 12, 2011

US President’s weekly Yahoo News updates

Once per week, I consolidate comments I’d posted to recent articles appearing on Yahoo News. I share my views, written as if I actually were the US President. [I’m working on that.] The following were posted between Sept. 6 and today, though appear below in no particular order. As is my usual custom, if I open with a quoted item, that’s from the article itself.

I hope you enjoy all 16 of these mini-essays/comments.


Yawn, this whole “debate” business is just a device to “familiarize” the public with the GOP’s stable of contenders. Terrible format, reminiscent of speed-dating. Question: Would you marry someone you speed-dated?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Google these words for my ‘commercial’: Pudding face Steven Searle.”


Notice the highlighted sentence above. I don’t have millions of dollars to spend on my presidential bid. I’m not wealthy nor am I even soliciting campaign contributions – a hallmark of my campaign. Cynics might say: “Steven Searle’s reduced to running his campaign on Yahoo News – when they feel like letting him post.” I beg to differ – there’s no reduction here; I’m proud to use whatever free resources are at my disposal (not costing you anything, right?). I refuse to play that speed-dating game, allowing the lamestream media to dictate the pace. Frankly, I don’t see how the GOP candidates allow themselves to go whoring for votes in such a demeaning manner.


[NOTE: The following quote is from a pilot who (now) claims she was prepared to ram her F-16 into Flight 93, if necessary.]

"The people on Flight 93 were heroes, but they were going to die no matter what," she said. And how did she know they were going to die “no matter what?”

This article really suffers from a lack of blow-by-blow description. Did the people giving her orders to “take out” Flight 93 (if necessary) know how this “taking out” was to be done? Did those orders include, “Ram Flight 93 if you have to?” The “only 105 lead-nosed bullets” they had should have been enough to shoot up the cockpit or disable one engine. Did the F-16 pilots discuss those possibilities or was it to be “ramming speed” all the way?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“It’s amazing that this fish story took 10 years to come out.”


[During the recent televised GOP debate, Romney was asked: “Are you a member of the Tea Party?” He responded by claiming to believe in a lot of what the Tea Party believes in.]

Romney should have spoken the truth: “I am a member of the Republican party. There is no political party known as the ‘Tea Party,’ though there is a Tea Party movement. And that's a world of difference.”

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“There’s nothing at all complicated here, if one just sticks to answering the question that was asked.”

NOTE: This link leads to a script I wrote lampooning Romney’s response and how I would have liked the “debaters” to respond to the Tea Party/movement question:


How interesting that Turkey is a member of NATO, though not anywhere near the North Atlantic. In that same spirit, I heard the Central African Republic wants to join...not only NATO, but the EU. They would have a strong case, claiming to serve as NATO's outpost in the heart of Africa. Politics do make strange bedfellows indeed.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"When the last chapter is written, we will discover to our dismay that no configuration of alliances was good enough to save us."


“The $62 million plan includes 2,200 acres.” [This was a reference to the Flight 93 Memorial.]

Nice way to permanently bury the evidence – transform a crash site into a memorial. There will never be any excavations here that might prove embarrassing.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"The guilt of the quick raises monuments to the dead."


“But, we won't go quietly into the night," [Bachmann] wrote. No, I rather suspect Bachmann will go shrilly into the night. Either way, she will surely go into the night. All Hoffa’s trying to do is fire up his base, which is something the Tea Party and GOP do all the time. No big deal here.
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Overheard in a dark alleyway: ‘Are you back, man?’ ‘No, I’m Bachmann and I’ve got a soul to sell.”


Ron Paul is not the only real agent of change [actually, I am]. His Achilles' Heel is his faith in the Two Party System, which he has done nothing to challenge by coming out in support of any kind of independent movement. Which is ironic, since he professes great faith in the Constitution which did not authorize the Two Party duopoly, a combine that works daily to undermine that very same Constitution.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Besides, Ron Paul would have to work with a Congress he was always at odds with, should he become our next president. There's poetic justice in that."


Richard S,
Ron Paul made a critical mistake by leaving the Lib Party. He should have drawn a line in the sand, stuck with that party, and gone gunning after all the Dem/Pubs. By being an elected member of Congress, he could have fired salvo after salvo from the Bully Pulpit, even during the off-campaign season.
If he would have led the charge against Dem/Pub incumbents, insisting that only an independent (or at least a non-Dem/Pub) Congress could really represent the interests of the people, things might have been quite different now. He could have been called a pioneer, a trailblazer. But, no, he allowed himself to be reabsorbed by the Two Party System. Change has got to start somewhere. But nothing will get done as long as people like Ron Paul insist that nothing can be done outside the Dem/Pub framework.
It doesn’t matter what the polls say. Suppose Ron Paul were to be nominated. Unless he changed his tune and agreed to cooperate with the Elite’s agenda, he would be assassinated (you know, like a sudden “heart attack”). Pure and simple.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Assume the best. What if Ron Paul gets elected? He’d still have a fractured Congress to deal with, one that opposes his ‘radical’ approach to governance. He’d get nothing done.”


The sad fact of the matter? It won’t make any difference who becomes President in 2012 – with one exception (me).

POTUS will have to deal with a fractured Congress dominated by Dem/Pubs. In other words, “same old, same old.” If I get elected, of course I’ll have that same Congress to deal with. But unlike my opponents, I have a plan. In my inauguration speech, I will declare war on the Two Party Duopoly Congress. And why not? Haven’t they been waging war against the American people long enough? And, please, don’t rant to me about the spirit of cooperation; if I get elected, there won’t be any olive branches from Congress coming my way.

Within 90 days of my inauguration, all U.S. military forces (including training personnel) will be completely withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of the "situation on the ground." This withdrawal will also apply to any covert operatives in Iran. Also, Guantanamo will have been returned to the Cubans. All this I can do without Congress. Believe me, once I get started, our lawmakers won’t be able to withstand the withering blast.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Someone’s got to stand up for the American people instead of their party or their special interest backers. [NOTE: Ron Paul is as much a believer in the Two Party System as are his competitors.]”  


"We'd have to be truly desperate” – Giuliani.

Isn’t that just peachy? [Saying, in effect]: “Hi, I’m Rudy Giuliani and I’m the Desperation Candidate of the GOP, which couldn’t pick anybody else.” Translation? “I’m what you get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel.”

"You know what my slogan was?" [Giuliani] noted. "'You can't get any worse.'" If we couldn’t get any worse, then we might as well re-elect Obama.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Gotta love ‘Rude’ Rudy Giuliani – he’s got quite the way with words.”


If you want to elect a Strongman for president, you couldn't do better than Perry. Well, at least he looks strong and blows hard. Mussolini, too, was a Strongman. At least he made the trains run on time. But oh what a price was paid. And in this era of looming deficits, prices yet to be paid are definitely things to be considered. Will we actually do more than just "consider?" Strongmen don't have to. They can kick the can down the road with force. You're going to have to figure out which figurehead you want. Too bad no one's talking about overhauling the whole system (and, no, neither the Tea Party nor Ron Paul is doing such talking).

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Go ahead, ignore my candidacy, and vote for whom the media tell you are legitimate candidates...and pay the price."

[NOTE 1: On Yahoo News, this proposal (from someone ID’d as “Kitty Meow”) got 25 thumbs-up vs 9 thumbs down: “Heres an idea : We pull the troops out of ALL Muslim Holy lands and leave them alone. If ONE terrorist attack comes from Islamist extreemists we carpet bomb each and every muslim nation on the globe with our entire nuclear bilogical; and chem weapon in our entire arsenal. And tell them that this will be our standing policy.If we do this the Muslims will police themselves.”]
[NOTE 2: I don’t normally respond at such great length to morons, but I just couldn’t resist this one.]

@ Kitty Meow,
Let’s suppose the US were to implement your “idea.” What if, after we announce implementation of your plan, “ONE terrorist attack” [that’s all you’re stipulating would be necessary] were to be carried out by Saudi Arabian extremists. Not only would you approve bombing Saudi Arabia into oblivion [say, isn’t that where we get lots and lots of our oil?], but you would also approve bombing all Muslim nations – even Indonesia – which weren’t involved in this “ONE terrorist attack.” You would approve killing every man, woman, and child of Indonesia’s population of 240M, out of which 84% are Muslims.
You don’t seem to care that, although Indonesia is a Muslim nation, there are 14% who aren’t Muslims. What would you call those 14% who would also perish under your grand scheme – collateral damage?
Try this one on for size: Suppose Russians were to secretly back an Islamic terrorist attack, but we were unable to see the Russian connection. According to your “plan,” we would expend our ENTIRE nuclear and other non-conventional arsenal to destroy Muslim nations. Which of course wouldn’t leave us any nukes with which to protect ourselves from Russia or China. That would give powerful incentive for the Russians to back such a False Flag operation.
Actually, it would give the most extreme of Islamic extremists a reason to launch “ONE terrorist attack” against us. They would know we’d shoot our load trying to wipe out all Muslim nations, leaving us defenseless against other, non-Muslim powers.
And last but not least, there’s no way the US could wipe out all Muslims, not even by throwing everything we’ve got against Muslim nations. Muslims are everywhere, not just within the borders of Muslim nations – and they would not soon forget the crime against humanity committed in the name of Kitty Meow’s “plan.”
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“Kitty Meow, you seem to personify the warning, ‘With friends like you, we don’t need enemies.’”

[RE: Beautiful picture of Saturn taken by one of NASA’s space probes.]

Sure is a beautiful picture, but tell me - would it look as beautiful to you if you knew a lot of people had to go hungry to get that shot?

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"If you want to 'see' real beauty, train to become a seer."

[NOTE: These are my responses to people who responded to post THIRTEEN (above).]

@ Myat! It’s not a “relativity question” if you happen to be the one going hungry.

@ Michael, It’s not NASA’s money, it’s my [and all other taxpayers’] money. I’d rather see that money stay in our pockets, in the form of reduced taxes. I don’t know about you, but I’m a very charitable guy – one who knows how to give a well-placed handout. Knowledge is power, but knowledge gathered by a government-tethered agency isn’t knowledge most efficiently gathered.

@ Blue Eyes James, A well-trained scientist doesn’t have to rely on NASA to feed his kids. Maybe that scientist would be more motivated to kick his own game up a notch if he didn’t have a welfare job at NASA that didn’t really challenge his comfort zone.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
“What NASA does can be better done by a coalition of businesses and universities, and not at taxpayer expense.”


"And [Republicans] declined to issue a formal, televised response [to Obama’s recent jobs speech]."

The silence was deafening...but entirely expected from the party of "We've got no ideas except to kneecap POTUS whenever we get the chance."

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Did you know there are prayer circles dedicated to asking the Almighty to keep the unemployment numbers high, at least until the election is over?"

This will be written on our tombstone: "We will spend whatever it takes to defeat our enemies."

If bin Laden had a tombstone, this would be on it: "I told you we'd win by bankrupting the US." Some people would find great satisfaction in having told their enemies exactly how they would destroy them - and then proceeding with that plan knowing their enemies would be in full compliance.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
"Don't kid yourselves about our noble motives. Most of our preemptive strike attitude comes from a desire to protect our toys - you know, haves vs. have-nots and all that."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party

“I would love to see the Yes Men hijack one of the GOP’s candidates’ debates. I actually met these guys at the Music Box Theater in Chicago a few years ago after a screening of their latest film.”

Contact me at

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