Friday, June 24, 2011

Jon Huntsman’s exact words

I’m not going to quote Jon Huntsman’s entire I’m-running-for-President speech but here’s a link:

What I am going to do is comment on selected portions of that speech. Some of my comments are within brackets. For other comments: the first word is highlighted in yellow; the last, in blue.

Selections from
Huntsman’s speech with Searle’s comments

I've lived overseas four times, where the view of America from 10,000 miles away is a picture of liberty [Patriot Act], opportunity [even for undocumented workers] and justice [if you can afford it]. People secure in their rights [those the Supreme Court and the police still allow us to enjoy] and in love with their liberty. People who have done more good for more people than any other nation on earth.
That last sentence might say more about what’s bad about those other nations than it does concerning what’s good about ours. Besides that, just ask the descendants of slaves and American Indians for their take of this “more good” claim.
And today, I'm a candidate for the office of President of the United States of America. [Me, too!]
You see today Americans are experiencing, through no fault of their own, something that is totally alien to them - a sense that the deck is stacked against them by forces totally beyond their control. No matter how hard they work, save, and plan, the opportunities are not there for them as that were present for previous generations.
…“through no fault of their own?” – the fault is exactly our own, and nobody else’s, for refusing to rein in our own government…
”forces totally beyond their control?” – Jon’s right about that – our government has proven to be a force beyond our control, due in large part to our own complacency.
And yet Jon writes (below), “We have…our abiding belief in personal responsibility.” Which is it, Jon? Talk about talking out of both sides of one’s mouth!

Perhaps, saddest of all, we have lost faith in ourselves.

Not as much as we’ve resigned ourselves to perish at the hands of a Two Party System, which is in desperate need of overthrowing.

For the first time in history, we are passing down to the next generation a country that is less powerful, less compassionate, less competitive and less confident than the one we got.

“less powerful?” – We won the Cold War and now we’re less powerful? Maybe Jon’s referring to a power we never had – the ability to police the entire world and micromanage to our hearts’ content.

“less compassionate?” – I would love to hear a reporter ask Jon what he meant by that. If we’ve become a mean-spirited, less-empathetic people, I’d love to hear Jon’s take on how that came to pass.

We have the power, we have the means, we have the character to astonish the world again by making from adversity a new and better country…

Where did that “adversity” come from, Jon? From speculators engaging in Bubble Economics, whom we refused to regulate?

We have our freedom [subject to the parameters of virtual class warfare], we have rule of law [subject to the whims of our various institutional enforcers], the longest surviving Constitution [which has outlived its usefulness and is in dire need of replacement], our abiding belief in personal responsibility [another way of saying, “Don’t expect government to help you unless you’re big enough to qualify for a bailout”].
We have freedom of speech [not much use unless you have money for access to mass media], religion [no we don’t – Jon’s fellow Mormons could tell you how they had to give up their religiously-sanctioned practice of polygamy in order to join the union], and press [which is thoroughly dominated, along with all major media, by corporations].
And we are the most productive society on earth [we also produce a lot of crap, pollution, and weapons to sell to a wide variety of war lords].
We have…the most…selfless armed forces.
The Taliban and Colonel Gadhafi’s troops, fighting against overwhelming odds, must surely be considered “selfless” as well – and they don’t get compensated nearly as well as our own forces.
What we now need is leadership that trusts in our strength. Leadership that doesn't promise Washington has all of the solutions to our problems, but rather looks to local solutions from our cities, towns and states.
While it’s true Washington doesn’t have “all of the solutions,” our local entities are just as corrupt with Two Party politics. The real solution is to oust all Dem/Pubs from DC and get a really independent Congress in place. In fact, the locals should do that as well. Without an independent legislature, it won’t matter who becomes our next President.
Leadership that knows we need more than hope, leadership that knows we need answers. [Ditto my comment above.]
We must make hard decisions that are necessary to avert disaster.
Only Independents can make those decisions – since they wouldn’t be shackled to the whims of the party bosses or of the lobbyists who lay daily siege to their offices.
Our country will fall behind the productivity of other countries. Our influence in the world will wane [That’s alright with me and will be better for all of us…not to mention a lot cheaper]. Our security will grow ever more precarious [if we keep insisting on finding newer and more creative reasons for going to war]. And the 21st Century will then be known as the end of the American Century. [Opposed as I am to nationalism, I would welcome the beginning of a truly International Century.]
We must make broad and bold changes to our tax code and regulatory policies [these changes can’t happen with Dem/Pubs in charge – they’ll skew any reform package they cobble together; only independents can succeed]; seize the lost opportunity of energy independence [after various administrations chose to lose those opportunities in order to follow their own hidden agendas] and reestablish what it means to be a teacher in society [Jon, do you mean like “school teacher” – What do you think it means to be a teacher in society compared to being a teacher in a school?]
Now, we did many of these things in the great state of Utah when I was governor [Face it, Jon, the US has a lot more challenges than ever did the great state of Utah].
You see, we proved that government doesn't have to choose between fiscal responsibility and economic growth [uh, huh…maybe that’s because Utah doesn’t have to spend to fight the terrorists, deal with minorities, or rehab an aging infrastructure].
And let us not forget that we are a nation at war.
The Global War on Terror has to rank as one of the biggest scams of all time. When do we bring the troops home, Jon?
We're at war, ladies and gentlemen, and we must manage the end of these conflicts [how about “managing” by just pulling out immediately, without a lot of fanfare?] without repeating past mistakes that made our engagement longer [“longer?” – that choice was always ours to make and those were not really “mistakes” at all] and our sacrifices greater than they should have been [we didn’t have to sacrifice anything at all except our sense of self-righteousness].
… we believe the best long- term national security strategy is rebuilding our core here at home. [No, it’s not. It’s best achieved by ceasing our role as policeman of the world.]
And I respect the President of the United States.

I don’t…Barack Obama was a callous fraud who blatantly lied to the American people – from Day One and well before.
We are a resourceful, ingenious, determined, problem solving people.
So are the Chinese, but I think the real problem to be solved is, how much should be our share of the world’s pie? Oh, and how will we (or our elites) rein in the temptation to take more than that share?
This is the hour when we choose our future.
I hope ethical and compassionate concerns help shape those choices.
I'm Jon Huntsman, and I'm running for President of the United States.
I am Steven Searle, and I would never dream of offering such a lame speech (as Jon’s) when announcing my own candidacy. In fact, I offer no speech at all – just my innovative written contract. Americans are tired of baseless promises, Jon. If you want to convince us, put it in writing – as I have.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of The Independent Contractors’ Party
“Join the New American Revolution. Declare your independence by voting for independents.”

Contact me at

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