Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rahm Israel Emanuel for Mayor?

CONTENTION:  I contend that Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago was told*, in no uncertain terms, to retire. That is, he was ordered to not seek reelection in 2011. Why? To make room for Israel** Emanuel to take over. Israel, as Obama’s Chief of Staff, had to make sure the president made no false moves against the state of Israel (and succeeded marvelously). Now he is free to claim his reward – the crown of the Mayor of Chicago, my hometown. [Obama, as a lame duck president, is in no position, now, to make any bold Mid East peace initiatives.]

*NOTE: I will refer to him as Israel Emanuel to make a point: This man’s first and foremost loyalty is to the state of Israel.

**NOTE: Actually, Obama was ordered to “choose” Israel as his Chief of Staff, but that’s another story.

And how do I “know” this?

How do I know Daley was told to resign?

I’ll be up front and say I’m not clairvoyant, and I don’t have access to insider information. But I do have common sense and I know how to look at a photograph. The latter is something I picked up from my best friend, Mike (who died 12 years ago), who was a photographer. Mike was more than that, though; he could walk into a room and “see” what was really going on.

For instance, in his twenties, Mike had an opportunity to interview (Chicago) Alderman Ed Burke in his office. I think the context was an assignment Mike was working on in college. Anyway, after the interview, Mike shared with me an insight he had upon meeting Burke: “This guy is mafia all the way.” Naturally, I asked how Mike knew this. He said, you sense such things when in the presence of a guy like this. Mike had absolutely no doubts, and (knowing my friend as well as I did and having heard some of his other observations), I too have no doubts.

Mike taught me how to look deeply, to see what other people don’t want seen. I beheld such a “Kodak Moment” when looking at a series of photos of Daley announcing his retirement. I did not “see” a man who voluntarily left, even though he claimed this was a “personal decision” allowing him and his family to begin a “new phase of our lives.”

I didn’t buy that explanation for a moment. The way Daley ran the city (or, more precisely, figure-headedly ran it), he could have run for reelection, won, and still had lots of time on his hands for his wife and family.

So, who told Daley to resign?

The best way to answer that question: An interlocking directorship of high-level interests.

Members of this directorship include the kind of people Israel Emanuel routinely tapped when he was a fund-raiser. Prominent among them were wealthy fellow Jews. [What? You think he had some kind of natural knack for fundraising?] Some of these donors made it a priority to assure that Emanuel himself would someday become a wealthy man, as befits one who does the bidding of an elite.

And then there are the mob connections to consider.

Chicago is still very much a mob-run town. Sure, the mob doesn’t visibly dominate as it did during the Capone days. But that’s not necessary any longer. The mob is still very much alive and well, but the truth of the matter is, they’ve learned to be more subtle and (more importantly) to share. No single political force (and the mob is exactly that, a political force) has all the say. The various Powers-that-Be share that say and the spoils that go with it.

It used to amuse me to see Chicago newspaper columnists dance around the issue of mob influence as if it didn’t exist. Trivializing it. Even lampooning it. But I am a life-long resident of this burg, who has heard too many stories, too oft-repeated by a wide variety of parties to be false. Too many stories of Chicago’s legendary corruption, which didn’t go away simply because a couple of headliners ended up in prison.

Paving the way for Israel Emanuel

One of his most serious opponents for mayor, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, “unexpectedly” bowed out of the race. His excuse was, more or less, he had to take care of his family. Okay, I’ll say it: It’s a lot easier to take care of your family when alive than dead. And I mean that. The people who want Israel Emanuel as mayor wouldn’t have any problem eliminating even a sheriff if that’s what it would take. And Tom Dart knows this.

The “elimination” of a major white opponent leaves Emanuel as the only viable candidate who isn’t black or Hispanic.

The formation of Israel Emanuel

I now focus on Emanuel’s crudeness, intensity, and (especially) his anger. Where do these things come from? Looking at his formative years, one key figure is his father. He (Benjamin Emanuel) was once a member of a group known as Irgun, which was a Zionist paramilitary group. In 1948, even the State of Israel saw fit to legally classify Irgun as a terrorist organization.

Israel is what I would call a ritualistic Jew – that is, a fanatical tribalist. I would not, though, identify him as religiously Judaic, though many people confuse the two. It’s about time people take a closer look at what it means to be raised as a ritualistic, rather than as a (truly) religious, Jew.

The Holocaust Exaggerator [an old post]

I now insert, in its entirety, a piece I’d posted (on the now defunct site Gaia) on Mar. 20, 2007. Try to think of Israel Imanuel as you read this, and you’ll see (if you know anything of his personal reputation as Rahmbo) the kinds of influences that warped this poor man.

[BEGINNING of old post]

We all know what a Holocaust Denier is. Today, I'll define what I mean by "Holocaust Exaggerator."

First, a tell-tale incident:

When I was about 6 years old (in 1957), I was outdoors playing with one of the neighborhood children, also about 6-years old. It was getting dark, when my mother walked up and said, "It's time to come home, Steve."

My playmate asked if I could please stay with him and my mother said, "No, it's supper time and Steve has to come home to eat."

Then he threw a temper tantrum, blurting out, "You're not letting Steve play with me because I'm Jewish."

My mom said, "I don't care what you are, it's late and it's time for supper."

[NOTE: Over the years, I’ve seen how quickly and unjustifiably the because I’m Jewish card is played.]

Twelve Short Years Earlier

Ah, 1957. Twelve years prior to that was the end of WW II and the Nazi Holocaust. My poor playmate was undoubtedly the recipient of too much "Never forget," and "Never again." Sometimes, parents teach their children too well. And this poor child learned...what? He learned that his own personal pain and that of his people far outweigh any pain the Other could feel. And soon, he would come to think of the Other as someone not quite human, especially if the Other is his half-brother and is competing for the same piece of real estate.


A Holocaust Exaggerator is someone who thinks his group's particular Holocaustal experience is more profound than another's. And that gives him the right to obsess over his own pain, over and over and over again [to even celebrate that pain]. There have been many holocausts throughout human history, but they don't seem to teach us anything. For instance, no sooner were the French liberated from the Nazis, then they wanted their old colonies back. The idea that some groups are inherently superior to others seems to die hard. You've heard it all before: Manifest Destiny, the White Man's Burden, Pax Romana, the Master Race, Project for the New American Century, and even the Chosen People (at least to the degree that term has been misunderstood).

Quote from Kiddushin:

QUOTE (page 190): Kiddushin 49b states: "Ten measures of lewdness descended to this world, nine were taken by the Arabs."UNQUOTE.

Response to Quote: Is this how you embrace the stranger, by embracing such slander as this?

Source of Quote: "Maimonides Mishneh Torah: Hilchot Teshuvah: The Laws of Repentance: A new translation with commentaries, notes and index" [by: Rabbi Eliyahu Touger; Publisher: Moznaim Pub. Corp: New York / Jerusalem; copyright: 1990 [by MPC]

From the Torah:

Tough Love: The following quotes are from the Jewish Holy Book, the Torah, which Jews know and love well. Some might say it is not my place to say what I'm about to say, but I will make it my place:

"Your Lord did not merely ask you or suggest that you tolerate your neighbor or suffer his existence. He commanded that you love your neighbor. You have great power to change the Middle East into a New Garden of Eden. And I believe your Lord will do more than stand by your side as you do so. You can, and must, fix this."

Deut. 10:19: "Love ye therefore the stranger; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt."

Lev. 19:18: "...but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

[END of old post]

And then there’s the Purim festival

Purim is a holiday on the Jewish calendar meant for remembrance of deliverance of the Jewish people, who were about to be murdered as a result of a plot by the Persian king’s vizier Haman. It is one thing to express gratitude for deliverance. It is quite another to use the occasion as a venue for a variation of the Orwellian [1984] Two Minutes’ Hate. It is quite another to use this occasion as an excuse to indoctrinate the young members of the tribe into continuing a millennial Hate Affair with the Iranian people. It is quite another to use this occasion to get shit-faced drunk (look it up, it’s not only true but it’s expected).

About Israel’s not-quite Mega Millions

And no one questions this? No red flags? No raised eyebrows?


After serving as an advisor to Bill Clinton, in 1998 Emanuel resigned from his position in the Clinton administration and joined the investment banking firm of [Jewish] Wasserstein Perella (now Dresdner Kleinwort), where he worked until 2002. Although he did not have an MBA degree or prior banking experience, he became a managing director at the firm’s Chicago office in 1999 and, according to Congressional disclosures, made $16.2 million in his two-and-a-half-years as a banker.

:UNQUOTE [source: Wikipedia’s article on Rahm Emanuel]

Not only didn’t he have an MBA, but he had absolutely no training for such work. His BA is in Liberal Arts and his MA is in Speech and Communication.

Okay, I’ll say it: Looks pretty clear to me that Israel was either rewarded for past work well done (probably for the state of Israel) and/or for work yet to be done (for the same).

Bottom line:

Israel Emanuel is the kind of Jew who has become overwrought by siege mentality. He has forgotten, or never knew, that he and his people were to be a “light among nations.” Instead, Israel Emanuel behaves much like any dedicated gangbanger does the world over, whether the gang is the Crips, the Bloods, or the Bilderbergs. He has that gangbanger loyalty, as do all good tribesmen from the whitest of White Houses to the darkest reaches of Africa. He takes care of his people and they take care of him. It’s really as simple as that. He may well come across (as he does, more frequently in recent years) as a nice guy.

But the underlying reality is, he does not care anything at all for anyone except a very well-defined circle, dominated by Zionist Israelis.

Israel Emanuel is not a nice guy.

What’s in a name?

Consider the name: Rahm Israel Emanuel [source: www.thinkbabynames.com]:

“Rahm” means “pleasing; supreme”
Israel” means “God perseveres, contends”
“Emanuel” means “God is with us”

That’s quite a name to live up to. However, nothing in Rahm suggests he can live up to this glorious name or even wants to try.

Steven Searle for US President in 2012
Founder of the Private Contractors’ Party

“If you think Israel Emanuel can rid Chicago of its love affair with corruption, then you know nothing of either Chicago or Israel.”

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